Semua itu malah makin membuatku sangat…sangat…sangat penasaran untuk menonton pilem itu….Ah, akhirnya dapat juga aku tonton pilem berdurasi 16:48/15 menit yang sudah menghebohkan dunia itu.
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Pilem ini dimulai dengan sebuah karikatur kepala seseorang....entah ia berasal dari ras apa...tidak disebutkan apapun mengenai karikatur kepala tersebut…yang pasti Ia adalah seorang lelaki, memakai sorban dan pada sorban depannya ada tulisan arab, mata melotot, mempunyai berewok...diatas kepalanya (di sorban) ada juga gambar dinamit yang sedang menyala. Yang jelas tidak ada tulisan dalam bahasa latin dengan bunyi Muhammad di situ.
Adegan beralih pada kutipan ayat (yang cetak tebal yang ditayangkan):
[8:60] Dan siapkanlah untuk menghadapi mereka kekuatan apa saja yang kamu sanggupi dan dari kuda-kuda yang ditambat untuk berperang (yang dengan persiapan itu) kamu menggentarkan musuh Allah dan musuhmu dan orang orang selain mereka yang kamu tidak mengetahuinya; sedang Allah mengetahuinya. Apa saja yang kamu nafkahkan pada jalan Allah niscaya akan dibalasi dengan cukup kepadamu dan kamu tidak akan dianiaya (dirugikan).
Adegan beralih pada potongan pilem mengenai kejadian 11 September, Runtuhnya WTC, yang ditabrak pesawat.
Ada rekaman pembicaraan seseorang yang ketakutan saat terjebak di gedung itu yang sedang terbakar dan seorang yang berusaha menenangkannya dan dimix dengan sebuah tayangan jatuhnya sesuatu dari gedung itu (tidak terlihat…mungkin orang)
Adegan beralih dari kutipan pembicaraan mengenai ledakan Bomb di station atocha yang keluar dari dalam kereta Api…ketakutan orang-orang dan gambar para korban
Adegan diselipikan kotbah seorang Iman:
"Apa yang membuat Allah senang?... yang membuat Allah senang adalah apabila orang2 non muslim di bunuh… membasmi orang-orang kafir dan politeisme…Musuh allah dan agama..Allah menghitung jumlah mereka dan membunuh mereka hingga orang yang terakhir dan tidak menyisakan bahkan satu orangpun"
Diselingi dengan potongan adegan korban ledakan yang berserakan di jalan raya, yang mati dan luka-luka, bekas ledakan yang merobek gerbong kereta api, kumpulan mayat yang ditemukan dan jejeran mayat utuh dan robek-robek akibat ledakan.
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Adegan beralih pada surat 4:56 (yang cetak tebal yang ditayangkan):
[4:56] Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang kafir kepada ayat-ayat Kami, kelak akan Kami masukkan mereka ke dalam neraka. Setiap kali kulit mereka hangus, Kami ganti kulit mereka dengan kulit yang lain, supaya mereka merasakan azab. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Bijaksana.
Adegan beralih pada potongan kotbah seorang Imam:
“Atas ijin Allah…Oh Negara Muhammad….bahkan sepotong batu berkata "Oh Muslim, Seorang yahudi bersembunyi dibalikku, kemarilah dan potonglah kepala mereka...dan kita seharusnya memotong kepalanya...atas nama Allah, kita harus memotongnya! Yahudi! ..AllahuAkbar ..(sayup2 terdengar balasan AllahuAkbar) ..jihad bagi Allah ..jihad bagi Allah ..kemenangan bagi Allah ..AllahuAkbar!"
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Kemudian adegan beralih pada seorang anak peerempuan kecil berjilbab dan seorang perempuan dewasa (tidak tampak di layar) melakukan tanya jawab:
Tanya (Perempuan Dewasa):"Siapa namamu?"
jawab (Perempuan kecil):"Basmallah"
tanya:"Basmallah, berapa Umurmu?"
jawab:"Tiga setengah tahun"
Tanya:"Apakah kamu Muslim?"
