Suatu ketika, saya membaca tulisan dengan judul ‘Adakah Keselamatan di Luar Gereja?’ dari seorang yang bernama
Eddy TG yang menekankan alasan-alasan mengapa sebaikya pindah keyakinan menjadi Kristen. Target pasar tulisan itu terutama ditujukan pada para penganut non Abrahamik. Kemudian terjadilah tanya-jawab dengannya.
Mengingat pentingnya pesan yang terkandung dalam tanya-jawab tersebut, maka itu saya daur ulang dengan sistematika sbb:
- Tips: Cara Ampuh Menghadapi Penginjil yang Gigih
- Artikel Eddy TG: Adakah Keselamatan di Luar Gereja ?
- Tanggapan dan Jawaban antara Saya dan Eddy TG
- The Truth is IN SIDE :
- PERINGATAN: Syarat dan Kondisi yang WAJIB dipenuhi sebelum Mendapatkan GARANSI Keselamatan
- Peringatan: Lucifer, Sama-el, Bel-el, Beelzebul, Allah, YHWH, YAHOVAH, Setan dan Iblis ternyata adalah Tuhan!
- PENTING: ini tentang Kapling TANAH bukan kapling SURGA yang BUKAN HANYA untuk suku israel ASLI
- KISAH SUKSES: Kelompok Orang yang SUDAH PASTI Mendapatkan Keselamatan Surga.
- Penting: Paulus, Nasrani, Kafir, Kristen, Kitab Para Rasul, Ibnu Sirah dan Ibnu kathir
- Kapan: Pembukuan Alkitab, Sistematika dan Kontroversinya
- Kapan: Perhitungan Hari kaum Yahudi, Hari Sabat, Wafatnya Yesus
- Kelahiran Yesus: Dimana? Kapan? Bulannya? Koq Beda 12 tahun antara Matius VS Lukas?
- KONSILI NICEA 325 M: Hajatan Pengukuhan Tuhan dan Keimanan
- PERLU DIKETAHUI: Yesus mempunyai 2 Istri dan Anak
- BUKTI SEJARAH: Ajaran Kasih VS Pelaksaannya
- PENUTUP: Fiksi tidaklah selalu Fiksi, Kitab Suci tidaklah selalu Suci
BUKTI SEJARAH: Ajaran Kasih VS Pelaksaannya
Pengungkapan Bukti dari Alkitab dan fakta sejarah sengaja saya bagi kedalam beberapa beberapa bagian, untuk berjaga-jaga andaikan saja anda Muak dan dapat mencederai keyakinan anda, maka segera hentikan membaca dan pindahlah ke topik berikutnya yang lebih bersahabat daripada artikel-artikel di bawah ini:
Catatan yang tertulis di Alkitab
Tuhan itu cemburuan, tidak mengakui kesalahan tapi senang membalas berulang2:
Jangan sujud menyembah kepadanya atau beribadah kepadanya, sebab Aku, TUHAN, Allahmu, adalah Allah yang cemburu, yang membalaskan kesalahan bapa kepada anak-anaknya, kepada keturunan yang ketiga dan keempat dari orang-orang yang membenci Aku, [Kel. 20:5 ]
Tuhan itu gampang ngamuk:
sebab TUHAN, Allahmu, adalah Allah yang cemburu di tengah-tengahmu, supaya jangan bangkit murka TUHAN, Allahmu, terhadap engkau, sehingga Ia memunahkan engkau dari muka bumi. [Ul. 6:15]
Sebab TUHAN, Allahmu, adalah api yang menghanguskan, Allah yang cemburu.[Ul. 4:24]
Tuhan itu tidak lapanghati, tidak penuh kasih, senang sumpah serapah, pendendam dan suka membalas:
maka TUHAN tidak akan mau mengampuni orang itu, tetapi murka dan cemburu TUHAN akan menyala atasnya pada waktu itu; segenap sumpah serapah yang tertulis dalam kitab ini akan menghinggapi dia, dan TUHAN akan menghapuskan namanya dari kolong langit. [Ul. 29:20]
Tetapi Yosua berkata kepada bangsa itu: "Tidaklah kamu sanggup beribadah kepada TUHAN, sebab Dialah Allah yang kudus, Dialah Allah yang cemburu. Ia tidak akan mengampuni kesalahan dan dosamu.[Yos. 24:19]
TUHAN itu Allah yang cemburu dan pembalas, TUHAN itu pembalas dan penuh kehangatan amarah. TUHAN itu pembalas kepada para lawan-Nya dan pendendam kepada para musuh-Nya. [Nah. 1:2]
maka TUHAN tidak akan mau mengampuni orang itu, tetapi murka dan cemburu TUHAN akan menyala atasnya pada waktu itu; segenap sumpah serapah yang tertulis dalam kitab ini akan menghinggapi dia, dan TUHAN akan menghapuskan namanya dari kolong langit. [Ul. 29:20]
Murka tuhan reda cukup dengan nyawa-nyawa bangsa lain:
lalu berfirmanlah TUHAN kepada Musa: "Tangkaplah semua orang yang mengepalai bangsa itu dan gantunglah mereka di hadapan TUHAN di tempat terang, supaya murka TUHAN yang bernyala-nyala itu surut dari pada Israel." [Bil. 25:4]
Murka tuhan cukup diselesaikan dengan membuiat timbunan batu:
Sesudah itu didirikanlah di atasnya suatu timbunan batu yang besar, yang masih ada sampai sekarang. Lalu surutlah murka TUHAN yang bernyala-nyala itu. Oleh sebab itu nama tempat itu sampai sekarang disebutkan lembah Akhor. [Yos. 7:26]
Tuhan menyukai perampok, orang-orang biasa, raja dan untuk berdagang Budak:
Maka bangkitlah murka TUHAN terhadap orang Israel. Ia menyerahkan mereka ke dalam tangan perampok dan menjual mereka kepada musuh di sekeliling mereka, sehingga mereka tidak sanggup lagi menghadapi musuh mereka. [Hak. 2:14]
Lalu bangkitlah murka TUHAN terhadap orang Israel, sehingga Ia menjual mereka kepada Kusyan-Risyataim, raja Aram-Mesopotamia dan orang Israel menjadi takluk kepada Kusyan-Risyataim delapan tahun lamanya. [Hak. 3:8]
Tuhan juga melakukan serah terima orang:
Lalu bangkitlah murka TUHAN terhadap orang Israel, dan Ia menyerahkan mereka ke dalam tangan orang Filistin dan bani Amon. [Hak. 10:7]
Tuhan juga Pembunuh tanpa peduli apapun:
Maka bangkitlah murka TUHAN terhadap Uza, lalu Allah membunuh dia di sana karena keteledorannya itu; ia mati di sana dekat tabut Allah itu. [2Sa. 6:7]
Tuhan adalah Penghasut:
Bangkitlah pula murka TUHAN terhadap orang Israel; Ia menghasut Daud melawan mereka, firman-Nya: "Pergilah, hitunglah orang Israel dan orang Yehuda." [2Sa. 24:1]
Tuhan itu Gemesan, senang membakar, senang memukul berulang-ulang, senang menginjak2 dan tidak Penyabar:
Sebab itu, ketika mendengar hal itu, TUHAN gemas, api menyala menimpa Yakub, bahkan murka bergejolak menimpa Israel, [Mzm. 78:21]
yang memukul bangsa-bangsa dengan gemas, dengan pukulan yang tidak putus-putusnya; yang menginjak-injak bangsa-bangsa dalam murka dengan tiada henti-hentinya. [Yes. 14:6]
Tuhan itu Panasan, senang membantai dan menumpas:
Sebab TUHAN murka atas segala bangsa, dan hati-Nya panas atas segenap tentara mereka. Ia telah mengkhususkan mereka untuk ditumpas dan menyerahkan mereka untuk dibantai. [Yes. 34:2]
Dan apabila sudah diserahkan Tuhan Allahmu akan mereka itu di hadapanmu, dan kamu sudah mengalahkan mereka itu, maka hendaklah kamu membinasakan mereka itu sama sekali, jangan kamu berjanji-janjian dengan mereka itu dan jangan kamu mengasihani mereka itu ...[Ul 7:2]
Tetapi adapun negeri bangsa-bangsa ini yang dikaruniakan Tuhan Allahmu kepadamu akan bahagian pusaka, janganlah kamu hidupi barang sesuatu isinya akan bernafas; melainkan hendaklah kamu menumpas sama sekali segala orang Heti dan Amori dan Kanani dan Ferizi dan Hewi dan Yebuzi, seperti firman Tuhan Allahmu kepadamu ...[Ul 20:16,17]
Maka bani Yehuda pun memerangi Yerusalem, lalu dikalahkannya, dan dibunuhnya segala orang isinya dengan mata pedang, dan ditundukkannya negeri itu ...[HAK 1:8]
Maka ditumpasnya segala sesuatu yang di dalam negeri itu, baik orang laki-laki atau perempuan, baik orang muda atau orang tua sampai segala lembu domba dan keledai pun dengan mata pedang ... [YUSAK 6:21]
Maka berperanglah mereka itu dengan orang Midiani, setuju dengan firman Tuhan yang kepada Musa, dibunuhnya segala orang laki-laki ... Maka oleh Bani Israil ditawan akan segala perempuan orang Midiani, dan akan segala anak-anaknya dan segala kendaraannya dan segala binatangnya dan segala harta-bendanyapun dirampasnya. Maka segala kotanya dan tempat kedudukannya dan kubunya dibakar habis dengan api ... Maka kata Musa kepada mereka itu: Mengapa maka kamu hidupi segala perempuan ini? ... Sebab itu bunuhlah segala yang laki-laki di antara anak-anak itu dan bunuhlah segala perempuan yang sudah tahu bersetubuh dengan orang laki-laki ... [Bil 31: 7, 9, 10, 15, 17 ]
Tuhan itu tidak senang bersukur, jijik-an bahkan terhadap milik sendiri:
Maka menyalalah murka TUHAN terhadap umat-Nya, dan Ia jijik kepada milik-Nya sendiri. [Mzm. 106:40]
Tuhan itu Bengis bukan Penyayang:
Sungguh, hari TUHAN datang dengan kebengisan, dengan gemas dan dengan murka yang menyala-nyala, untuk membuat bumi menjadi sunyi sepi dan untuk memunahkan dari padanya orang-orang yang berdosa. [Yes. 13:9]
Tuhan tidak tahan di Olok-olok hingga Murka:
Tetapi mereka mengolok-olok utusan-utusan Allah itu, menghina segala firman-Nya, dan mengejek nabi-nabi-Nya. Oleh sebab itu murka TUHAN bangkit terhadap umat-Nya, sehingga tidak mungkin lagi pemulihan. [2Taw. 36:16]
Tuhan itu datang tidak untuk Kedamaian melainkan Pedang, Pertentangan menceraiberaikan keluarga:
Kamu menyangka, bahwa Aku datang untuk membawa damai di atas bumi? Bukan, kata-Ku kepadamu, bukan damai, melainkan pertentangan. [Luk 12:51]
Jangan kamu menyangka, bahwa Aku datang untuk membawa damai di atas bumi; Aku datang bukan untuk membawa damai, melainkan pedang. [Mat 10:34]
Sebab Aku datang untuk memisahkan orang dari ayahnya, anak perempuan dari ibunya, menantu perempuan dari ibu mertuanya, [Mat 10:35]
dan musuh (echtroi) orang ialah orang-orang seisi rumahnya.[Mat 10:36]
Tuhan memerintahkan membeli Senjata:
Kata-Nya kepada mereka: "Tetapi sekarang ini, siapa yang mempunyai pundi-pundi, hendaklah ia membawanya, demikian juga yang mempunyai bekal; dan siapa yang tidak mempunyainya hendaklah ia menjual jubahnya dan membeli pedang. [Luk 22:36]
Tuhan atau Roh Kuduslah yang tanpa Ampun:
Sebab itu Aku berkata kepadamu: Segala dosa dan hujat manusia akan diampuni, tetapi hujat terhadap Roh Kudus tidak akan diampuni. [Mat. 12:31]
Apabila seorang mengucapkan sesuatu menentang Anak Manusia, ia akan diampuni, tetapi jika ia menentang Roh Kudus, ia tidak akan diampuni, di dunia ini tidak, dan di dunia yang akan datangpun tidak. [Mat. 12:32]
Tetapi apabila seorang menghujat Roh Kudus, ia tidak mendapat ampun selama-lamanya, melainkan bersalah karena berbuat dosa kekal." [Mrk. 3:29]
Setiap orang yang mengatakan sesuatu melawan Anak Manusia, ia akan diampuni; tetapi barangsiapa menghujat Roh Kudus, ia tidak akan diampuni. [Luk. 12:10]
Berdasarkan matthew 10:34 Jesus tidak membawa damai.
10:34 "Jangan kamu menyangka, bahwa Aku datang untuk membawa damai di atas bumi; Aku datang bukan untuk membawa damai, melainkan pedang (machaira).
Ket : 3162 macaira probably feminine of a presumed derivative of mach - mache 3163; a knife, i.e. dirk; figuratively, war, judicial punishment:- -sword. μαχαιρα (218) a large knife or dagger, short sword.
Machaira, adalah senjata yang canggih pada saat itu alias alat pembunuh yang mematikan (padanan di Indonesia: clurit), jadi machaira pada ayat itu konotasinya apa?. Pengertian machaira menurut PB dan PL adalah sama : senjata, alias alat pembunuh. Untuk memotong telinga Matt 26:51 machairan, noun, singular. Bisa dibeli Luke 22:38 machairai, noun, plural.
Yahweh sendiri punya machaira (bacalah septuagint)
Exo 22:24 Maka murka-Ku akan bangkit dan Aku akan membunuh kamu dengan pedang (machaira), sehingga isteri-isterimu menjadi janda dan anak-anakmu menjadi yatim.
Deut 32:41 apabila Aku mengasah pedang-Ku (machairan mou) yang berkilat-kilat, dan tangan-Ku memegang penghukuman, dst...
Deut 32:42 Aku akan memabukkan anak panah-Ku dengan darah, dan pedang-Ku(machairan mou) akan memakan daging:...dst
Silahkan anda check sendiri apa arti “machaira” pada ayat bible lainnya.
Digunakan untuk siapa "machaira" (senjata) itu?
Matt 10:35 Sebab Aku datang untuk memisahkan orang dari ayahnya, anak perempuan dari ibunya, menantu perempuan dari ibu mertuanya,
Matt 10:36 dan musuh (echtroi) orang ialah orang-orang seisi rumahnya.
Apa yang dipisahkan dengan “machaira”, orang dari ayahnya, anak perempuan dari ibunya, menantu perempuan dari ibu mertuanya?, Machaira adalah senjata, digunakan untuk memisahkan ruh dan jasad mereka alias membunuh, sehingga mereka benar-benar terpisah oleh kematian. Tindakan apa yang harus dilakukan terhadap musuh dengan “machaira” ditangan? Apa ayat itu tidak berkonotasi untuk membunuh anggota keluarga sendiri?
Realisasi Matt 10:34, pengikut Jesus diperintah membeli machaira (anda sudah membeli atau belum?)
Luke 22:36 Jawab mereka: "Suatupun tidak." Kata-Nya kepada mereka: "Tetapi sekarang ini, siapa yang mempunyai pundi-pundi, hendaklah ia membawanya, demikian juga yang mempunyai bekal; dan siapa yang tidak mempunyainya hendaklah ia menjual jubahnya dan membeli pedang (machaira).
Luke 22:49 Ketika mereka, yang bersama-sama dengan Yesus, melihat apa yang akan terjadi, berkatalah mereka: "Tuhan, mestikah kami menyerang mereka dengan pedang
Peter memakai machaira Matt 26:51
Saya punya contoh applikasi Matt 10:34. Saya mau sedikit cerita tentang ajaran kasih Jesus. Kembali ketahun 1994 di
Rwanda negeri itu adalah negeri yang paling Christian di benua Africa, buah success evangelical missionary, tapi ditahun itu tanpa ada pihak luar yang mengadu domba dua suku Hutu dan Tutsi saling bantai tidak pandang bulu termasuk para tokoh/pemuka agama juga terlibat/ gereja (Rwanda Christian Churches and Genocide in Rwanda my research indicates that religion was nevertheless an essential element in the Rwandan genocide. Timothy Longman Vassar College
- Christian_Church_ Genocide
- Rwanda,backgrcross_genocide
- genocide in_rwanda
- missionalia/rwanda1.htm
Fakta: Dinegeri penganut ajaran Jesus yang katanya penuh kasih, dengan melibatkan gereja dan tokoh agama, rakyatnya saling membunuh, mereka melakukannya tanpa dengan alat pembunuh massal, hanya dalam waktu 100 hari atau 3 bulan 800.000-1000. 000 nyawa manusia melayang (lebih dari 10% jumlah penduduk yang kala itu berjumlah 7,7 jt), hampir 10.000 nyawa sehari!!!!!( melebihi kekejaman rekan seiman mereka, Nazi). Bayangkan kalau berat rata-rata penduduk Rwanda/ Burundi yang terbunuh 40 kg, total korban genocide ajaran kasih = 800 ribu X 40 kg = 32 ribu ton/3 bulan melebihi produksi daging sapi nasional 34 ribu ton/tahun com_content&task=view&id=1553&Itemid=30
Ajaran apakah yang memperlakukan manusia lebih kejam dari pada memperlakukan binatang?
Peristiwa itu sepertinya sesuai dengan Matt 10:34 "Jangan kamu menyangka, bahwa Aku datang untuk membawa damai di atas bumi; Aku datang bukan untuk membawa damai, melainkan pedang…….
Bagaimanakah rekonsiliasi mereka?
Check data ini valid atau tidak.
Korban jiwa jang jatuh karena keterlibatan orang yang mengaku beragama Kristen. Ajaran yang diclaim "kasih"
0-XI terlalu panjang urutannya
Crusades (1095-1291) 1 000 000
Albigensian Crusade (1208-49) 1,000,000
During the Saracen slaughters in Spain 7000 000
Saxons and Scandinavians lost their lives opposing the introduction of Christianity 2 000 000
Holy Wars against the Netherlands, Albigenses, Waldenses, and Huguenots 1,000,000
Spanish Inquisition (1478-1834) 350000
French Wars of Religion 16th century 3 000 000
Thirty Years War 17th century 7 000 000
Total 22 000 000 selama 6 abad, siapakah pelakunya ? Ini melebihi 15 jt selama 14abad.
Penjajahan & perang Abad 18 - 19
Congo Free State (1886-1908): 8 000 000
Annihilation of the American Indian 20.000.000
(untuk genocide American Indian diatas angkanya lebih banyak dari itu, sedang saya pelajari)
Philippines Insurgency (1899-1902): 220 000
Brazil (1900 et seq.): 500 000
Amazonia (1900-12): 250 000
Portuguese Colonies (1900-25): 325 000
French Colonies (1900-40) >200,000
Abyssinian Conquest (1935-41): 400 000
Algeria (1954-62): 537 000
British India 19th century 17 000 000, dll.
Total kira kira 45 000 000 jiwa selama 2 abad , siapakah pelakunya ? lho kok grafiknya meningkat ?
Abad 20
First World War (1914-18): 15 000 000
Second World War (1937-45): 55 000 000
That's 35,000,000 deaths which can probably be blamed on Hitler to one extent or another.
Mexican Revolution (1910-20): 1 000 000
Spanish Civil War (1936-39) and Franco Regime (1939-75): 365 000 + 100 000
Korean War (1950-53): 2 800 000
First Indochina War (1945-54): 400 000
Second Indochina War (1960-75): 3 500 000
Ethiopia (1962-92): 1 400 000
Rwanda and Burundi (1959-95): 1 350 000
Liberia (1989-97): 150 000
Zaire (Dem. Rep. Congo), Civil War (1997) 250,000
Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992-95): 175 000
Iraq - International embargo (1990-): 350 000
Guatemala (1960-1996): 200 000
Colombia (1946-58): 200 000
Greek Civil War (1943-49): 158 000
Balkan Wars (1912-13): 140 000. dll.
Total kira kira 70 000 000 juta jiwa selama 1 abad , melonjak drastic siapa lagi pelakunya..? Jadi selama adanya Christianity hingga kini tahun sudah 140.000.000 juta jiwa melayang
Bagaimana nantinya di abad 21 ? Apakah itu yang disebut buah ajaran kasih ?
Coba direnungkan
20 abad 140 juta, 14 abad 15 juta
Ajaran yang manakah yang pantas disebut damai ? Perjanjian lama menyebutkan 1,300,000 orang mati atas perintah Jehowa, penduduk dunia saat itu 300,000,000
Persentasi orang mati diatas, dibanding jumlah penduduk dunia adalah 0.43%. Sekarang Perjanjian Baru total korban jiwa keterlibatan orang mengaku beragama Kristen 140,000,000 penduduk dunia sekarang 6,000,000,000. Persentasi orang mati diatas dibanding jumlah penduduk dunia adalah 2.33%. 0.43 % menjadi 2.33%??? Kok malah meningkat 540 %?
Penguraian dengan Cara lain
Ini adalah tahun-tahun bersejarah dimana kekejian, kebiadaban dan kesadisan telah dilakukan oleh anak-anak allah dalam ber-ghost-spell:
- Abad ke 4 dan ke 5 Kuil-kuil Yahudi di bakar oleh orang Kristen. Jumlah orang yahudi yang terbunuh tidak diketahui. Dalam pertengahan abad ke 4 kuil pertama Yahudi dihancurkan atas perintah Bishop Innocentious dari Dertona di Utara Itali. Juga kuil pertama di dekat sungai Euprath dihancurkan atas perintah Bishop Kallinikon pada tahun 388 [DA454]
- Pembantaian kaum pagan:
Selekas Kekristenan menjadi legal [th 315], maka sejak itu semakin banyak kuil kaum pagan di hancurkan umat nasrani dan para pendeta kaum pagan di bunuhi, misalnya: Kuil Aesculap di Aegaea, kuil Aphrodite di Golgatha, Kuil Aphaka di Lebanon, Kuil Heliopolis. Para pendeta kristen seperti Mark dari Arethusa atau Cyrill dari Heliopolis terkenal sebagai "pembasmi kuil". Mereka yang kedapatan menyelenggarakan upacara kaum pagan dapat divonis mati pada tahun 356 [DA468]
Raja kristen Theodosius (408-450), anak2-anaknya bahkan di hukum mati karena mereka tetap bermain dengan patung-patung dewa pagan [DA469]. Menurut pemberitaan kalangan kristen, "Ia mengikuti dengan patuh semua ajaran-ajaran kristiani.."
Pada Abad ke-6 kaum pagan dinyatakan tidak mempunyai hak apapun.
Di awal abad ke-4, filsuf Sopatros di hukum mati atas tuntutan otoritas kristen [DA466]
Filsuf wanita terkenal di dunia, Hypatia dari Alexandria, di mutilasi dengan memakai pecahan beling oleh Kristen2 histeris yang dipimpin oleh pemimpin kristen bernama Peter, di sebuah gereja pada tahun 415. [DO19-25]
- Dewan Toledo 694. Orang Yahudi dijadikan budak, harta mereka disita dan anak-anak mereka dibaptis secara paksa. (DA454)
- Tahun 782: Kaisar Karl (Charlemagne) tahun 782 memerintahkan 4500 orang Saxon dipenggal kepalanya karena menolak masuk Kristen (DO30)
- Tahun 1010: Bishop Limoges (Perancis) pada tahun 1010 memaksa orang Yahudi untuk masuk Kristen. Kalau tidak dibunuh atau diusir (DA453)
- Tahun 1095: Perang Salib (1095-1291), Perang Salib pertama : atas perintah Paus Urban II (WW11-41)
- Tahun 1096 : Perang Salib pertama - Ribuan orang Yahudi dibunuh di kota Worm - pada tanggal 18/5/1096, Mainz pada tanggal 27/5/1096 (1100 orang) juga orang-orang yahudi di kota - kota Cologne,Moers, Dortmunt, Kerpen, Trier, Metz, Regensburg, Dll.
- Tahun 1096: Semlin/Hongaria pada tanggal 24/6/1096 Ribuan orang dibunuh.
- Tahun 1096: (Tanggal 9/9/1096 - 26/1096) Nikaia, Xerigordon (dahulu wilayah Turki) Ribuan orang dibunuh (WW25-27)
- Sampai bulan Januari 1098 berjumlah keseluruhan dari 40 kota ibukota dan 200 perbentengan ditaklukkan (Jumlah orang yang dibunuh tidak diketahui ) [WW30]
- Setelah Tanggal 6/3/1098, Antiocia ditaklukan, antara 10.000 - 60.000 pria-wanita dan anak-anak dibunuh; Tanggal 6/28/1098, 100,000 orang Turki (termasuk wanita dan anak2) di bunuhi. [WW32-35]
Di sini orang-orang Kristen biadab ini, "Melakukan kejahatan yang lain nya kepada kaum wanita yang ditemukan di dalam tenda tenda milik musuh itu –menusuk kan tombak tombak mereka ke perut wanita-wanita yang berlarian menyelamatkan diri ," menurut penulis kronik Kristen Fulcher dari Chartres. [EC60]
- Tanggal 11/12/1098, Marra (Maraat an-numan), ribuan orang orang telah dibunuh dengan sadisnya . Oleh karena kelaparan yang berikut nya " mayat-mayat dari musuh itu telah berbau busuk dimakan oleh orang-orang Kristen" berkata penulis kronik Albert Aquensis. [WW36]
- Tahun 1099: Jerusalem ditaklukan 15/7/1099. 60.000 orang dibunuh - Yahudi, Muslim , laki-laki, perempuan dan anak-anak. [WW37-40]
(dilukiskan oleh saksi mata Kengerian begitu dahsyat - Kami harus berjalan didalam genangan darah musuh kami sedalam mata kaki dan setelahnya "dengan rasa gembira dan tangis haru kegembiraan yang meluap, orang-orang kita berjalan beriringan menuju pusara Juru selamat kita, untuk memberikan penghormatan dan rasa syukur lunasnya hutang kita)
Archbishop Tyre, saksi mata melukiskan peristiwa itu sbb:
"Mustahil melihat sejumlah besar pembantaian ini tanpa rasa ngeri; Ceceran potongan-potongan dari tubuh manusia dimana-mana, tanah tertutup dengan banjir darah dari yang terbunuh.
..Suguhan dari tubuh-tubuh yang tanpa kepala dan bagian bagian tubuh yang berserakan di segala arah membangkitkan kengerian bagi semua yang melihatnya.
Ditambah lagi dengan menatap tubuh para pemenang kita itu sendiri dengan darah menetes di sekujur tubuh dari bagian atas badan hingga kaki, satu penglihatan yang tidak menyenangkan yang membawa teror kepada semua yang menjumpai mereka.
Diilaporkan di dalam Bait Allah sendiri ketika sepuluh ribu orang orang kafir dimusnahkan" [TG79]
- Tahun 1100: Bahkan sampai musim panas tahun berikutnya diseluruh Palestina udara tercemar oleh bau busuk mayat. Satu Juta orang dibunuh dalam perang salib I. (WW41)
- Tahun 1147: Perang Salib kedua - 1147 Ratusan Yahudi dibunuh di Ham, Sully, Carentan dan Rameru di Perancis (WW57)
- Tahun 1204 Pertempuran Askalon tanggal 12/08/1204 200,000 orang kafir dibunuh dalam nama Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus (WW45)
- Tahun 1234: 27/5/1234, Sekitar 5000 sampai 11.000 Petani Steding (Jerman) Pria, Wanita dan anak-anak dibunuh karena menolak membayar pajak Gereja yang mencekik leher ( WW223)
- Perang Salib ke tiga - Komunitas Yahudi di seluruh Inggris dibasmi (DO 40)
- Tahun 1349 - Di lebih 350 kota Jerman semua Yahudi bibunuh, kebanyakan dibakar hidup-hidup (dalam satu tahun ini saja jumlah orang Yahudi yang dibunuh melebihi jumlah orang Kristen yang dibunuh selama penindasan orang Roma terhadap orang Kristen) (DO42)
- Tahun 1456: Pertempuran Belgrade 1456, 80.000 orang Turki dibunuh (DO235)
- Abad ke 15, Di polandia: 1019 Gereja and 17987 Desa di rampas harta bendanya oleh ksatria-ksatria yang diperintah Gereja ordo tertentu. Jumlah korban tak diketahui [DO30]
- Tahun 1492-Ketika Colombus berlayar keliling dunia-Ribuan Orang Yahudi di bunuh atau diusir dari Spanyol - Banyak yang tewas dalam perjalanan. (MM470-476)
- Setiap Colombus menginjakan kakinya dinegri asing, ia menancapkan Salib. Membuat deklarasi yang diperlukan -Requerimento- untuk mengklaim tanah bagi bos katoliknya di spanyol. Deklarasi itu berbunyi sbb:
"I certify to you that, with the help of God, we shall powerfully enter your country and shall make war against you..And shall subject you to the yoke and obedience of the church..and shall do you all mischief that we can, as to the vassals who do not obey and refuse to receive their lord and resist and contradict him” (SH66))
Aku nyatakan pada kalian bahwa, dengan bantuan dari Tuhan, kami akan dengan penuh kekuatan memasuk negara kalian dan akan berperang terhadap kalian..dan akan dipasangi kuk (diperbudak) dan patuh pada gereja..dan kana kami lakukan padamu segala keganasan yang mampu kami lakukan, berkenaan pada budak yang tidak patuh dan menolak menerima tuhan mereka dan bertahan menolak dan bertentangan dengannya
- Di Hispaniola, populasi Indian (Arawak), orang-orang Indian yang ramah itu segera berkabung denngan tewasnya 50.000 orang ketika Colombus datang. Yang selamat menjadi korban perkosaaan, pembunuhan, dan dijadikan budak. (SH204)
- Kepala suku Hatuey melarikan diri beserta orang-orangnya tetapi berhasil ditangkap dan dibakar hidup-hidup.
Ketika dia sedang diikat di kayu, Pastor Fransiscan mendesaknya untuk mengakui Yesus sehingga jiwanya dapat pergi ke 'Sorga" dari pada ke neraka.
Hatuey menjawab bahwa jika sorga itu adalah tempat bagi orang-orang Kristen maka dia lebih memilih pergi ke neraka.. [SH70]
Apa yang terjadi pada Indian suku Arawak itu dilukiskan oleh saksi mata:
"The Spaniards found pleasure in inventing all kinds of odd cruelties..They built a long gibbet, long enough for the toes to touch the ground to prevent strangling, and hanged thirteen [natives] at a time in honor of Christ Our Saviour and the twelve Apostles...then, straw was wrapped around their torn bodies and they were burned alive." [SH72]
orang-orang spanyol menemukan kesenangan dalam menciptakan segala jenis kekejaman aneh..mereka membangun tiang gantungan panjang, cukup sepanjang jari kaki menyentuh tanah menjegah tercekik, dan menggantung 13 orang [penduduk asli] di saat itu untuk menghormati Yesus juru selamat kita dan 12 rasul..kemudian jerami di lilitkan sekeliling tubuh terluka mereka dan mereka di bakar hidup-hidup.
Or, on another occasion: "The Spaniards cut off the arm of one, the leg or hip of another, and from some their heads at one stroke, like butchers cutting up beef and mutton for market. Six hundred, including the cacique, were thus slain like brute beasts..Vasco [de Balboa] ordered forty of them to be torn to pieces by dogs." [SH83]
Atau, pada kejadian lainnya: "orang-orang spanyol, memotong lengan seseorang, kaki atau pinggul orang lainnya, dan beberapa kepala mereka dengan sekali tebas, seperti tukang daging memotong daging sapi dan kambing untuk pasar. 600 termasuk cacique [kepala suku], kemudian dibantai seperti binatang buas.. Vasco [dari Balboa] memerintahkan 40 dari mereka diterkam anjing-anjing hingga menjadi serpihan
The "island's population of about eight million people at the time of Columbus's arrival in 1492 already had declined by a third to a half before the year 1496 was out."
Eventually all the island's natives were exterminated, so the Spaniards were "forced" to import slaves from other caribbean islands, who soon suffered the same fate. Thus "the Caribbean's millions of native people [were] thereby effectively liquidated in barely a quarter of a century". [SH72-73]
Populasi pulau sekitar 8 juta orang saat Kolumbus datang di tahun 1492 telah berkurang menjadi 1/3 hingga 1/2 nya sebelum tahun 1496 berakhir." Akhirnya seluruh penduduk pribumi pulau di bantai, sehingga orang-orang spanyol menjadi 'terpaksa' mengimport budak-budak dari pulau-pulai karibia lainnya, yang segera menderita pada nasib yang sama. Mereka 'jutaan penduduk pribumi karibia [yang] karenanya dengan efektifnya termusnahkan dalam hampir 1/4 abad
"In less than the normal lifetime of a single human being, an entire culture of millions of people, thousands of years resident in their homeland, had been exterminated." [SH75]
Dalam waktu kurang dari panjang umur normal seorang manusia, seluruh kebudayaan dari jutaan orang, ribuan tahun menghuni kampung halaman, telah dimusnahkan
- Abad ke 16 dan 17 Di Irlandia, Pasukan Inggris "menenangkan dan membudayakan" Irlandia, dimana saat itu hanya kaum gaelik "irlandia yang liar", "Mahluk tak berakal, yang hidup tanpa pengetahuan dan tata cara tentang Tuhan kristen, tuhan yang paling benar dalam memperlakukan barang, ternak, wanita, anak-anak dan apapun". Satu dari banyak prajurit berhasil diantaranya Humphrey Gilbert, saudara tiri Sir Walter Raleigh, memerintahkan "Kepala mereka [apapun], harus di bunuh siang ini, harus dipotong agar berpisah dari tubuh mereka...dan mesti di baringkan di tanah sejajar", hasil dari upaya membudayakan Irlandia menyebabkan "teror besar-besaran pada masyarakat ketika mereka melihat kepala dari mayat Ayah, Saudara, anak-anak, tetangga, teman mereka di tanah". Puluhan ribu dari kaum Gaelik Irlandia menjadi korban penyembelihan [SH99, 225]
- Tahun 1634: Dua pertiga penduduk pribumi tewas oleh penyakit cacar yang dibawa oleh pendatang yang hendak "menyelamatkan" mereka dari api neraka itu. Dan ini tentu saja menggembirakan bagi orang Kristen sebagai 'berkah dari Tuhan", sehingga Gubernur massachuset menulis pada tahun 1634:
"For the natives, they are near all dead of smallpox, so as the Lord hath cleared our title to what we posses" [SH109-238]
Penduduk pribumi, mereka hampir seluruhnya tewas akibat cacar, sehingga Tuhan telah membersihkan kita dari apa yang kita miliki
- Tiga juta orang tawanan perang Uni Soviet di bantai di kamp-kamp konsentrasi dalam perang dunia kedua oleh tentara Jerman.