Tanya:"Apakah kamu kenal dengan kaum yahudi?"
tanya:"sebab mereka adalah?...."
Jawab:"Sebab mereka adalah Kera dan Babi"
Tanya:"Sebab mereka kera dan Babi?...Siapa yang mengatakan demikian?"
Tanya:"Dimana itu dikatakan?"
[5:60] Katakanlah: "Apakah akan aku beritakan kepadamu tentang orang-orang yang lebih buruk pembalasannya dari (orang-orang fasik) itu disisi Allah, yaitu orang-orang yang dikutuki dan dimurkai Allah, di antara mereka (ada) yang dijadikan kera dan babi424 dan (orang yang) menyembah thaghut ?". Mereka itu lebih buruk tempatnya dan lebih tersesat dari jalan yang lurus.
424: Yang dimaksud disini ialah : orang-orang Yahudi yang melanggar kehormatan hari Sabtu (lihat ayat 65 surat Al Baqarah dan not59).
59: Hari Sabtu ialah hari yang khusus untuk beribadat bagi orang-orang yahudi.
[2:65] Dan sesungguhnya telah kamu ketahui orang-orang yang melanggar diantaramu pada hari Sabtu59, lalu Kami berfirman kepada mereka: "Jadilah kamu kera60 yang hina".
60: Sebagian ahli tafsir memandang bahwa ini sebagai suatu perumpamaan , artinya hati mereka menyerupai hati kera, karena sama-sama tidak menerima nasehat dan peringatan. Pendapat Jumhur mufassir ialah mereka betul-betul berubah menjadi kera, hanya tidak beranak, tidak makan dan minum, dan hidup tidak lebih dari tiga hari.
Adegan beralih ke potongan gambar Bus yang hancur..Kereta yang hancur dan diselingi dengan seorang Imam yang berkotbah (
“Yahudi adalah tetap Yahudi, mereka adalah orang2 yang wajib di cingcang dan di bunuh..”
Adegan beralih kepada potongan gambar seorang wanita memakai burka membawa poster yang berbunyi:
”Bersiaplah untuk merasakan benar-benar di bunuh secara masal / Pembasmian / Pemberantasan”
“Tuhan memberkati Hitler”
Ada potongan adegan kumpulan orang dengan memakai tutup kepala member salute ala Nazi. Dan didepannya ada kumpulan orang yang memakai Sorban dan berjanggut (imam?)
Lihat: Kenapa dihubungkan dengan Hitler
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Adegan beralih ke Surat 47:4 (ditayangkan hanya yang dicetak tebal)
[47:4] Apabila kamu bertemu dengan orang-orang kafir (di medan perang) maka pancunglah batang leher mereka. Sehingga apabila kamu telah mengalahkan mereka maka tawanlah mereka dan sesudah itu kamu boleh membebaskan mereka atau menerima tebusan sampai perang berakhir. Demikianlah apabila Allah menghendaki niscaya Allah akan membinasakan mereka tetapi Allah hendak menguji sebahagian kamu dengan sebahagian yang lain. Dan orang-orang yang syahid pada jalan Allah, Allah tidak akan menyia-nyiakan amal mereka.
Kemudian, ada tayang seorang pria berjalan, potongan gambar korban disurat kabar “de telegraaf” dan disertai kutipan ucapan Mohammad B (Pembunuh Van Gogh, seorang editor surat kabar):
“Tidakkah kamu pikirkan, bahwa suatu hari nanti ada seorang idiot yang akan membunuh kamu?”
---“Tidak, saya tidak membayangkan hal itu”
“Apakah kamu mempercayai kebajikan manusia?”
---“Tidak, bukan pada kebajikan manusia, namun pada my arrogance(harga diriku?)..yang sangat besar pengaruhnya padaku..pelor itu tidak untukku…kalo aku punya kesempatan dapat keluar dari penjara..dan mendapat kesempatan untuk melakukannya lagi, seperti yang aku lakukan pada 02 November..’Allah, aku akan melakukannya lagi persis sama..memberikan pelajaran buat Van Gogh!!’”