- Perlakuan orang-orang Kristen Spanyol mengingatkan pada pelajaran sejarah di SD-SMP. Bagaimana orang-orang Portugis, Spanyol dan Belanda menjajah Indonesia sambil meyebarkan agama penuh kasihnya. Masih ingat kita akan politik tanam paksa dan pajak yang mencekik leher yang diterapkan terhadap penduduk Indonesia.
- Perlakuan orang Kristen yang mutakhir yaitu pembasmian orang-orang Islam di Maluku, Poso dan terakhir yang sedang berlangsung adalah tentara sekutu yang membombardir Afganistan yang sebenarnya sudah rata dengan tanah. Jangan dilupakan juga jutaan bayi di Irak yang mati karena embargo Amerika. Juga ratusan ribu penduduk di Bosnia, Chechnya, Kosovo, Moro dll.
Keterangan singkatan di atas:
- [DA]K.Deschner, Abermals krhte der Hahn, Stuttgart 1962.
- [DO]K.Deschner, Opus Diaboli, Reinbek 1987.
- [EC]P.W.Edbury, Crusade and Settlement, Cardiff Univ. Press 1985.
- [EJ]S.Eidelberg, The Jews and the Crusaders, Madison 1977.
- [LI]H.C.Lea, The Inquisition of the Middle Ages, New York 1961.
- [MM]M.Margolis, A.Marx, A History of the Jewish People.
- [MV]A.Manhattan, The Vatican’s Holocaust, Springfield 1986. See also V.Dedijer, The Yugoslav Auschwitz and the Vatican, Buffalo NY, 1992.
- [NC]J.T.Noonan, Contraception: A History of its Treatment by the Catholic Theologians and Canonists, Cambridge/Mass., 1992.
- [S2]Newscast of S2 Aktuell, Germany, 10/10/96, 12:00.
- [SH]D.Stannard, American Holocaust, Oxford University Press 1992.
- [SP]German news magazine Der Spiegel, no.49, 12/2/1996.
- [TA]A True Account of the Most Considerable Occurrences that have Hapned in the Warre Between the English and the Indians in New England, London 1676.
- [TG]F.Turner, Beyond Geography, New York 1980.
- [WW]H.Wollschlger: Die bewaffneten Wallfahrten gen Jerusalem, Zrich 1973. (This is in german and what is worse, it is out of print. But it is the best I ever read about crusades and includes a full list of original medieval Christian chroniclers' writings).
- [WV]Estimates on the number of executed witches:
- N.Cohn, Europe's Inner Demons: An Enquiry Inspired by the Great Witch Hunt, Frogmore 1976, 253.
- R.H.Robbins, The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology, New York 1959, 180.
- J.B.Russell, Witchcraft in the Middle Ages, Ithaca/NY 1972, 39.
- H.Zwetsloot, Friedrich Spee und die Hexenprozesse, Trier 1954, 56.
sumber: WONDERFUL EVENTS THAT TESTIFY TO GOD'S DIVINE GLORY, silakan check siapa tau ada tambahan data. Disamping itu silakan juga lihat
link ini untuk mengetahui KEGIRANGAN pemimpin Nasrani saat pembantaian Yahudi oleh Hitler!]
Berikut ini adalah hasil dari kegiatan misionaris di India:
Thirteen Years of Killings in Tripura by the NLFT
(The National Liberation Front of Tripura)
The Violence in Tripura Continues
In our concern for the violence that takes place daily in India's Northeast region, here is a sample of the typical but atrocious news that comes out of the region due to the insurgency of the terrorist, militant Christian groups that act in the area. These groups, in their promotion of Christianity, continue to kill thousands of local people in their attempt to ban all Hindu practices and convert everyone into Christians.
Naganland: Baptist Militants Kill Local Political Leader
The Telegraph, Calcutta, Agartala, May 16, 2005
[Though we do not collect these reports like listed below, this shows that such killings still continue on a regular basis.]
A local tribal CPM leader was clubbed to death in Tripura’s Sadar (north) by militants belonging to the Biswamohan faction of the National Liberation Front of Tripura (NLFT) yesterday. Police said Kishore Debbarma, secretary of a CPM local committee had gone to attend a party program at Shanitola yesterday.
After the meeting, Debbarma, accompanied by a few other tribal cadre of the CPM, was having tea at a stall in a market around 5 pm when he was dragged away at gunpoint by a group of NLFT militants. The party leaders and workers were unable to resist the rebels but immediately informed Sidhai police. Within a short while the police and TSR jawans reached Shanitala and launched combing operations.
Around 11pm, Debbarma’s body with multiple head injuries was found at a roadside ditch in the Katabon area. The police said he had been clubbed to death by the militants. Senior CPM leader and the party’s secretariat member, Gautam Das, condemned the killing and held the INPT-NLFT combine responsible for the incident. “The NLFT carried out the killing but it had acted at the behest of the INPT,” Das said.
More Deaths at the Hands of Extremists
September, 2003
Police in the northeastern Indian state of Tripura say a leading Hindu religious leader, who was kidnapped by suspected separatist rebels on Monday, has been found dead. Police say the body of the man, Labh Kumar Jamatia, was discovered in a forest in Dalak village in southern Tripura.
Separatist group bans Hindu festivities. The leading separatist group in the north-east Indian state of Tripura has ordered indigenous tribespeople to stay away from celebrations of the Hindu festival Durga Puja. The outlawed National Liberation Front of Tripura warned that any tribal members seen taking part in the festival would be killed.
Hindu preacher killed by Tripura rebels. A tribal Hindu spiritual leader has been killed by separatist rebels in the northeastern Indian state of Tripura. Police say about ten guerrillas belonging to the outlawed National Liberation Front of Tripura, the NLFT, broke into a temple near the town of Jirania on Sunday night and shot dead Shanti Tripura, a popular Hindu preacher popularly known as Shanti Kali. The separatist group says it wants to convert all tribespeople in the state to Christianity.
Two killed, three abducted by NLFT in Tripura
Press Trust of India, Agartala,May 1, 2003
Two persons were killed and three others kidnapped by NLFT insurgents in separate incidents in West Tripura district, police on Thursday said. Two collaborators of the banned outfit were kidnapped at gun point by the armed ultras from Jangalia village in the district last night and one of them was later shot dead.
The other collaborator was taken away, the police said, adding the two men were kidnapped as they had expressed their wish to surrender. A search operation has been launched in the area, the police said.
In a separate incident, another group of insurgents of the same outfit raided Tuikhamar village in the district during the day and hacked a person to death, the police said.
Three other persons engaged in laying railway lines were kidnapped from Jirania in the district on Wednesday at gun point, the police said, adding efforts were on to trace them.
Insurgents kill 19 people in Tripura
Wednesday, May 7, 2003 (Agartala):
Suspected insurgents of the banned All Tripura Tiger Force (ATTF) raided Sidhai village of west Tripura district late last night and opened indiscriminate fire. As many as 19 people died on the spot and six others were injured in the attack. The ATTF is said to be a militant group that crossed over from Bangladesh into Tripura. The group is reportedly behind the killings of 17 people in this very village two years ago.
Tripura militants massacre 31 people
Thursday, May 8, 2003 (Agartala):
Thirty-one people including eight children and six women have been killed in Tripura since late Tuesday night in a sudden burst of violence by militant groups. Most of the victims are non-tribals.
Insurgents from the banned National Liberation Front of Tripura (NLFT) raided a market in the West Tripura district and opened indiscriminate fire in which ten people were killed.
Four people including a woman were injured. Police are now conducting search operations in the area.
Earlier, members of the All Tripura Tiger Force raided Satchhari, a border village in West Tripura district and set fire to ten houses before opening fire killing 17 non-tribals.
In another incident, suspected NLFT militants shot dead a couple at Radhanagar village in North Tripura district.
Normal life in Tripura was affected today due to the dawn-to-dusk bandh (strike) called by ruling Left Front and opposition Congress-Indigenous Nationalist Party of Tripura, official sources said. Shops and other business establishments remained closed and flow of vehicles on roads was also thin in the early hours of the day, they said. No untoward incident was reported from any part of the state during the bandh, called in protest of yesterday's militant attacks in different parts of the state killing 31 non-tribals.
The following is a list of murders by the NLFT terrorist group of Tripura in Northeast India, which aims to establish a "free Tripura for Christ". It has banned Hindu practices in Tripura. Several Baptist missionaries have been caught with arms and propaganda pamphlets for the NLFT which shows their support for such terrorist organizations. You can find updated figures at the following website:
- April 8: Five persons, including a woman and a child, are killed and eight more injured in an NLFT-attack on a private gathering at Jagabandhpura, Dhalai district.
- April 7: Chief Minister Manik Sarkar while speaking at a public meeting in Ramchandra Nagar, West Tripura district asks the kin of NLFT and ATTF terrorists to exert pressure on the latter to shun the path of violence.
- April 5: NLFT- Nayanbasi Jamatiya terrorists abduct a Tripura State Rifles (TSR) personnel from Tufaniamura, Takarjala police station limits, West Tripura district. Police recover dead body of a tribal, killed by NLFT terrorists from Bhati Maidan area, Champahaor police station limits, West Tripura district.
- April 4: Police personnel camping at Mathulungbari, Killa police station limits, South Tripura district, repulse an attack by NLFT. Four police personnel sustain injuries in the attack. NLFT terrorist arrested from Mathulungbari, Killa police station limits, South Tripura district. Special Police Officer killed and four police personnel are injured in an NLFT laid-ambush at Maithulungbari, South Tripura district. Three NLFT terrorists surrender to Assam Rifles at Bhangmun, North Tripura
- April 1: NLFT terrorists kill a colleague at Jamaraipara village, Kanchanpur subdivision in North Tripura district.
- March 31: Dead body of a political activist, abducted by NLFT terrorists, on March 26 is recovered from Ichachara, Champahour, police station-limits, West Tripura. An SF personnel succumbs to injuries at a Hospital in Kolkata. He was injured on March 26 in an NLFT attack while escorting the Additional Director-General of Police (ADGP) Pranay Sahay, in the Barmura Hills, West Tripura district. Three persons, abducted by NLFT terrorists on March 12 return home safely at Raghna, North Tripura district.
- March 30: Two NLFT terrorists surrender in separate incidents in the West Tripura district.
- March 29: Five SF personnel and two civilians are killed in an NLFT laid-ambush at Sindukumarpara, Manu police station limits, Dhalai district.
- March 27: Eight cadres of the BNCT, an NLFT offshoot, surrender in Agartala.
- March 26: Four NLFT terrorists, including a 'sergeant', along with an ATTF terrorist surrender at Narsingarh in the West Tripura district.
- March 24: A girl child is killed in Dhalai district by NLFT terrorists at Champaicherra village. NLFT terrorists attack Hridaybasti village and set ablaze four huts. A young girl is injured while taking cover from firing by terrorists.
- March 25: Chief Minister Manik Sarkar alleges that Pakistan's external intelligence agency, the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) is providing arms training to terrorists operating in the Northeast region, including NLFT and ATTF in Bangladesh.
- March 20: Four railway construction workers are abducted by the NLFT from S K Para area, Manu police station-limits, Dhalai district.
- March 19: A front ranking NLFT terrorist Mangal Debbarma, his four female associates and another accomplice are arrested from a place under Teliamura police station-limits, West Tripura district.
- March 16: Police arrest an NLFT terrorist from Srirampur and also recover an AK-56 rifle and three magazines from his possession.
- March 17: Bishwamoni Debbarma, an NLFT 'commander' surrenders with a self-loading rifle to the security forces.
- March 14: Three Borok National Council of Tripura (BNCT) terrorists are arrested from Atharamur hill range, Dhalai district.
- March 13: NLFT terrorists abduct and kill a local-level CPI-M leader, in Madhuharipara village of Dhalai district.
- March 1: BNCT terrorists at Asharmbari village, in West Tripura, kill two women activists of the CPI-M.
- February 26: Five SF personnel and a civilian returning from poll duty are killed in an ambush laid by NLFT terrorists at Snatarampara, West Tripura district. Three more BSF personnel are injured in the attack. NLFT terrorists attack a SF convoy at Gulsingbari, Champahaor police station-limits, West Tripura injuring four SF personnel. NLFT terrorists abduct two CPI-M supporters from Shambhucharanpara, Jirania police station limits, West Tripura district.
- February 19: NLFT terrorists kill a local level leader of the CPI-M at Kakracherra village, West Tripura.
- February 17: BNCT terrorists kill a CPI-M supporter at Dukhiapara village, West Tripura.
- February 15: NLFT terrorists kill a local level leader of the CPI-M at Jaydebpara village, Ampi police station limits, South Tripura district. NLFT terrorists abduct and later kill two CPI-M supporters at Karnasinghpara village, Gandacherra police station limits, Dhalai district.
- February 11: NLFT terrorists kill a local level CPI-M leader at Arjun Thakurpara village, West Tripura district. A civilian abducted by NLFT is later killed at Kachhima, Amarpur police station limits, West Tripura district. NLFT terrorists kill two terrorists of the rival ATTF at Ekraibari, Kalyanpur police station limits, West Tripura district.
- February 10: Nayanabashi Jamatiya faction of NLFT issues poll boycott call.
- February 5: NLFT terrorists kill two Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) activists in Dhalai district.
- February 4: NLFT kills CPI-M supporter and his five-year-old grand child at Laksmansardarpara, West Tripura district.
- February 2: Suspected BNCT terrorists, an NLFT offshoot, abducts 16 artists from Emrapasha in North Tripura district. While four hostages manage to escape near the Bangladesh border, 12 more continue to remain in captivity.
- January 30: Assam Rifles posted in Tripura deny allegations that its official has linkages with NLFT and that he facilitated transfer of arms and ammunition to them.
- January 29: Suspected NLFT terrorists abduct three employees of Border Road Task Force from Raishabari in Dhalai. Government enquiry is initiated into alleged nexus in Tripura between an Assam Rifles personnel and NLFT. The officer allegedly facilitated transfer of at least 6,000 rounds of ammunition and a large number of arms to NLFT.
- January 28: A suspect is arrested in connection with the January 26-massacre of 11 persons by the NLFT in West Tripura district.
- January 26: 11 persons, including five women, killed by NLFT terrorists at CPM election rally in Mandai village, West Tripura district.
- January 23: NLFT terrorists kill local level CPI-M leader at Chamanu in Dhalai district.
- January 22: Ruling CPI-M alleges that Indigenous Nationalist Party of Tripura (INPT) is NLFT's 'political front'.
- January 21: Suspected NLFT terrorists kill a Tripura resident in Lower New Colony, near Laitumkhrah in Meghalaya's capital Shillong.
- January 22: At least 10 Northeast-based terrorist outfits, including NLFT, give Republic Day (January 26) 'boycott call'.
- January 19: NLFT terrorists kill two suspected CPM activists in West Tripura district.
- January 15: NLFT terrorists kill tribal activist of the ruling CPM in Ekjancherra area, South Tripura district.
- January 14: NLFT kills three of a family--a local businessman, his son and daughter in Assam Basti area of North Tripura district. NLFT terrorists abduct and later kill two CPM activists from Akchhapara village, South Tripura district.
- January 13: Tripura State Rifles personnel arrest eight NLFT terrorists from Kanchanpur in North Tripura district.
- January 12: NLFT terrorists abduct and later kill a woman at Jamircherra, Dhalai district.
January 6: Two NLFT terrorists killed in encounter with Tripura State Rifles personnel in Dhoopicherra, Dhalai.
- January 5: NLFT terrorist killed at Shilpara, Kanchanpur subdivision in North Tripura district.
- December 31: NLFT terrorists abduct a local-level Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPM) leader from new Bhomracherra, under Natunbazaar police station-limits, West Tripura district.
- December 30: Three terrorists of the NLFT-Biswamohan Debbarma faction are killed in an internecine clash with the rival Nayanbasi Jamatiya group, in Narayanbari, Takarjala police station-limits, West Tripura district. NLFT-Biswamohan Debbarma and the Jamatiya Hoda faction exchange fire at Arjunthakurpara, Takarjala police station-limits, West Tripura district.
- December 28: NLFT terrorists abduct six workers from Kathalbari in Tripura's Dhalai district. An NLFT- Nayanbasi Jamatiya terrorist and a student are killed during a clash with All Tripura Tiger Force (ATTF) terrorists in Uddhav Vaishnabpara, in Khowai subdivision, West Tripura district.
- December 26: NLFT terrorists kill two civilians, including a woman, in separate incidents in West Tripura and Dhalai districts of Tripura. Three NLFT terrorists are arrested while making an extortion call in R.K. Nagar, under Ranir Bazar police station-limits, Agartala West Tripura district, by a combined force of Tripura police and Tripura State Rifles personnel.