Lihat: Apa yang Van Gogh lakukan sehingga Muhammad.B membunuhnya
Kemudian Adegan Demo mengenai Van Gogh, ada suara orang yang memberikan orasi:
”Ambilah pelajaran yang melanda Van Gogh..belajarlah dari contoh-contoh yang kalian lihat..untuk kalian bayar dengan darah kalian!”
Kemudian ada 3 foto di surat kabar dengan judul Hit list! yaitu foto dari Van Gogh, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Geert Wilders
Kemudian adegan berpindah dengan cuplikan yang diambil dari Iqra TV, Saudi Arabia, ada seseorang yang berkotbah:
”Rumah-rumah dan anak-anak muda harus di korbankan..leher-leher harus digorok dan tengkorak-tengkorak harus dihancurkan, Ini adalah jalan untuk meraih kemenangan”
Kemudian adegan berpindah kepada suatu tayangan dimana 5 (lima) orang berdiri dibelakang seseorang yang berlutut dengan mata tertutup, seorang membacakan sesuatu. Kemudian orang yang membacakan tulisan mengambil pisau, menunduk dan menggorok tawanan (diiringi suara erangan kesakitan sang korban). Saat menggorok gambar di hilangkan dan ditayangkan hanya saat memamerkan kepala sang korban malang itu
American hostage killed in Iraq
Updated: 2004-09-21 07:52
A video grab image on an Islamist internet site shows American hostage Eugene Armstrong prior to his execution September 20, 2004. A militant group headed by al Qaeda ally Abu Musab al-Zarqawi said on Monday it had beheaded an American hostage and posted a video of the killing on the Internet.The video, identified the hostage as Eugene Armstrong and showed a masked man sawing his head off with a knife. [Reuters]
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Adegan mulai dengan Surat 4:89 (ditayangkan yang dicetak tebal)
[4:89] Mereka ingin supaya kamu menjadi kafir sebagaimana mereka telah menjadi kafir, lalu kamu menjadi sama (dengan mereka). Maka janganlah kamu jadikan di antara mereka penolong-penolong(mu), hingga mereka berhijrah pada jalan Allah. Maka jika mereka berpaling330, tawan dan bunuhlah mereka di mana saja kamu menemuinya, dan janganlah kamu ambil seorangpun di antara mereka menjadi pelindung, dan jangan (pula) menjadi penolong,
330: Diriwayatkan bahwa beberapa orang Arab datang kepada Rasulullah s.a.w. di Madinah. Lalu mereka masuk Islam, kemudian mereka ditimpa "demam Madinah", karena itu mereka kembali kafir lalu mereka keluar dari Madinah. Kemudian mereka berjumpa dengan sahabat Nabi, lalu sahabat menanyakan sebab-sebab mereka meninggalkan Madinah. Mereka menerangkan bahwa mereka ditimpa "demam Madinah". Sahabat-sahabat berkata : "Mengapa kamu tidak mengambil teladan yang baik dari Rasulullah ?" Sahabat-sahabat terbagi kepada dua golongan dalam hal ini. Yang sebahagian berpendapat bahwa mereka telah menjadi munafik, sedang yang sebahagian lagi berpendapat bahwa mereka masih Islam. Lalu turunlah ayat ini yang mencela kaum Muslimin karena menjadi dua golongan itu, dan memerintahkan supaya orang-orang Arab itu ditawan dan dibunuh, jika mereka tidak berhijrah ke Madinah, karena mereka disamakan dengan kaum musyrikin yang lain.
Adegan beralih ke wawancara kepada beberapa pemuda :
“Islam adalah agama yang suci. Agama yang terbaik yang pernah ada. Apabila seseorang berpaling menjadi Christian maka ia layak untuk dihukum mati”
Adegan beralih pada kotbah seseorang:
“Islam adalah lebih unggul dari pada Yahudi, Kristen, Buddha dan Hindu”
Diselingi degan video dari dengan judul “Church is desecrated by Muslim”, dimana ada seseorang sedang diatap sebuah gereja dan mematahkan salib.