- December 19: NLFT terrorists abduct three sons of a local level-Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPM) leader in Machhlimukh village, Manu police station-limits, in Tripura's Dhalai district.
- December 13: An NLFT terrorist is killed in an encounter in Krishnajay Reang Para village, Tripura's Dhalai district. Three NLFT terrorists are arrested from a place in Gandacherra sub-division, Dhalai district.
- December 7: Five NLFT terrorists are arrested from Khumulwung village, West Tripura district.
- December 5: India asks Bangladesh to hand over two hardcore NLFT terrorists reportedly arrested by Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) on December 1
- November 27: AnNLFT terrorist surrenders at Takarjala police station, West Tripura district.
- November 23: NLFT terrorists kill a local level-leader of the Indigenous Nationalist Party of Tripura (INPT) near his residence in the Amabassa area, West Tripura district.
- November 8: Reports say NLFT terrorists have set free six captives near the India-Bangladesh border in Tripura. Terrorists abducted 11 persons on October 2 from Netaji Para village, North Tripura district. Five more continue to remain in the NLFT's captivity
- November 7: NFLT terrorists kill a ruling Communist Party-Marxist (CPM) activist in Champaknaga village of West Tripura.
- November 6: NLFT terrorists kill a person in Tuibaklai village, South Tripura district.
- November 4: NLFT terrorists abduct a civilian from Rata Roajapara village, in Tripura's Dhalai district. Police arrest NLFT terrorist Aranyapaja Jamatia from Ambassa village, Dhalai district. Another NLFT terrorist Nagendra Reang is also nabbed from Raisyabari village of the district.
- October 21: NLFT terrorists kill two persons, including a security force personnel, in Takarjala, West Tripura district.
- October 17: Two NLFT terrorists are arrested from Kangrai and Golakpur villages of North Tripura district, in separate raids.
- October 16: Security forces arrest an NLFT terrorist from Kanchancherra village of Dhalai district, under the National Security Act (NSA), and separately three more NLFT terrorists are arrested in Ampura village, West Tripura.
- October 11: Media report says the NLFT has warned tribals in Tripura to not intermingle with urban and semi-urban populations during Durga Puja (A 10-day religious festival of Hindus).
- October 9: NLFT terrorists kill nine security force personnel in an ambush in Raishabari, in Tripura's Dhalai district.
- October 4: Four NLFT terrorists, allegedly trained in Bangladesh, surrender to the district authorities in Tripura's Dhalai district.
- September 22: A report says NLFT terrorists abducted a villager from Khedacherra village of North Tripura district. But does not mention the date.
- September 20: Two terrorists of the NLFT- Biswamohan faction and another belonging to the rival NLFT-N are killed in an internecine clash in Ghaniamara area, West Tripura district. Two NLFT terrorists--Rabi Debbarma and Rajesh Debbarma--are arrested from Chikencharra and Chankhola villages respectively, in West Tripura district.
- September 13: NLFT terrorists allegedly abduct an assistant teacher of the Kanchancherra senior school in Agartala, West Tripura district.
- September 10: Two NLFT terrorists surrender to Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) personnel at the latter's Gamaibar camp in West Tripura district. Police exhume skeletons of three victims abducted and subsequently killed allegedly by NLFT terrorists from Khirodsardarpara village, West Tripura district.
- September 9: NLFT-N self-styled 'sergeant' Maya Darlong surrenders at Kailashahar police station, Agartala.
- September 7: Tripura Tribal Areas Autonomous District Council (TTAADC) executive committee member Sridam Debbarma is set free in Dhalai district by NLFT terrorists. He had been abducted on May 3, 2002.
- September 5: Suspected NLFT terrorists kill two Communist Party of India- Marxist (CPM) activists in Bhandarima village, Kanchanpur police station limits, North Tripura district. NLFT terrorists abduct five traders from a local market in Dhumachara village, Manu police station limits, Dhalai district.
- September 1: Suspected NLFT terrorists abduct an eight-year old boy from Satkard village, Dhalai district.
- August 25: NLFT terrorists set free three State Health Department officials abducted on July 26 from the Lefunga health camp, Sidhai police station limits, West Tripura.
- August 24: Police arrest two NLFT terrorists from a hideout in Hirapur village, West Tripura district, in connection with the August 20-massacre of 20 Tripura State Rifles (TSR) personnel.
- August 22: Bikram Bahadur Jamatia, head priest of the Jamatia Hoda, a tribal 'Hindu group' in Tripura, alleges that the NLFT forcibly converted approximately 14,000 tribals in the State to Christianity in the past five years.
- August 21: The Nayanbasi Jamatiya faction of the NLFT, in a statement by its 'commander' Nayanbashi Jamatia alias Nakbar, owns-up the
- August 20 -Hirapur massacre of 20 TSR personnel.
- August 20: Suspected NLFT terrorists kill 20 Tripura State Rifles (TSR) personnel in an ambush laid in Hirapur, West Tripura district.
- August 9: Six NLFT terrorists, three each from the Nayanbasi and Biswamohan factions, and an ATTF terrorist surrender to the Assam Rifles in Agartala.
- August 7: Suspected NLFT terrorists kill the chief of the Aidankur village council, near Agartala.
- August 6: NLFT terrorists allegedly kill a local-level Communist Party of India- Marxist (CPI-M) activist at Champawhar village of West Tripura district.
- August 5: NLFT terrorists allegedly shoot at a moving vehicle and injure two civilians in Shikaribari, Dhalai district, Tripura.
- August 3: Suspected NLFT terrorists kill four persons--three members of a family in Birshaipara village--and another in Kuchmanipara village.
- August 2: Four CPI-M activists are allegedly killed by NLFT terrorists in Chandipur, Kanchanpur sub-division, North Tripura.
- July 31: Reports say NLFT is training its 'armed women's wing' under Lara Darlong in Thouhanthaimaoi, Khagracherri, Bangladesh.
- July 27: Suspected NLFT terrorists kill one person in North Tripura district.
- July 26: An NLFT ambush at Debendra Sardarpara in West Tripura district kills six security force personnel escorting a group of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) field staff, a civilian driver and an NLFT terrorist.
- July 23: Suspected NLFT terrorists kill a surrendered All Tripura Tiger Force (ATTF ) terrorist in Kalyanpur village, Agartala.
- July 21: Suspected NLFT terrorists abduct five labourers from Jamir Chara in Dhalai district.
- July 17: Suspected NLFT terrorists kill two Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) activists in West Tripura and Dhalai districts in separate incidents. A group of suspected NLFT terrorists abduct nine CPI-M activists from Mendi village, South Tripura district.
- July 13: Suspected NLFT terrorists kill a local-level Tribal Youth Federation (TYF) leader in Burhuria village, South Tripura district. Two other TYF members are also abducted from Lambucherra village in Dhalai district in a separate incident.
- July 08: Report says the Biswamohan faction of the NLFT in the February issue of Yok (its mouthpiece) declared it would talk to the State government only if 'sovereignty and independence of the Twipra kingdom' would be included in the talks agenda.
- July 06: Three NLFT terrorists surrender with large amount of arms and ammunition in Agartala.
- July 02: Suspected NLFT-Nayanbasi terrorists kill a woman activist of the CPI-M in Mungiabari, West Tripura district.
- July 01: Suspected NLFT terrorists kill a women at Ramkrishna Para village in West Tripura district.
- June 23: Two NLFT terrorists arrested in separate raids--one from Salema village in Dhalai district, and another a hideout at Joykrishnapara village, West Tripura.
- June 21: An unconfirmed report says NLFT-N terrorists killed nine ATTF cadres in separate attacks at unidentified locations in Bangladesh.
- June 15: Dilip Debnath, the Desher Katha journalist abducted by suspected NLFT terrorists on June 8 set free.
- June 12: Two NLFT terrorists surrender in Agartala.
- June 8 :Suspected NLFT terrorists abduct Dilip Debnath, a journalist of a local daily, Desher Katha, from Chebri in West Tripura district.
- June 6: NLFT terrorist killed in an encounter at Radhacharanpara in West Tripura district.
- May 29: Four Tripura State Rifles (TSR) personnel killed and ten others injured in an ambush laid allegedly by NLFT terrorists at Ghagracherra in Tripura's Dhalai district.
- May 25: NLFT terrorists kill a terrorist from a rival faction and a civilian, besides abducting two youths in West Tripura district. Three suspected NLFT terrorists, including an `area commander',arrested in West and South Tripura districts.
- May 19: Security forces unearth NLFT money racket in West Tripura district and arrested one.
- May 14: Suspected NLFT cadres abduct three members of a tribal family in Katalutma, Dhalai district. Suspected NLFT terrorist killed at Ompi in south Tripura.
- May 13: Suspected NLFT terrorists abduct two school students and another in Kamalpur, Dhalai district.
- May 11: Suspected NLFT terrorists kill a Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) local-level leader at Ramchandraghat, West Tripura. Two dreaded NLFT terrorists surrender to the Assam Rifles 18th Battalion in Kanchanpur.
- May 10: Suspected NLFT-N terrorists abduct two persons in Chamubasti, Khowai subdivision of Tripura.
- May 3: Suspected NLFT terrorists abduct a local leader of the Indigenous Nationalist Party of Tripura (INPT) from Gurudayalpara in West Tripura district. NLFT-N terrorist surrenders at the Border Security Force's Teliamura camp, West Tripura district
- April 24: Suspected NLFT terrorists kill four of a family in Nimanjoypara and another in Dayal Sing Para village in West Tripura. Fourth captive in the Amarendranagar abduction episode also found dead.
- April 23: Suspected NLFT terrorists kill three of the four tribals abducted on April 21from Amarendranagar in the Takarjala area of West Tripura district.
- April 22: Five persons injured in bomb blast caused by suspected NLFT terrorists at Lalcherra village, West Tripura district.
- April 18: NLFT terrorist and two others killed in Kuki Chara village, Dhalai district.
- April 16: NLFT terrorist killed in an encounter in a jungle near Shantirbajar village of South Tripura district.
- April 12: NLFT terrorists kill two persons in Jirania.
- April 13: One person killed by suspected NLFT terrorists in West Tripura district.
- April 7: Five NLFT terrorists- four at Ramchandra Ghat, West Tripura, and one at Manu, Dhalai, killed by ATTF cadres in an internecine clash.
- April 4: Three NLFT terrorists surrender at Jirania in West Tripura.
- April 1:One suspected NLFT terrorist arrested from Krishnanagar area of Agartala.
- March 29 :Two non-tribals, abducted on February 8, rescued from an NLFT hideout. NLFT terrorist arrested elsewhere in the State.
- February 9 :Benjamin Hrangkhal, a top terrorist of the NLFT-Nayanbasi Jamatiya faction [NLFT-N] killed in an encounter with security forces.
- February 5 : NLFT terrorists kill six tribals belonging to Gana Mukti Parishad at Paschim Nalicherra in Dhalai district.
- February 3 :Two NLFT terrorists killed in an encounter at Sibbari in Dhalai district.
- January 1 :NLFT terrorists kill two tribal youths near Jamthung village.
- January 28 :Six persons injured in an attack by NLFT terrorists at Panboa in Dhalai district.
- January 13 :NLFT terrorists kill 16 persons at Singicherra in West Tripura district.
- December 13 : NLFT terrorists injure five villagers at Dangabari in North Tripura district.
- November 30 :Two NLFT terrorists killed and 10 more injured at Chunagarh in West Tripura district in a clash with the Border Security Force (BSF).
- November 24:Three terrorists killed in internecine clashes between NLFT and All Tripura Tiger Force ATTF along the India-Bangladesh border.
- November 23: NLFT terrorists kill two persons in West Tripura district.
- September 25: NLFT-N kills two senior workers of the Indigenous People's Front of Tripura (IPFT) and abducts another, believed to have been killed later, from Takarjala in West Tripura district.
- September 22: NLFT terrorists kill two leaders of the Tripura Upajati Ganamukti Parishad (TUGP), a tribal wing of the ruling Left Front at Manu village in Dhalai district.
- September 18: Five NLFT-N terrorists and a civilian killed in internecine conflict between NLFT-N and NLFT at Takarjala in West Tripura district.
- September 2: NLFT kills six persons of Jamatiya tribe in South Tripura district, including three Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) leaders. Tripura government decides to formulate special measures to tackle killings of CPI-M leaders by NLFT.
- August 31: NLFT terrorists kill three ruling CPI-M leaders at Radhacharan Thakurpara in West Tripura district.
- August 21: Three NLFT terrorists led by an 'area commander', Amar Sadhan Jamatia, surrender at Jirania in West Tripura district.
- August 18: Suspected NLFT terrorists kill Jagadish Debbarma, a CPI-M leader and chairman of Kandaicherra Gaonsabha (village body) in West Tripura district.
- August 10: Four NLFT terrorists surrender to the Commandant of the 22nd battalion of Assam Rifles at Dulubari camp in Dhalai district.
- August 8: NLFT terrorists kill local-level CPI-M activist and injure his wife, who later dies, at Jampaijala in West Tripura district. NLFT terrorists also kill another CPI-M leader and chairperson of the Block Development Committee at Jampaijala.
- August 6: Six employees abducted by NLFT terrorists from two tea gardens in North Tripura district.
- July 30: Three divisional committee members of CPI-M killed by NLFT terrorists in the Longthoraivally subdivision of Dhalai district
- July 29: The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) claims that four of their pracharaks (local leaders) were recently killed by NLFT terrorists at their camps in Bangladesh. They had been abducted by NLFT terrorists from Banabasi Kalyan Ashram at Kanchancherra in Dhalai district, on August 6, 1999.
- July 1: 11 NLFT terrorists escape from the Udaipur Central prison in Agartala.
- June 11: Nine terrorists of the Nayanbashi Jamatia faction of the NLFT led by 'Corporal' Swapan Debbarma surrender at Agartala.
- June 4: Three persons and a child killed and four others injured by NLFT terrorists at Kanakchowmuhani in West Tripura district.
- May 16: 14 people injured in an attack by a group of NLFT terrorists on the Bholagiri Ashram, a Hindu religious place on the outskirts of Agartala.
- April 1: NLFT 'foreign secretary' Joshua Debbarma alias Jogendra and 'senior commander' Janabir Debbarma quit the mainstream faction of the outfit along with some cadres, and join the breakaway faction of NLFT led by Nayanbasi Jamatya.
- March 24: Two security force personnel and three civilians killed in an ambush by suspected NLFT terrorists at Shikaribari in Dhalai district.
- March 21: 11 persons, including four Border Security Force (BSF) personnel, killed in an ambush by suspected NLFT terrorists in North Tripura district.
- February 21: NLFT terrorists release nine railway workers abducted on
- January 7, somewhere near Dhamchara in Dhalai district.
- February 12: NLFT terrorists kill local-level CPI-M leader in Maharani village, Dhalai district.
- February 8: 21 Jamatia tribals, earlier taken hostage by NLFT terrorists, on January 29, set free near Nitya Bazar, South Tripura district.
- February 6: Suspected NLFT terrorists abduct six non-tribals from Dataram village, South Tripura district.
- January 15: A group of 25 NLFT terrorists assault women and kill a person in Begrambari village.
- January 8:NLFT terrorists abduct 14 employees of the Indian Railways and two others in separate incidents in North Tripura and Dhalai districts, on January 7 and January 8.
- December 29: Several persons injured as more than 25 NLFT terrorists loot shops and indulge in violence at a hill market in Ramraibari, South Tripura district.
- December 26: NLFT terrorists ransack a Buddhist temple in Almara village, South Tripura district, and escape with scriptures and an idol.
- December 25: NLFT terrorists kill a Jamatiya leader in Dalak village, South Tripura district, for refusing to embrace Christianity
- December 13: At the 410th Conference of the Jamatia Hoda, tribal leaders resolve not to pay any kind of tax to terrorists in the region.
- December 5: Suspected NLFT terrorists ransack a Buddhist temple in Almara village, South Tripura district.
- December 4: NLFT terrorists attack yet another hermitage in Jirania Khola.
- November 19: 14 persons killed by suspected NLFT terrorists and in the subsequent communal violence in Borahaldi in North Tripura district.
- October 27: Five civilians, including a child, killed by suspected NLFT terrorists in Debendra Sarkarpara, West Tripura district.
- October 21: Three civilians killed by suspected NLFT terrorists in Dewanbari, South Tripura district.
- September 22: Three NLFT terrorists killed in an encounter in Mikrossapara.
- September 2: Split occurs in NLFT following the expulsion of Jogendra Debbarma, chairman of the political wing. The expelled chairman establishes the Borok National Council of Tripura (BNCT).
- July 9: NLFT terrorists raid the headquarters of the Mizoram-based Bru Naitonal Liberation Front (BNLF) terrorist outfit in the Jampui Hills across Bangladesh and gun down 70 BNLF cadres, including some top leaders.
- May 18: NLFT terrorists kill four women and three men, besides injuring five others, in South Tripura district.
- May 17-20: Terrorists belonging to NLFT and United Bengali Liberation Front (UBLF) gun down 45 persons in separate incidents in West Tripura district.
- April 20: NLFT terrorists gun down eight people in Laxmipur, North Tripura district.
- April 15: NLFT terrorists kill 12 people and injure seven others in West Tripura district.
- March 29: NLFT terrorists gun down a local CPI-M leader in Tulashikhar, West Tripura district.
- March 19: NLFT terrorists abduct 12 workers of the Oil and Natural Gas Commission (ONGC) from Gulakathalarpara, West Tripua district.
- March 16: NLFT terrorists gun down a local CPI-M leader and abduct three people in South Tripura district.
- February 7: Security forces arrest six NLFT terrorists from South Tripura district.
- January 16: NLFT terrorists gun down a local CPI-M leader in Alutola, South Tripura district.
- December 25: In repeated clashes between NLFT terrorists and agitated mobs, three persons are killed and 100 houses burnt down, in Bishramganj, West Tripura district.
- November 22: Eight security force personnel killed, five others seriously injured in an ambush laid by NLFT terrorists in Banduar, South Tripura district.
- November 5: Union Home Ministry extends ban on NLFT.
- September 6: NLFT terrorists abduct 16 State government officials from Manu, Dhalai district.
- August 12: NLFT terrorists gun down six persons in Manu, Dhalai district.
- August 6: NLFT terrorists abduct four senior Rastriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) leaders in Dhalai district.
- March 10: Eight NLFT terrorists killed in an encounter with security forces in Khedachara, North Tripura district.
- March 2: Security forces arrest five NLFT terrorists from South Tripura district.
- February 2: NLFT terrorists kill eight people in North Tripura district.
- October 10: NLFT militants gun down eight people in West Tripura district.
- March 31: NLFT terrorists assassinate the Sate Health Minister, Bimal Sinha, in an ambush in Abhanga, Dhalai district. The Minister's brother is also killed in the incident.
- February 12: NLFT cadres ambush a security patrol at Champraipara in Dhalai district killing six Tripura State Rifles (TSR) personnel.
- November 7: Nine security force personnel, 11 others killed in a bomb blast allegedly set off by NLFT terrorists, in Dhalai district.
- September 15: NLFT terrorists lay an ambush in South Tripura district and kill three security force personnel.
- September 20: Seven security force personnel killed and nine more injured in an attack by NLFT terrorists on a police station in North Tripura district.
- October 11: 14 NLFT terrorists killed in raids on two terrorist hideouts in Chakakujra
- National Liberation Front of Tripura (NLFT) established under the leadership of Dhanjoy Reang. Demands the creation of a sovereign Tripura.
Christian Terrorists Kill 44, Wound 118 in Attacks in Northeast India
GUWAHATI, India (AFP), October 2, 2004
Some 44 people were killed and 118 wounded in three nearly simultaneous bomb blasts Saturday morning in Dimapur, Nagaland's commercial hub, in what a top official called the "worst ever terrorist strike" in the tiny state's history.
Gunmen in neighbouring Assam state later killed 15 villagers and injured a dozen more, police said.
"There were limbs everywhere and blood was splattered all over," said student leader T. Zheviho who was at crowded Dimapur railway station where one bomb exploded as passengers awaited a train.
Two other bombs went off in the Hong Kong market, which sells Chinese goods, and an adjacent market.
"I had a miraculous escape," Zheviho told AFP by telephone from Dimapur, 70 kilometers (45 miles) east of Nagaland capital Kohima.
Police said the plastic explosive RDX appeared to have been used in the railway blast that created a huge crater beside a platform.
"We found a briefcase with fuse wires... it contained RDX and a timer-device," V. Peseyie, Dimapur additional police chief, said.
Seventeen more people were killed in a wave of attacks in neighbouring Assam, police said.
Unidentified attackers raked shoppers with gunfire at a marketplace in Makri Jhora village, 290 kilometres (180 miles) west of Assam's main city of Guwahati, killing 11 and injuring about a dozen, police said.
The same gunmen later shot dead four more villagers in a nearby forest, police superintendent L. R. Bishnoi told AFP. Two more people were killed and 10 injured in two blasts in the Assamese district of Bongaingaon, 220 kilometres (136 miles) from Guwahati, Bishnoi said.
One person was killed and seven wounded in an earlier bomb blast in Assam.
Police also reported two other bombings in a village on the outskirts of Guwahati in which four people were injured.
There were no immediate claims of responsibility for the day of bloodshed in the insurgency-infested northeast where some 30 guerrilla groups are battling for greater autonomy or independence.
The attacks occurred as India marked the 135th anniversary of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi who waged a campaign of non-violence to free the country from British rule.
"It is distressing such violence broke out on the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi," Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said in the capital New Delhi.
Nagaland's ill-equipped hospitals battled to treat the wounded.
"Many have multiple face and abdomen wounds. They're in a state of trauma. We're trying to cope. We've never had such a devastating emergency," said doctor T. Lotha at a private hospital in Dimapur treating blast victims.
Nagaland Chief Minister Neibhiu Rio said at least 26 people were killed in the Dimapur blasts and another 86 were in hospital. "The death toll may go up as many are in a very critical condition," he said.
"This is the worst ever terrorist strike in Nagaland. People are still dealing with the shock -- they're not yet thinking about who to blame."
Mourners crowded churches across Nagaland, which is mostly Christian, to pray for the victims.
The blasts were the second major burst of violence in the northeast since mid-August. Fifteen people, many of them children, were killed in a rebel attack on an Independence Day parade in Assam August 15 for which the United Liberation Front of Asom claimed responsibility.
The armed insurgency in Nagaland began soon after much of the local population converted to Christianity. Many militant groups, seeking to secede from India to form an independent Christian state, are funded and armed by the Southern Baptist Church.
Some of the groups such as the National Liberation Front of Tripura have been involved in a campaign of “gunpoint conversions” and “ethnic cleansing” of native non-Christians, which has left over 50,000 dead and many more refugees over the past two decades.
[This article can be found at]
Baptist Church Backs Terrorism in North-East India
There is clear evidence which confirms that some international Christian organizations are backing terrorism and separatist movements in India’s North-east. These church backed organizations are providing funds, arms and ammunitions with the aim of creating a separate Christian state.
The National Liberation Front of Tripura (NLFT) was founded in December 1989. Since its inception the NLFT has been engaged in an armed struggle to carve out a separate Christian nation - Tripura. The backing of the Baptist church right from the beginning has enabled this organization to spread its base. Due to its terrorist activities, the organization was banned by the government in 1997 but it continued its operations from across the Bangladesh border.
The priests of the Baptist church supply arms and ammunitions to these terrorist rebels. Nagmanlal Halam, the secretary of the Noapara Baptist Church in Tripura was arrested by CRPF in April 2000 on charges of aiding insurgents and possessing a large quantity of explosives including 60 gelatin sticks, 5kg of potassium, 2kg of sulphur and other ingredients for making powerful bombs. Two junior members of the same church, who had been arrested earlier tipped the police off about the explosives which were meant for terrorist organizations like the NLFT. Mr. Halam confessed to buying and supplying explosives to the NLFT. Another church official, Jatna Koloi, who was also arrested, admitted that he received training in guerrilla warfare at an NLFT base.
It is now apparent that the pattern of forced conversions at gunpoint are irrefutably linked to the Baptist Church in Tripura. The NLFT is accused of forcing Tripura's indigenous tribes to become Christians and give up Hindu forms of worship in areas under their control. For decades Tripura's indigenous tribal population has been dragged out of their homes and forced to convert to Christianity under threat of violence. Whenever any of the tribals organize Hindu festivals or rituals, the terrorist groups attack to desecrate and kill the participants. There have been incidents of issuing a ban on the Hindu festivals of Durga Puja and Saraswati Puja. The NLFT manifesto says that they want to expand what they describe as the kingdom of God and Christ in Tripura. The hill tribe 'Jamatiya' worship their traditional god 'Gadiya', who is supposed to be an incarnation of Lord Shiva, in the month of March. The terrorists have issued an order that the 'Gadiya' be prayed on the Christmas day instead.
The Baptist Church in Tripura was set up by missionaries from New Zealand 60 years ago. It won only a few thousand converts until 1980 when a mass scale ethnic riot was engineered by the Church in which systematic ethnic cleansing of Hindu and Buddhist tribals was initiated. Thousands of women were raped and kidnapped and forced to convert to Christianity. The terrorists receive military aid from extremist Christian groups in Australia and New Zealand. They also have ongoing exchanges with Islamic terrorist and ISI who push in arms from the Bangladeshi border.
When the RSS and other Hindu organizations decided to help the Hindus under attack in Tripura by aiding them in reconversion, hundreds of the RSS volunteers were attacked, threatened and blackmailed. Several of them were murdered and a number of them were kidnapped and held hostage by the Christian terrorists. In August 2000, Swami Shantikali Maharaj, the famous Hindu sage known for his social services was killed by the terrorists. In December 2000, Lavkumar Jamatiya, the priest of the 'Jamatiya' tribe was killed, two Hindu temples and one Buddhist temple were destroyed and order was issued to end all non-Christian methods of praying. In the year 2001, there were 826 terrorist attacks in Tripura in which 405 persons were killed and 481 cases of kidnapping by the rebels.
The National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN), a separatist organization has two main factions. Both the factions are headed by Christians and get financial support from World Council of Churches, a missionary organisation. China provides arms and ammunitions to both the factions.
The NSCN has its offices in New York, Geneva and Hague which display boards with legend 'Peoples Republic of Nagaland'. It has twice raised its demand for an independent nation in the United Nations. The NSCN has its own government which collects money from the local people. One third of the salaries of the government servants is taken away as Nagaland Tax before disbursement. Most of the banks in Nagaland have closed down because of the huge sums extracted by this outfit. The letterheads and stamps of this unofficial government read 'Nagaland for Christ'.
There is evidence of NSCN having ties with the ISI. The NSCN general secretary in an interview with the English daily 'Hindu' accepted that they were trying to create pressure on the Indian army in the north-east so that there was less pressure from the army in Kashmir.
The proselytizing activities of the Christian missionaries during the 150 years of patronage from the British rule have resulted in the conversion of two-thirds of the people of the state to Christianity. After independence in 1947, many of the locals started reverting to their original tribal religion and lifestyle. The natives of the Khasi hills started to once again get associated with their roots. They formed an organization called 'Sengkhasi'. Shri Rejoy Singh Khongsha, an important official of this organization, at first got threats and later was abducted by North-east Red Army, a separatist and terrorist outfit known to have direct links with the church. The church has been threatening the leaders of 'Sengkhasi' for their connection with the Hindu organisations.
The Church in the north-east is also known to be associated with smuggling across the borders and circulation of fake currency notes. In December 1998, Bedang Tamjen, a Jemi-Naga missionary was arrested for making fake currency notes.
The most shocking fact is that the Indian media has not even mentioned these facts in their coverage. Whereas even unconfirmed rumors about any attack on Christians are immediately touted as "an assault on minorities", not a word is spared to enlighten the Indian citizenry about the religious terrorism that is taking place in the north-east.
[This article can be found at]
Persecution of Jews by Christians:
Initial persecution of Jews was along religious lines. Persecution would cease if the person converted to Christianity.
306: The church Synod of Elvira banned marriages, sexual intercourse and community contacts between Christians and Jews. 1,2
315: Constantine published the Edict of Milan which extended religious tolerance to Christians. Jews lost many rights with this edict. They were no longer permitted to live in Jerusalem, or to proselytize.
325: The Council of Nicea decided to separate the celebration of Easter from the Jewish Passover. They stated: "For it is unbecoming beyond measure that on this holiest of festivals we should follow the customs of the Jews. Henceforth let us have nothing in common with this odious people...We ought not, therefore, to have anything in common with the Jews...our worship follows a...more convenient course...we desire dearest brethren, to separate ourselves from the detestable company of the Jews...How, then, could we follow these Jews, who are almost certainly blinded."
337: Christian Emperor Constantius created a law which made the marriage of a Jewish man to a Christian punishable by death.
339: Converting to Judaism became a criminal offense.
343-381: The Laodicean Synod approved Cannon XXXVIII: "It is not lawful [for Christians] to receive unleavened bread from the Jews, nor to be partakers of their impiety." 3
367 - 376: St. Hilary of Poitiers referred to Jews as a perverse people who God has cursed forever. St. Ephroem refers to synagogues as brothels.
379-395: Emperor Theodosius the Great permitted the destruction of synagogues if it served a religious purpose. Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire at this time.
380: The bishop of Milan was responsible for the burning of a synagogue; he referred to it as "an act pleasing to God."
415: The Bishop of Alexandria, St. Cyril, expelled the Jews from that Egyptian city.
415: St. Augustine wrote "The true image of the Hebrew is Judas Iscariot, who sells the Lord for silver. The Jew can never understand the Scriptures and forever will bear the guilt for the death of Jesus."
418: St. Jerome, who created the Vulgate translation of the Bible wrote of a synagogue: "If you call it a brothel, a den of vice, the Devil's refuge, Satan's fortress, a place to deprave the soul, an abyss of every conceivable disaster or whatever you will, you are still saying less than it deserves."
489 - 519: Christian mobs destroyed the synagogues in Antioch, Daphne (near Antioch) and Ravenna.
528: Emperor Justinian (527-564) passed the Justinian Code. It prohibited Jews from building synagogues, reading the Bible in Hebrew, assemble in public, celebrate Passover before Easter, and testify against Christians in court. 1
535: The "Synod of Claremont decreed that Jews could not hold public office or have authority over Christians." 1
538: The 3rd and 4th Councils of Orleans prohibited Jews from appearing in public during the Easter season. Canon XXX decreed that "From the Thursday before Easter for four days, Jews may not appear in the company of Christians." 3 Marriages between Christians and Jews were prohibited. Christians were prohibited from converting to Judaism. 2
561: The bishop of Uzes expelled Jews from his diocese in France.
612: Jews were not allowed to own land, to be farmers or enter certain trades.
613: Very serious persecution began in Spain. Jews were given the options of either leaving Spain or converting to Christianity. Jewish children over 6 years of age were taken from their parents and given a Christian education
692: Cannnon II of the Quinisext Council stated: "Let no one in the priestly order nor any layman eat the unleavened bread of the Jews, nor have any familiar intercourse with them, nor summon them in illness, nor receive medicines from them, nor bathe with them; but if anyone shall take in hand to do so, if he is a cleric, let him be deposed, but if a layman, let him be cut off." 3
694: The 17th Church Council of Toledo, Spain defined Jews as the serfs of the prince. This was based, in part, on the beliefs by Chrysostom, Origen, Jerome, and other Church Fathers that God punished the Jews with perpetual slavery because of their responsibility for the execution of Jesus. 3
722: Leo III outlawed Judaism. Jews were baptized against their will.
855: Jews were exiled from Italy
1050: The Synod of Narbonne prohibited Christians from living in the homes of Jews.
1078: "Pope Gregory VII decreed that Jews could not hold office or be superiors to Christians." 4
1078: The Synod of Gerona forced Jews to pay church taxes
1096: The First Crusade was launched in this year. Although the prime goal of the crusades was to liberate Jerusalem from the Muslims, Jews were a second target. As the soldiers passed through Europe on the way to the Holy Land, large numbers of Jews were challenged: "Christ-killers, embrace the Cross or die!" 12,000 Jews in the Rhine Valley alone were killed in the first Crusade. This behavior continued for 8 additional crusades until the 9th in 1272.
1099: The Crusaders forced all of the Jews of Jerusalem into a central synagogue and set it on fire. Those who tried to escape were forced back into the burning building.
1121: Jews were exiled from Flanders (now part of present-day Belgium)
1130: Some Jews in London allegedly killed a sick man. The Jewish people in the city were required to pay 1 million marks as compensation.
1146: The Second Crusade began. A French Monk, Rudolf, called for the destruction of the Jews.
1179: Canon 24 of the Third Lateran Council stated: "Jews should be slaves to Christians and at the same time treated kindly due of humanitarian considerations." Canon 26 stated that "the testimony of Christians against Jews is to be preferred in all causes where they use their own witnesses against Christians." 5
1180: The French King of France, Philip Augustus, arbitrarily seized all Jewish property and expelled the Jews from the country. There was no legal justification for this action. They were allowed to sell all movable possessions, but their land and houses were stolen by the king.
1189: Jews were persecuted in England. The Crown claimed all Jewish possessions. Most of their houses were burned.
1205: Pope Innocent III wrote to the archbishops of Sens and Paris that "the Jews, by their own guilt, are consigned to perpetual servitude because they crucified the Lord...As slaves rejected by God, in whose death they wickedly conspire, they shall by the effect of this very action, recognize themselves as the slaves of those whom Christ's death set free..."
1215: The Fourth Lateran Council approved canon laws requiring that "Jews and Muslims shall wear a special dress." They also had to wear a badge in the form of a ring. This was to enable them to be easily distinguished from Christians. This practice later spread to other countries.
1227: The Synod of Narbonne required Jews to wear an oval badge. This requirement was reinstalled during the 1930's by Hitler, who changed the oval badge to a Star of David.
1229: The Spanish inquisition starts. Later, in 1252, Pope Innocent IV authorizes the use of torture by the Inquisitors.
1236: Pope Gregory ordered that church leaders in England, France, Portugal and Spain confiscate Jewish books on the first Saturday of Lent. 6
1259: A "synod of the archdiocese in Mainz ordered Jews to wear yellow badges." 6
1261: Duke Henry III of Brabant, Belgium, stated in his will that "Jews...must be expelled from Brabant and totally annihilated so that not a single one remains, except those who are willing to trade, like all other tradesmen, without money-lending and usury." 7
1267: The Synod of Vienna ordered Jews to wear horned hats. Thomas Aquinas said that Jews should live in perpetual servitude.
1290: Jews are exiled from England. About 16,000 left the country.
1298: Jews were persecuted in Austria, Bavaria and Franconia. 140 Jewish communities were destroyed; more than 100,000 Jews were killed over a 6 month period.
1306: 100,000 Jews are exiled from France. They left with only the clothes on their backs, and food for only one day.
1320: 40,000 French shepherds went to Palestine on the Shepherd Crusade. On the way, 140 Jewish communities were destroyed.
1321: In Guienne, France, Jews were accused of having incited criminals to poison wells. 5,000 Jews were burned alive, at the stake.
1338: The councilors of Freiburg banned the performance of anti-Jewish scenes from the town's passion play because of the lethal bloody reactions against Jews which followed the performances. 14
1347 +: Ships from the Far East carried rats into Mediterranean ports. The rats carried the Black Death. At first, fleas spread the disease from the rats to humans. As the plague worsened, the germs spread from human to human. In five years, the death toll had reached 25 million. England took 2 centuries for its population levels to recover from the plague. People looked around for someone to blame. They noted that a smaller percentage of Jews than Christians caught the disease. This was undoubtedly due to the Jewish sanitary and dietary laws, which had been preserved from Old Testament times. Rumors circulated that Satan was protecting the Jews and that they were paying back the Devil by poisoning wells used by Christians. The solution was to torture, murder and burn the Jews. "In Bavaria...12,000 Jews...perished; in the small town of Erfurt...3,000; Rue Brulée...2,000 Jews; near Tours, an immense trench was dug, filled with blazing wood and in a single day 160 Jews were burned." (5) In Strausberg 2,000 Jews were burned. In Maintz 6,000 were killed...; in Worms 400..." 8
1354: 12,000 Jews were executed in Toledo.
1374: An epidemic of possession broke out in the lower Rhine region of what is now Germany. People were seen "dancing, jumping and [engaging in] wild raving." This was triggered by enthusiastic revels on St. John's Day - an Christianized version of an ancient Pagan seasonal day of celebration which was still observed by the populace. The epidemic spread throughout the Rhine and in much of the Netherlands and Germany. Crowds of 500 or more dancers would be overcome together. Exorcisms were tried, but failed. Pilgrimages to the shrine of St. Vitus were tried, but this only seemed to exacerbate the problem. Finally, the rumor spread that God was angry because Christians had been excessively tolerant towards the Jews. God had cursed Europe as He did Saul when he showed mercy towards God's enemies in the Old Testament. Jews "were plundered, tortured and murdered by tens of thousands." The epidemic finally burned itself out two centuries later, in the late 16th century. 9
1391 : Jewish persecutions begin in Seville and in 70 other Jewish communities throughout Spain.
1394 : Jews were exiled, for the second time, from France.
1431 +: The Council of Basel "forbade Jews to go to universities, prohibited them from acting as agents in the conclusion of contracts between Christians, and required that they attend church sermons." 10
1434: "Jewish men in Augsburg had to sew yellow buttons to their clothes. Across Europe, Jews were forced to wear a long undergarment, an overcoat with a yellow patch, bells and tall pointed yellow hats with a large button on them." 6
1453 : The Franciscan monk, Capistrano, persuaded the King of Poland to terminate all Jewish civil rights.
1478: Spanish Jews had been heavily persecuted from the 14th century. Many had converted to Christianity. The Spanish Inquisition was set up by the Church in order to detect insincere conversions. Laws were passed that prohibited the descendants of Jews or Muslims from attending university, joining religious orders, holding public office, or entering any of a long list of professions.
1492 : Jews were given the choice of being baptized as Christians or be banished from Spain. 300,000 left Spain penniless. Many migrated to Turkey, where they found tolerance among the Muslims. Others converted to Christianity but often continued to practice Judaism in secret.
1497: Jews were banished from Portugal. 20 thousand left the country rather than be baptized as Christians.
1516: The Governor of the Republic of Venice decided that Jews would be permitted to live only in one area of the city. It was located in the South Girolamo parish and was called the "Ghetto Novo." This was the first ghetto in Europe. Hitler made use of the concept in the 1930's.
1523: Martin Luther distributed his essay "That Jesus Was Born a Jew. " He hoped that large numbers of Jews would convert to Christianity. They didn't, and he began to write and preach hatred against them. Luther has been condemned in recent years for being extremely antisemitic. The charge has some merit; however he was probably typical of most Christians during his era.
1539: A passion play was forbidden in Rome because it prompted violent attacks against the city's Jewish residents. 14
1540: Jews were exiled from Naples.
1543: In his 20's, Martin Luther, had expected Jews to convert to Christianity in large numbers. Distressed by their reluctance, he developed a hatred for Jews, as expressed in his letters to Rev. Spalatin in 1514, when he was 31 years of age. He wrote:
"I have come to the conclusion that the Jews will always curse and blaspheme God and his King Christ, as all the prophets have predicted....For they are thus given over by the wrath of God to reprobation, that they may become incorrigible, as Ecclesiastes says, for every one who is incorrigible is rendered worse rather than better by correction." 11
In 1543, he wrote "On the Jews and their lies, On Shem Hamphoras": "...eject them forever from this country. For, as we have heard, God's anger with them is so intense that gentle mercy will only tend to make them worse and worse, while sharp mercy will reform them but little. Therefore, in any case, away with them!...What then shall we Christians do with this damned, rejected race of Jews?First, their synagogues or churches should be set on fire,...
Secondly, their homes should likewise be broken down and destroyed... They ought to be put under one roof or in a stable, like Gypsies.
Thirdly, they should be deprived of their prayer books and Talmuds in which such idolatry, lies, cursing and blasphemy are taught.
Fourthly, their rabbis must be forbidden under threat of death to teach any more...
Fifthly, passport and traveling privileges should be absolutely forbidden to the Jews...
Sixthly, they ought to be stopped from usury. All their cash and valuables of silver and gold ought to be taken from them and put aside for safe keeping...
Seventhly, let the young and strong Jews and Jewesses be given the flail, the axe, the hoe, the spade, the distaff, and spindle and let them earn their bread by the sweat of their noses as in enjoined upon Adam's children...
To sum up, dear princes and nobles who have Jews in your domains, if this advice of mine does not suit you, then find a better one so that you and we may all be free of this insufferable devilish burden - the Jews.12
1550: Jews were exiled from Genoa and Venice.
1555-JUL-12:A Roman Catholic Papal bull, "
Cum nimis absurdum," required Jews to wear badges, and live in ghettos. They were not allowed to own property outside the ghetto. Living conditions were dreadful: over 3,000 people were forced to live in about 8 acres of land. Women had to wear a yellow veil or scarf; men had to wear a piece of yellow cloth on their hat.
1582: Jews were expelled from Holland.
1648-9: Chmielnicki Bogdan led an uprising against Polish rule in the Ukraine. The secondary goal of Bogdan and his followers was to exterminate all Jews in the country. The massacre began with the slaughter of about 6,000 Jews in Nemirov. Other major mass murders occurred in Tulchin, Polonnoye, Volhynia, Bar, Lvov, etc. Jewish records estimate that a total of 100,000 Jews were murdered and 300 communities destroyed.
Persecution of Jewish Physicians by the Church:
Medicine in Europe during the Middle Ages found itself restricted by the Christian Church. The church taught that it was irreligious to seek a natural cure from a physician when one could obtain supernatural help from a priest. Some church leaders criticized medical schools because they taught that diseases and disorders came from natural means and not from the evil efforts of Satan.
With medicine in such ill repute among Christians, much of the leadership by the 10th century was provided by Jews and Muslim scholars. Jews were largely responsible for founding the medical Schools at Salerno and Montpellier in the 10th century.
Pope Eugene IV, Nicholas V and Calixtus III forbade Christians from using the services of a Jewish physician. The
Trullanean Council in the 8th century;
Béziers Council & Alby Council in the 13th century;
Avignon council & Salamanca Council in the 14th century, the
Synod of Bamberg in the 15th century; the
Council of Avignon in the 16th century, etc. also ordered Christians to not seek healing from Jewish physicians and surgeons. This continued even into the 17th century when the city of Hall in Würtemberg (in what is now Germany) granted some privileges to a Jewish physician "
on account of his admirable experience and skill." The clergy of Hall complained that "
it were better to die with Christ than to be cured by a Jew doctor aided by the devil."
The conversion from religiously-based to racially-based persecution:
Prior to 1800 CE: Persecution was directed at followers of Judaism because of their religious beliefs; it has been referred to as anti-Judaism. CE, Jews could escape oppression by converting to Christianity, and being baptized. The Christian church taught in past centuries that
all Jews (past, present and future) were responsible for Jesus' death. The Church also believed that some Jews must be allowed to live, because the biblical book of Revelation indicated that they had a role to play in the "end times." They concluded that it was acceptable to make Jews' lives quite miserable.
Since about 1800: "
...Nationalism became a dominant value in the Western and Arab worlds...antisemitism increasingly focused on the Jews' peoplehood and nationhood."
15 Persecution became a form of racism, and has generally been called "anti-Semitism" -- a word "
created by an antisemite, Wilhelm Marr [in 1879]. Marr's intention was to replace the German word Judenhass (Jew-hatred) with a term that would make Jew-haters sound less vulgar and even somewhat scientific."
15 The word, (variously spelled antisemite, anti-Semite and anti-semite). It is not a particularly good choice, because the root word "
Semitic" refers to a group of languages, not to a single language or to a race, people or nation. However, it is in near-universal usage.
- Fritz B. Voll, "A Short Review of a Troubled History," at:
- "Classical and Christian Anti-Semitism," at:
- Max Solbrekken, "The Jews & Jesus: Mistreatment of Jews: Christian shame," at:
- Fritz B. Voll, "A Short Review of a Troubled History," at:
- Bob Michael, "Jews as Serfs," at:
- Max Solbrekken, "The Jews & Jesus: Mistreatment of Jews: Christian shame," at:
- Edward Vanhoutte, "Importance and unimportance of the Jews of Belgium from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment," at:
- "A Calendar of Jewish Persecution," at "HearNow," a Messianic Judaism web site. See:
- A.D. White, "A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom," Prometheus Books, Buffalo, NY, (Reprinted: 1993), Volume II, Pages 137-140.
- "Classical and Christian Anti-Semitism," at:
- "Modern History Sourcebook: Luther Before 1517: Letters to Spalatin,"
- "Medieval Sourcebook: Martin Luther (1483-1546): The Jews and Their Lies, excerpts (1543)," at:
- "Curious and unusual: Rome's ghetto: The old Jewish quarter," at:
- A. James Rudin, "A Jewish View of Gibson's 'Passion.' The film may transmit negative attitudes, stereotypes and caricatures about Jews." Beliefnet, 2004, at:
Blood libel accusations against Jews:
In 1144 CE, an unfounded rumor began in eastern England, that Jews had kidnapped a Christian child, tied him to a cross, stabbed his head to simulate Jesus' crown of thorns, killed him, drained his body completely of blood, and mixed the blood into matzos (unleavened bread) at time of Passover. The rumor was started by a former Jew, Theobald, who had become a Christian monk. He said that Jewish representatives gathered each year in Narbonne, France. They decided in which city a Christian child would be sacrificed.
The boy involved in the year 1144 hoax became known as St. William of Norwich. Many people made pilgrimages to his tomb and claimed that miracles had resulted from appeals to St. William. The myth shows a complete lack of understanding of mainline Judaism. Aside from the prohibition of killing innocent persons, the Torah specifically forbids the drinking or eating of any form of blood in any quantity. However, reality never has had much of an impact on blood libel myths. This rumor lasted for many centuries; even today it has not completely disappeared.
Pope Innocent IV ordered a study in 1247 CE. His investigators found that the myth was a Christian invention used to justify persecution of the Jews. At least 4 other popes subsequently vindicated the Jews. However, the accusations, trials and executions continued. In 1817, Czar Alexander I of Russia declared that the blood libel was a myth. Even that did not stop the accusations against Jews in that country.
"Holy shrines were erected to honor innocent Christian victims, and well into the twentieth century, churches throughout Europe displayed knives and other instruments that Jews purportedly used for these rituals. Caricatures of hunchbacked Jews with horns and fangs were depicted in works of art and carved into stone decorating bridges. Proclaimed by parish priests to be the gospel truth, each recurrence of the blood libel charge added to its credence, thus prompting yet more accusations. This vicious cycle continued to spiral." 7
Nicholl reports that "
there are 150 recorded cases of the charge of ritual murder, and many led to massacres of the Jews of the place."
Some of the incidents were:
1144 CE: Jews in Norwich, England were accused of the ritual murder. This is believed to be the first recorded case of the "
blood libel" myth. Jewish leaders in the area were executed.
1171: Jews in Blois, France were accused of ritual murder. All of the Jews in that town (34 men, 16 or 17 women) were "
dragged to a wooden tower where they were given the option of baptism or death. None chose the former."
7 They were burned alive. A second source says that 31 were killed.
1181: More accusations at Bury, St. Edmund, England
1181: Three Christian boys disappeared after playing on a frozen river in Vienna, Austrai. Several "witnesses" swore that Jews had slaughtered the boys. Three hundred Jews were burned at the stake. After the spring thaw, the bodies of the boys were recovered. They had drowned, and were otherwise unharmed.
1183: More accusations in Bristol, England
1192: More accusations in Winchester, England
1199: More accusations and Jewish executions in Erfurt, Bischofsheim.
1235: More accusations and Jewish executions in Lauda, Fulda.
1244: London Jews were accused of ritual murder and fined heavily.
1250: Jews in Saragossa, Spain, were accused of ritually killing a child, San Domenichino de Val.
1255: The body of a little boy, Hugh, was found in a cesspool near the house of a Jew in Lincoln, England. The latter was tortured, confessed that he had engaged in ritual murder, dragged through the streets, and finally hung. 100 Jews were transported to London and charged with ritual murder. One was acquitted; 2 were pardoned; the rest were hanged, either with or without a trial. One source states that 19 Jews were hung without benefit of trial.
1263: A Dominican monk published a theory that God had inflicted Jews with a terrible disease because they had murdeed Yeshua. He reasoned that the only cure was to kill an innocent Christian child and consume its blood.
1283-5: Following a series of ritual murder charges, 10 Jews were murdered by a mob in Mainz; 26 were executed in Bacharach, 40 in Oberwellil, and 180 in Munich.
1431: After ritual murder charges, several Jewish communities were destroyed in southern Germany: Ravensburg, Uberlingen and Lindau.
1451: Pope Nicholas V appointed John of Capistrano to organize the Inquisition of the Jews. John repeated the old charges of ritual murder and host desecration.
1475: A few days before Easter, Samuel, a Jew in Trent, Italy, found the body of a Christian infant named Simon. He had apparently drowned in a nearby river. A number of Jews were arrested and tortured. All confessed to murdering the infant. They were burned at the stake. Stories spread of miraculous cures which were believed to have been caused by contacting Simon's bones. Simon was canonized as a holy martyr by Pope Gregory XIII. Simon's beatification was reversed in 1965.
1492: Tomas de Torquemada, the Grand Inquisitor of the Spanish Inquisition engineered a blood libel case in La Guardia, Spain. Jews who had converted to Christianity were accused and tortured. They confessed to helping the chief rabbi to abuse and crucify a Christian child.
1541: John Eck, a Roman Catholic writer, wrote a pamphlet "
Refutation of a Jewish Book." He repeated the ritual murder and host desecration myths.
1840: An elderly Italian monk-priest, Padre Tommaso, and his servant disappeared in Damascus, Syria, after having visited the Jewish quarter in the city.
A French consol to the Ottoman Empire, Ratti-Menton, promoted a groundless theory of ritual murder that the local Muslim government largely accepted. Jewish leaders were arrested and tortured. Sixty of their children were held hostage and starved to pressure their parents into confessing. One source said that four adults died from the mistreatment; another states that two died and some were permanently disabled.
7 Most of the rest confessed involvement in a ritual murder.
3 The consul then requested permission from the Syrian government to murder the rest of his suspects. As a result of widespread protests from Sir Moses, Montefiore, Adolphe Cremieux, Solomon Munk, and others, the lives of the survivors were spared.
This event introduced the blood libel myth to the Arab world, where it is still circulating. It also led to an organized effort by Jews in Europe and the Middle East to protect themselves. This affair spurred early Zionist writers like Hess to promote the Zionist cause.
1853: Two Jews of Saratov, Russia, were convicted of ritually murdering two Christian children.
1870's: "
With the rise of the modern antisemitic movement in the late 1870s, the traditional blood accusation merged easily with the new scientific racial arguments, serving as a lowest common denominator to unite its secular (and often anti-Christian), Catholic, and Protestant members."
3 Roman Catholic Bishop Martin of Pederborn, Germany, wrote that Jews ritually murdered Christian children.
1881: A Roman Catholic journal,
Civilta Cattolica, started a series of articles which attempted to prove that ritual murder was an integral element of the Jewish religion. They argued that the ritual murders occurred at Purim rather than Passover. "
It is in vain that Jews seek to slough off the weight of argument against them: the mystery has become known to all." (Not quite all. Historians have rejected the stories of blood libel as myth.)
1911-3: The Beilis case, an accusation of ritual murder of a boy by the name of Andriusha Yustchinsky, surfaced in Kiev, Russia. At first, his mother looked like a possible suspect. Although the boy had disappeared eight days before his body was found, she had not notified the police. She showed no emotion when her son's body was discovered. Upon his death, she inherited 500 rubles, which had been held in trust. Suspicion later fell on Vera Tchebiraik who was involved with a gang of thieves. Andriusha was a schoolmate of her son, and would often stay overnight in her home. The boy might have heard about or seen some criminal act by the gang and been murdered to assure his silence. However, this was a time of great unrest in the country, and widespread anti-Jewish sentiment. Soon, the blood libel myth surfaced. "
Mendel Beilis was a Jew arrested in 1911 by the Czarist secret police in Kiev and accused of ritually murdering a Christian boy to use his blood in baking matzoh. He was jailed for almost two and one-half years, under horrible conditions, while awaiting trial. In 1913, after a dramatic trial, he was [unanimously] acquitted by an all Christian jury."
1920s: Mendel Beilis emigrated to the U.S. and wrote his autobiography, called "
The Story of My Sufferings."
1960s: Bernard Malamud wrote a novel called "
The Fixer." He received both a
Pulitzer Prize and the
National Book Award. Although he claimed that this was an original story, some analysts believe that Malamud took most of the events and details from Beilis' book.
1930's +: Hitler re-used the blood-libel myth as justification for the Holocaust. The Nazi periodical,
Der Stürmer, often published special issues devoted to allegations of ritual murder by Jews. Hitler had asked that a propaganda film be made of the 1840 Damascus case. World War II ended before it could be made.
2000's: The Jewish blood-libel myth continues to circulate among many Muslim countries. Egyptian film producer is making a movie about the Syrian case in 1840, called "
The Matzoh of Zion." Director Albert Maysles is making a film about the Beilis case.
2007: Ariel Toaff, an Israeli historian of Italian origin, published a book that has revived the blood libel story. It is titled: "
Bloody Passovers: The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murders." Toaff suggests that several crucifixions of Christian children occurred from 1100 to about 1500 CE. He wrote:
"My research shows that in the Middle Ages, a group of fundamentalist Jews did not respect the biblical prohibition and used blood for healing. It is just one group of Jews, who belonged to the communities that suffered the severest persecution during the Crusades. From this trauma came a passion for revenge that in some cases led to responses, among them ritual murder of Christian children."
He bases his book on the testimony given under torture. Twelve of Italy's chief rabbis issued a press release stating:
"It is totally inappropriate to utilize declarations extorted under torture centuries ago to reconstruct bizarre and devious historical theses. ... The only blood spilled in these stories was that of so many innocent Jews, massacred on account of unjust and infamous accusations."
Sergio Luzzatto, in an article in the
Corriere della Serra wrote:
"Even if the author should manage to prove that a deviant sect existed for centuries...clearly it could never be identified as a Jewish group, or as part of a Jewish community. This would be comparable to saying that the rabbis who were present at [Iranian President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad's Holocaust Denial Conference in Teheran represent mainstream Judaism." 15
Host desecration accusations against Jews:
The host is a wafer used during the Roman Catholic mass. At a certain point during the ritual, the church teaches that it is converted into the actual body of Jesus Christ, just as the wine becomes Jesus' actual blood. These elements of the mass are then eaten by the believers. This belief is not shared by Protestants, who believe that the bread and wine symbolize -- but do not become -- Jesus' body and blood.
A variation of the blood libel myth developed in Europe early in the 11th century. Instead of accusing the Jews of killing an innocent child, they were accused of desecrating the host. Sometimes they were accused stabbing pins into the host, or of stepping on it. Other times, they were accused of stabbing the host with a knife until Jesus' blood leaked out. Sometimes, they were accused of nailing the host, in a symbolic replay of the crucifixion.
Like the blood libel myth, host desecration makes no logical sense. Being Jews, they would not believe in the Christian doctrine of transubstantiation - that the host during mass becomes the actual body of Jesus. To them, the host is just a simple wafer with no religious significance.
Nicholl reports that "
100 instances of the charge have been recorded, in many cases leading to massacres." Some of the incidents were:
1021: Rome suffered through both an earthquake and hurricane on Good Friday of that year. Some Jews were charged with having caused the disaster driving a nail through a stolen host. They were tortured until they confessed; they were then burned alive.
1215: The Fourth Lateran Council in Rome declared the belief in transubstantiation. This established the theological basis for the host desecration myth.
1243: All Jews in Berlitz, Germany were burned alive for allegedly torturing a stolen host.
1308: The Bishop of Strasbourg charged Jews in Sulzmatt and Rufach with host desecration. They were burned alive.
1370: Jews in Brabant, Belgium, were accused of defiling the host and were burned alive.
1389: Jews in Prague were accused of attacking a monk carrying a wafer. All of the Jews in the city were offered the choice of conversion to Christianity or death. They were all killed.
1399: A rabbi and 13 elders in Posen, Poland, were charged with stabbing the host and tossing it into a pit. They were slowly roasted to death. Some townspeople believed that the host had bled.
Unlike the basic Blood Libel myth, rumors of host desecration by Jews appear to have died out in the Middle Ages. It has surfaced recently, during the mid-1990's. In at least two Roman Catholic cathedrals (one in Ontario, Canada and another in Mississippi) some parishioners believed that Satanists were masquerading as church members, attending mass but not swallowing the host. They believed that it was later taken from the cathedral and used in Satanic rituals.
- M.I. Dimont, "Jews, God and History," Mentor Books, Revised edition, (1994), Page 235. You can buy this book from bookstore
- William Nichol, "Christian Antisemitism: A History of Hate," Aronson, (1995).
- Jonathan Frankel, "'Ritual Murder' in the Modern Era: The Damascus Affair of 1840," Jewish Social Studies Volume 3, Number 2, at:
- Wildwoman, at:
- Edward Vanhoutte, "Importance and unimportance of the Jews of Belgium from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment," at:
- "Family of Mendel Beilis: A martyr for his people," at:
- Shari Schwartz, "Editor's Preface: The Making of a Martyr," at:
- "A boy is murdered," at:
- Salo W. Baron, "The Russian Jew under Tsars and Soviets"
- S. M. Dubnow, "History of the Jews in Russia and Poland"
- Alexander B. Tager, "The Decay of Czarism: The Beilis Trial"
- "A government blood libel: The Beilis affair," The history of Jews in Russia, (1995). at:
- Ronald Florence, "Blood Libel : The Damascus Affair of 1840," University of Wisconsin Press, (2004). Read reviews or order this book
- Jonathan Frankel, "The Damascus Affair : 'Ritual Murder', Politics, and the Jews in 1840," Cambridge University Press, (1997). Read reviews or order this book
- Lisa Palmieri-Billig, "Historian gives credence to blood libel," The Jerusalem Post, 2007-FEB-07, at:

Antisemitism: Persecution of Jews along Racial Lines:
Subsequent attacks against Jews tended to be racially motivated. They were perpetrated primarily by the state. The Jewish people were viewed as a separate people or race.
1806: A French Jesuit Priest, Abbe Barruel, had written a treatise blaming the Masonic Order for the French Revolution. He later issued a letter alleging that Jews, not the Masons were the guilty party. This triggered a belief in an international Jewish conspiracy in Germany, Poland and some other European countries later in the 19th century.
1819: During the late 18th and early 19th centuries, many European Jews lobbied their governments for emancipation. They sought citizenship as well as the same rights and treatment as were enjoyed by non-Jews. This appears to have provoked sporadic anti-semites to engage in anti-Jewish violence. The rioters cried "
Hep! Hep!." The origin(s) of this cry are not clear. Jews and their property were attacked first in Wuerzburg, Germany during 1819-AUG. The rioting spread across Germany and eventually reached as far as Denmark and Poland.
1840: A rumor spread in Syria that some Jews were responsible for the ritual killing of a Roman Catholic monk and his servant. As a result of horrendous treatment, some local Jews confessed to a crime that they did not commit. This "
Damascus Affair" spurred early Zionist writers like Hess to promote the Zionist cause.
17 More details.
1846 - 1878: Pope Pius IX restored all of the previous restrictions against the Jews within the Vatican state. All Jews under Papal control were confined to Rome's ghetto - the last one in Europe until the Nazi era restored the church's practice. On 2000-SEP-3, Pope John Paul II beatified Pius IX; this is the last step before sainthood. He explained: "
Beatifying a son of the church does not celebrate particular historic choices that he has made, but rather points him out for imitation and for veneration for his virtue."
1858: Edgardo Mortara was kidnapped, at the age of six, from his Jewish family by Roman Catholic officials after they found out that a maid had secretly baptized him. He was not returned to his family but was raised a Catholic. He eventually became a priest.
1873: The term "
antisemitism" is first used in a pamphlet by Wilhelm Marr called "
Jewry's Victory over Teutonism."
1881: Alexander II of Russia was assassinated by radicals. The Jews were blamed. About 200 individual pogroms against the Jews followed. ("
Pogrom" is a Russian word meaning "
devastation" or "
riot." In Russia, a pogrom was typically a mob riot against Jewish individuals, shops, homes or businesses. They were often supported and even organized by the government.) Thousands of Jews became homeless and impoverished. The few who were charged with offenses generally received very light sentences.
1893: "
...anti-Semitic parties won sixteen seats in the German Reichstag."
1894: Captain Alfred Dreyfus, an officer on the French general staff, was convicted of treason. The evidence against him consisted of a piece of paper from his wastebasket with another person's handwriting, and papers forged by antisemitic officers. He received a life sentence on Devil's Island, off the coast of South America. The French government was aware that a Major Esterhazy was actually guilty.
3 The church, government and army united to suppress the truth. Writer Emile Zola and politician Jean Jaurès fought for justice and human rights. After 10 years, the French government fell and Drefus was declared totally innocent. The Dreyfus Affair was world-wide news for years. It motivated Journalist Theodor Herzl to write a book in 1896: "
The Jewish State: A Modern Solution to the Jewish Question." The book led to the founding of the Zionist movement which fought for a Jewish Homeland. A half century later, the state of Israel was born.
1903: At Easter, government agents organized an anti-Jewish pogrom in Kishinev, Moldova, Russia. The local newspaper published a series of inflammatory articles. A Christian child was discovered murdered and a young Christian woman at the Jewish Hospital committed suicide. Jews were blamed for the deaths. Violence ensured. The 5,000 soldiers in the town did nothing. When the smoke cleared, 49 Jews had been killed, 500 were injured; 700 homes looted and destroyed, 600 businesses and shops looted, 2000 families left homeless. Later, it was discovered that the child had been murdered by its relatives and the suicide was unrelated to the Jews.
1905: The Okhrana, the Russian secret police in the reign of Czar Nicholas II, converted an earlier antisemitic novel into a document called the "
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion."
16 It was published privately in 1897. A Russian Orthodox priest, Sergius Nilus, published them publicly in 1905. It was promoted as the record of "
secret rabbinical conferences whose aim was to subjugate and exterminate the Christians."
5 The Protocols were used by the Okhrana in a propaganda campaign that was associated with massacres of the Jews. These were the Czarist Pogroms of 1905.
1915: 600,000 Jews were forcibly moved from the western borders of Russia towards the interior. About 100,000 died of exposure or starvation.
1917: "
In the civil war following the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, the reactionary White Armies made extensive use of the Protocols to incite widespread slaughters of Jews."
5 Two hundred thousand Jews were murdered in the Ukraine alone.
1920: The
Protocols reach England and the United States. They are exposed as a forgery, but are widely circulated. Henry Ford sponsored a study of international activities of Jews. This led to a series of antisemitic articles in the Dearborn Independent, which were published in a book, "
The International Jew." The Protocols were sold on Wal-Mart's online bookstore until they were removed on 2004-SEP-21.
1920: The defeat of Germany in World War I and the continuing economic difficulties were blamed in that country on the "
Jewish influence." One antisemitic poster has been preserved from that era.
6 It shows a German, presumably Christian woman, a male Jew with distorted facial features, a coffin and the word "Deutschland" (Germany)
1920's, 1930's: Hitler had published in
Mein Kampf in 1925, writing: "
Today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord." The
Protocols are used by the Nazis to whip up public hatred of the Jews in the 1930's. Widespread pogroms occur in Greece, Hungary, Mexico, Poland, Rumania, and the USSR. Radio programs by many conservative American clergy, both Roman Catholic and Protestant, frequently attacked Jews. Reverend Fr. Charles E Coughlin was one of the best known. "
In the 1930's, radio audiences heard him rail against the threat of Jews to America's economy and defend Hitler's treatment of Jews as justified in the fight against communism." (12) Other conservative Christian leaders, such as Frank Norris and John Straton supported the Jews.
Discrimination against Jews in North America is widespread. Many universities set limits on the maximum number of Jewish students that they would accept. Harvard accepted all students on the basis of merit until after World War I when the percentage of Jewish students approached 15%. At that time they installed an informal quota system. In 1941, Princeton had fewer than 2% Jews in their student body. Jews were routinely barred from country clubs, prestigious neighborhoods, etc.
1933: Hitler took power in Germany. On APR-1, Julius Streicher organized a one-day boycott of all Jewish owned busienss in the country. This was the start of continuous oppression by the Nazis culminating in the Holocaust (a.k.a. Shoah). Jews "
were barred from civil service, legal professions and universities, were not allowed to teach in schools and could not be editors of newspapers."
2 Two years later, Jews were no longer considered citizens.
1934: Various laws were enacted in Germany to force Jews out of schools and professions.
1935: The Nazis passed the
Nuremberg Laws restricting citizenship to those of "
German or related blood." Jews became stateless.
1936: Cardinal Hloud of Poland urged Catholics to boycott Jewish businesses.
1938: On NOV-9, the Nazi government in Germany sent storm troopers, the SS and the Hitler Youth on a pogrom that killed 91 Jews, injured hundreds, burned 177 synagogues and looted 7,500 Jewish stores. Broken glass could be seen everywhere; the glass gave this event its name of Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass.
1938: Hitler brought back century-old church law, ordering all Jews to wear a yellow Star of David as identification. A few hundred thousand Jews are allowed to leave Germany after they give all of their assets to the government.
1939: The Holocaust, the Shoah -- the systematic extermination of Jews in Germany -- begins. The process only ended in 1945 with the conclusion of World War II. Approximately 6 million Jews (1.5 million of them children), 400 thousand Roma (Gypsies) and others were slaughtered. Some were killed by death squads; others were slowly killed in trucks with carbon monoxide; others were gassed in large groups in Auschwitz, Dacau, Sobibor, Treblinka and other extermination camps. Officially, the holocaust was described by the Nazis as subjecting Jews "
to special treatment" or as a "
solution of the Jewish question." Gold taken from the teeth of the victims was recycled; hair was used in the manufacture of mattresses. In the Buchenwald extermination camp, lampshades were made out of human skin; however, this appears to be an isolated incident. A rumor spread that Jewish corpses were routinely converted into soap. However, the story appears to be false.
1940: The Vichy government of France collaborated with Nazi Germany by freezing about 80,000 Jewish bank accounts. During the next four years, they deported about 76,000 Jews to Nazi death camps; only about 2,500 survived. It was only in 1995 that a French president, Jacques Chirac, "
was able to admit that the state bore a heavy share of responsibility in the mass round-ups and deportations of Jews, as well as in the property and asset seizures that were carried out with the active help of the Vichy regime."
1941: The
Holocaust Museum in Washington DC estimates that 13,000 Jews died on 1941-JUN-19 during a pogrom in Bucharest, Romania. It was ordered by the pro-Nazi Romanian regime of Marshal Ion Antonescu. The current government has admitted that this atrocity happened, but most Romanians continue to deny that the Jews were killed on orders from their own government.
1941: Polish citizens in Jedwabne in northeastern Poland killed hundreds of Jews, by either beating them to death or burning them alive in a barn. According to the Associated Press: "
The role played by Polish citizens was suppressed for nearly six decades until publication of a book by a Polish emigre historian, Jan Tomasz Gross. After release of the book in 2000, the Polish government launched an investigation. 'The role of the Poles was decisive in conducting the criminal act,' [prosecutor Radoslaw] Ignatiew, said. The book, 'Neighbours,' sparked national soul-searching among Poles, many of whom could not believe that anybody but the Nazis would have committed the atrocity."
1942: The Nazi leaders of Germany, at the Wannsee conference, decided on"the final solution of the Jewish question" which was the attempt to exterminate every Jew in Europe. From JUL-28 to 31, almost 18,000 Russian inhabitants of the Minsk ghetto in what is now Belarus were exterminated. This was in addition to 5,000 to 15,000 who had been massacred in earlier pogroms in that city. This was just one of many such pogroms during World War II.
1945: The Shoah (Holocaust) ended as the Allied Forces over-ran the Nazi death camps.
1946: Even though World War II ended the year before, antisemitic pogroms continued, particularly in Poland, with the deaths of many Jews.
- "The Pale of Settlement and the pogroms of 1881 in Russia," at:
- Fritz B. Voll, "A Short Review of a Troubled History," at:
- "The Dreyfus Affair,"
- "The Kishinev Pogrom of 1903," at:
- "Protocols of the Elders of Zion," article. See:
- Antisemitic poster from 1920 Germany at:
- G.M. Marsden, "Fundamentalism and American Culture," Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK (1980)
- G.M. Marsden, "Religion and American Culture," Harcourt, San Diego, CA, (1990), Page 220.
- Robert Fulford, "Historian recalls life as a Jew among the Nazis", Article, Globe and Mail, Toronto ON, 1998-OCT-31.
- "A Picture Tells a Thousand Words,"
- Jon Henley, "France faces up to wartime role," The Guardian, reprinted in the Toronto Star, 2001-JAN-11, Page A28
- "Survivors mark Romania pogrom: First memorial to 1941 victims," Associated Press, 2000-DEC-6.
- "Poles close probe into Jewish wartime massacre," Associated Press. Published in the Toronto Star, Toronto ON, 2002-JUL-9. at:
- "Pogrom," Vecherny Minsk newspaper, Minsk, Belarus, 1967-NOV. See:
- J. Telushkin, "Jewish Literacy: The Most Important Things to Know About the Jewish Religion, Its People and Its History; Item 241: Antisemitism" William Morrow, (1991). Read reviews or order this book safely from online book store
- Victor Marsden, translator, "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion," Liberty Bell Publications, (2004). Read reviews or order this hate propaganda safely from online book store
- Jonathan Frankel, "The Damascus Affair : 'Ritual Murder', Politics, and the Jews in 1840," Cambridge University Press, (1997). Read reviews or order this book
Poll: Civilian death toll in Iraq may top 1 million
Tina Susman, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
September 14, 2007
BAGHDAD -- -- A car bomb blew up in the capital's Shiite Muslim neighborhood of Sadr City on Thursday, killing at least four people, as a new survey suggested that the civilian death toll from the war could be more than 1 million.
The figure from ORB, a British polling agency that has conducted several surveys in Iraq, followed statements this week from the U.S. military defending itself against accusations it was trying to play down Iraqi deaths to make its strategy appear successful.
The military has said civilian deaths from sectarian violence have fallen more than 55% since President Bush sent an additional 28,500 troops to Iraq this year, but it does not provide specific numbers.
According to the ORB poll, a survey of 1,461 adults suggested that the total number slain during more than four years of war was more than 1.2 million.
ORB said it drew its conclusion from responses to the question about those living under one roof: "How many members of your household, if any, have died as a result of the conflict in Iraq since 2003?"
Based on Iraq's estimated number of households -- 4,050,597 -- it said the 1.2 million figure was reasonable.
There was no way to verify the number, because the government does not provide a full count of civilian deaths. Neither does the U.S. military.
Both, however, say that independent organizations greatly exaggerate estimates of civilian casualties.
ORB said its poll had a margin of error of 2.4%. According to its findings, nearly one in two households in Baghdad had lost at least one member to war- related violence, and 22% of households nationwide had suffered at least one death. It said 48% of the victims were shot to death and 20% died as a result of car bombs, with other explosions and military bombardments blamed for most of the other fatalities.
The survey was conducted last month.
It was the highest estimate given so far of civilian deaths in Iraq. Last year, a study in the medical journal Lancet put the number at 654,965, which Iraq's government has dismissed as "ridiculous."
The car bomb in Sadr City injured at least 10 people and set fire to several shops. Also Thursday, police said they had found the bodies of nine people believed to be victims of sectarian killings across the capital.
In its latest salvo at Iran, the U.S. military accused the Islamic Republic of providing the 240-millimeter rocket that earlier this week slammed into Camp Victory, the sprawling base that houses the U.S. Army headquarters. The attack on the base near Baghdad's airport injured 11 soldiers and killed one "third-country national."
At a news conference, a military spokesman, Army Brig. Gen. Kevin Bergner, displayed a chunk of metal that he said had come from the rocket. Asked how he could be sure it was of Iranian origin, Bergner said its color and markings were unique to rockets from Iran.
The United States accuses Iran's Shiite leaders of providing weapons, training and other assistance to Shiite militias fighting U.S. forces in Iraq. Iran denies the accusation.
Article nr. 36250 sent on 14-sep-2007 14:53 ECT www.uruknet. info?p=36250
Penutup: Fiksi tidaklah selalu Fiksi, Kitab Suci tidaklah selalu Suci
Untuk menggambarkan maksud keseluhan artikel ini, saya kutipkan “The Davinci Code”, novel fiksi karya Dan Brown, hal. 320 -327. Anda akan memahami bahwa tidak semua cerita fiksi adalah fiksi dan Tidak semua Kitab suci adalah suci:
..Teabing Berdaham dan menyatakan, “Alkitab tidak datang dengan cara difaks dari surga”
“Alkitab adalah buatan manusia, Nona. Bukan Tuhan. Alkitab tidak jatuh secara Ajaib dari awan. Orang membuatnya sebagai catatan sejarah dari hiruk-pikuk zaman dan itu telah melibatkan penterjemah, penambahan dan revisi yang tak terhitung. Sejarah tidak pernah punya versi pasti buku itu”
"Yesus Kristus merupakan tokoh sejarah dengan pengaruh luar biasa,mungkin pemimpin yg paling membingungkan dan paling melahirkan inspirasi yg pernah ada di dunia."
"Seperti Messiah yg diramalkan, Yesus melebihi raja-raja, memberi inspirasi kepada jutaan orang, dan mendirikan filosofi baru. Sebagai keturunan raja Solomo dan Raja David, Yesus berhak mewarisi tahta Yahudi."
"Dapat dimengerti, kehidupan-Nya dicatat oleh ribuan pengikut diseluruh bumi ini."
Teabing terdiam sejenak untuk menghirup tehnya, kemudian meletakkan cangkirnya kembali di atas bibir perapian.
"Lebih dari 80 kitab injil dipertimbangkan untuk masuk kedalam Perjanjian Baru, namun akhirnya relatif sedikit yg dipilih untuk dicantumkan, diantaranya Matius, Markus, Lukas, dan Yohanes.
"Siapa yg memilih kitab injil mana untuk dicantumkan ?" tanya Sophie.
"Aha !", Teabing meledak bersemangat. "Ironi mendasar dari Kristen !".
"Alkitab yg kita kenal sekarang ini disusun oleh kaisar Roma yg pagan, Konstantin Agung."
"Kukira Konstantin penganut Kristen," kata Sophie.
"Tak benar," Teabing terbatuk. "Dia seorang pagan seumur hidup. Dia dibaptis pada ranjang kematiannya, ketika dirinya terlalu lemah untuk melawan. Dimasa Konstantin, agama resmi Romawi adalah pemujaan matahari - kelompok pemujaan Sol Invictus, atau Matahari Tak Tertandingi - dan Konstantin adalah Pendeta Kepalanya."
"Celaka baginya, sebuah guncangan religius tumbuh dan mencengkram Roma. Tiga abad setelah penyaliban Yesus Kristus, para pengikut Kristus tumbuh berlipat-lipat. Kaum Kristen dan Pagan mulai berperang."
"Konflik itu mengancam Roma terbelah menjadi dua. Konstantin memustuskan sesuatu harus dilakukan. Pada tahun 325 Masehi, ia memutuskan untuk menyatukan Romawi dalam sebuah agama tunggal. Kristen."
Sophie terkejut."Mengapa seorang kaisar pagan memilih Kristen sebagai agama resmi ?"
Teabing tergelak. "Konstantin adalah pebisnis kawakan. Dia dapat melihat bahwa Kristen sedang bangkit, dan ia sekedar bertaruh pada kuda pemenang. Para sejarawan masih memuji kecemerlangan Konstantin yg mengalihkan kaum pagan pemuja matahari menjadi Kristen."
"Dengan meleburkan simbol2, tanggal2, serta ritus2 pagan kedalam adat istiadat Kristen yg sedang tumbuh, dia telah menciptakan sejenis agama hibrid yg dapat diterima oleh kedua belah pihak."
"Transmogrifikasi, " ujar Langdon. "Jejak2 agama pagan dalam simbologi Kristen tak terbantahkan. Cakram Matahari kaum Mesir kuno menjadi lingkaran halo para santo Katolik."
"Berbagai piktogram Isis yg sedang menyusui putranya yg lahir karena mukjizat, Horus, menjadi cetak biru bagi berbagai penggambaran modern kita akan Perawan Maria yg sedang menyusui bayi Yesus."
"Dan nyaris semua unsur dalam ritus Katolik - mitra, altar, doksologi, dan komuni, atau tindakan 'makan Tuhan' - diambil langsung dari agama2 misteri pagan dimasa awal".
Teabing mengerang,"Jangan biarkan seorang simbolog mulai bicara tentang ikon2 Kristen. Tak ada yg asli dalam Kristen. Mitha, Tuhan pra-Kristen - disebut putera Tuhan dan Cahaya Dunia - lahir dan mati pada 25 Desember, dikubur dalam sebuah makam batu, kemudian dibangkitkan dalam tiga hari."
"Omong2, 25 Desember juga hari lahir Osiris, Adonis, dan Dionysus. Khrisna yg baru lahir dihadiahi emas, dupa, dan kemenyan. Bahkan fari suci mingguan orang Kristen dicuri dari kaum pagan."
"Apa maksudmu?"
"Aslinya," kata Langdon, "Kristen menghormati Sabat, tapi Konstantin menggesernyanagar bertemu dengan hari kaum pagan memuliakan matahari."
Dia mengambil jeda, menyeringai. "Hingga hari ini kebanyakan jemaat gereja menghadiri layanan gereja pada hari Minggu pagi tanpa sadar sama sekali bahwa mereka sedang melakukan penghormatan pada dewa matahari kaum pagan - Sun-day, yg artinya hari Matahari."
Kepala Sophie berputar tak karuan. "Dan segala hal ini berhubingan dengan Grail?".
"Memang," kata Teabing. "Bersabarlah sejenak. Selama fusi agama-agama itu, Konstantin perlu memperkuat tradisi Kristen baru, dan dia mengadakan sebuah pertemuan eku-menikal yg termasyhur, yg dikenal dgn nama Konsili Nicea."
Sophie hanya mendengarnya sbg tempat lahir Pengakuan Iman Nicea.
"Dalam pertemuan ini," jkata Teabing, "banyak aspek dari Kristen diperdebatkan dan ditetapkan berdasarkan voting - tanggal Paskah, peranan para Uskup, administrasi sekramen, dan tentu saja, ketuhanan Yesus."
"Aku tak mengerti. Ketuhanan Yesus?"
"Sayangku," tegas Teabing , "hingga saat itu dalam sejarah, Yesus dipandang oleh para pengikut-Nya sebagai Nabi yg dapat mati .... seorang lelaki agung yg punya kekuatan , tapi tak lebih dari seorang manusia. "
"Seorang fana, manusia biasa".
"Bukan putera Tuhan ?"
"Benar", sahut Teabing. "Penetapan Yesus sbg 'Putera Tuhan' secara resmi diusulkan dan ditetapkan melalui voting oleh Konsili Necea".
"Tunggu dulu. Maksudmu, keilahian Yesus adalah hasil voting ?"
"Sebuah voting yg ketat, sebenarnya," tambah Teabing. "Walau begitu menetapkan keilahian Yesus penting sekali bagi penyatuan lebih jauh Kekaisaran Romawi dan bagi basis kekuatan Vatikan yg baru."
"Dengan secara resmi memuja Yesus sbg Putera Tuhan, Konstantin mengubah Yesus menjadi dewa yg berada diluar cakupan dunia manusia, sebuah entitas dengan kekuatan yg tak tertandingi. Ini bukan hanya menyisihkan tantangan selanjutnya dari kaum pagan terhadap Kristen, tapi membuat para pengikut Kristus kini dapat menebus diri mereka hanya melalui pembuatan sebuah saluran suci - Gereja Katolik Roma.".
Sophie melirik Langdon, dan Langdon memberinya sebuah anggukan lembut tanda pembenaran.
"Semua ini masalah kekuasaan," lanjut Teabing. "Kristus sebagai Juru Selamat adalah amat penting bagi berfungsinya Gereja dan Negara. Banyak sarjana mengklaim bahwa Geraja pada masa awal benar2 mencuri Yesus dari para pengikut aslinya, dengan mengajak pesan2 manusiawinya, mengaburkan dalam jubah Ketuhanan yg tak tembus, dan menggunakannya untuk meluaskan kekuasaan mereka. Aku telah menulis beberapa topik tentang masalah ini."
"Aku menduga, orang2 Kristen yg taat mengirimi surat2 permusuhan setiap hari ?"
"Mengapa mereka mau melakukan itu?" sergah Teabing.
"Mayoritas besar orang Kristen terdidik mengetahui sejarah iman mereka. Yesus memanglah seorang manusia agung dan berkuasa. Manuver politik bawah tangan dari Konstantin tidak memupuskan keagungan hidup Kristus."
"Tak ada yg mengatakan Krustus adalah tokoh gadungan, atau menyangkal bahwa Dia berjalan dimuka bumi dan mengilhami jutaan orang untuk memperbaiki hidup meraka. Yang kita katakan disini hanyalah, Konstantin mengambil keuntungan dari pengaruh dan arti penting Kristus yang besar."
"Dan dalam melakukan itu, dia telah membentuk wajah Kristen seperti yg kita kenal sekarang."
Sophie menatap sekilas buku seni dihadapannya, bergairah untuk terus maju dan melihat lukisan Holy Grail dari Da Vinci.
"Masalahnya adalah ini," kata Teabing, kini bicaranya lebih cepat , Karena Konstantin meningkatkan status Yesus hampir empat abad setelah kematian Yesus, ribuan dokumen yg mencatat kehidupannya sebagai manusia biasa sudah terlanjur ada."
"Untuk menulis ulang buku2 sejarah, Konstantin tahu bahwa ia perlu mengambil sebuah langkah berani. Dari sinilah timbul sebua momen paling menentukan dalam sejarah Kristen." Teabing berhenti sejenak menatap Sophie.
"Konstantin menitahkan dan membiayai penyususnan sebuah Al-kitab baru, yang meniadakan semua kitab Injil yang berbicara tentang segala perilaku manusiawi Yesus, serta memasukkan kitab2 Injil yg membuatnya seakan Tuhan."
"Kitab2 Injil terdahulu dianggap melanggar hukum, lalu dikumpulkan dan dibakar".
"Sebuah catatan menarik," tambah Langdon,"Siapapun yg memilih kitab2 Injil yg terlarang dan bukannya yg versi Konstantin akan dianggap sabagai kaum bid'ah, heretic. Kata heretic diambil dari sejarah tersebut. Kata Latin Haereticus berarti pilihan. Mereka yg memilih sejarah asli dari Kristus adalah kaum Heretic pertama di dunia."
"Untungnya bagi sejarawan," kata Teabing,"beberapa kitab Injil yg dicoba untuk dimusnahkan oleh Konstantin berhasil diselamatkan. Dead Sea Scrolls, Gulungan2 Laut Mati, ditemukan pada 1950, tersembunyi disebuah gua dekat Qumran di gurun Yudea."
"Dan tentu saja, Gulungan Koptik pada 1945 di Nag Hammadi. Sebagai kisah tambahan dari kisah Grail sejati, dokumen2 ini berbicara tentang kependetaan Yesus dalam keadaan yang amat manusiawi. "
"Tentu saja Vatikan mencoba amat keras untuk menekan pengabaran gulungan2 naskah ini. Mengapa tidak? gulungan2 itu menggaris bawahi ketidakcocokan dan pemalsuan sejarah yg mencolok, jelas2 membenarkan bahwa Al-kitab modern disusun dan diedit oleh manusia yg memiliki sebuah agenda politis."
"Untuk mempromosikan keilahian seorang lelaki bernama Yesus Kristus dan memanfaatkan pengaruhnya untuk mengukuhkan basis kuasa mereka sendiri".
“Namun,” sanggah landon, “amatlah penting untuk mengingat bahwa hasrat geraja modern untuk menekan dokumen-dokumen ini datang dari kepercayaan yang tulus yang lahir dari pandangan mapan mereka akan Kristus. Vatikan terbangun dari orang-orang yang teramat saleh, yang sungguh sungguh percaya bahwa dokumen-dokumen yang bertentangan ini tidak bisa adalah kesaksian palsu”
Teabing tergelak, sambil menyantaikan dirinya pada sebuah kursi di hadapan Sophie. “Seperti yang dapat kaulihat, professor kita ini punya hati yang jauh lebih lunak terhadap Roma daripada hatiku. Walaupun begitu, ia benar mengenai kaum pendeta yang meyakini dokumen-dokumen penentang ini sebagai kesaksian palsu. Itu dapat dimengerti. Alkitab versi Konstantin telah menjadi kebeneran mereka selama berabad-abad. Tidak ada seorangpun yang lebih terdoktrinasi kecuali pendoktrin itu sendiri”
“Maksud dia,” Kata Langdon, “adalah bahwa kita memuja tuhan-tuhan dari para leluhur kita.”
Maksudku,”sergah Teabing, “Adalah bahwa nyaris segala yang diajarkan leluhur kita tentang Kristus adalah palsu...”