“sehingga siapapun yang mencari selain Islam maka tidak akan diterima”
Diselingi berita-berita surat kabar yang berjudul: “Ex-muslim jami di serbu”, “Mati untuk Rushdi”, ”Ancaman Mati juga untuk Hirsi Ali.
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Adegan beralih ke Surat 8:39 (ditayangkan hanya yang dicetak tebal)
[8:39] Dan perangilah mereka, supaya jangan ada fitnah611 dan supaya agama itu semata-mata untuk Allah612. Jika mereka berhenti (dari kekafiran), maka sesungguhnya Allah Maha Melihat apa yang mereka kerjakan.
611: Maksudnya: gangguan-gangguan terhadap umat Islam dan agama Islam.
612: Maksudnya: Menurut An-Nasafi dan Al-Maraghi, tegaknya agama Islam dan sirnanya agama-agama yang batil.
Kemudian ada adegan potongan kotbah seorang Imam (kemungkinan di Iran, karena dilatar belakang ada Foto 2 orang Ayattolah):
“Islam adalah Agama yang ingin memerintah dunia. Sudah terjadi dahulu dan pada akhirnya akan memerintah lagi”
Adegan beralih pada potongan pesan presiden Iran Ahmadinejad:
“Pesan dari (Islam) revolusi adalah Global, tidak dibatasi pada waktu dan tempat tertentu. Tak diragukan lagi bahwa Atas kehendak Allah, Islam akan menaklukan Apa? Ia akan menaklukan semua puncak-puncak gunung yang ada diseluruh dunia”
Adegan beralih lagi pada potongan kotbah seseorang:
“Kita pernah memerintah dunia sebelumnya, dan atas kehendak Allah, Akan tiba saatnya kita akan memerintah seluruh dunia lagi. Akan tiba saatnya suatu hari nanti kita akan memerintah Amerika. Akan tiba saatnya suatu hari nanti kita akan memerintah Inggris dan seluruh dunia!”
Adegan beralih pada potongan wawancara dengan seorang Imam:
“Allah memerintahkan kita untuk menyebarkan agama ini ke seluruh dunia”
Adegan beralih kembali kepada kotbah seseorang (dalam bahasa Inggrsis) yang sangat berapi-api:
“Kalian akan ambil alih USA! Kalian akan ambil alih Inggris! Kalian akan ambil alih Eropa! Kalian akan kalahkan mereka semua! Kalian akan memperoleh kemenangan! Kalian akan ambil alih mesir! Kita beriman kepada Allah”
Adegan kemudian berpindah pada sebuah demo para wanita berburka dengan poster yang berbunyi:
“Islam akan mendominasi dunia”
“Kebebasan, Pergilah ke Neraka”
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Adegan beralih dengan Judul “Belanda dibawah pengaruh Qur’an” dengan latarbelakang samar-samar sebuah mesjid dengan dua tiang yang menjulang. Tayangan sebuah mesjid di dekat kereta api dan kemudian seorang penduduk holand berbicara:
“Mesjid-mesjid nantinya menjadi bagian dari system pemerintahan di Belanda”
Ada adegan seorang wanita memakai burka sedang mendorong anaknya berjalan dan diselingi potongan berita surat kabar: “Kabinet tidak melarang burka”
Kemudian terdapat statistic demograpi penduduk Belanda yang beragama Islam,
1954: 54 Orang,
1960: 1399 Orang,
1990: 458.000 Orang,
2004: 944.000 Orang.
Terakhir ditayangkan statistic penduduk Muslim Eropa tahun 2007 adalah 54.000.000 orang
Lihat: Perbandingan Penduduk Muslim Terhadap Populasi Eropa dan Netherland
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Kemudian adegan perpindah pada wawancara dengan seorang pemuda yang mengatakan:
“Apabila Ibuku atau adik perempuanku berhubungan sex dengan orang lain, maka aku akan membunuhnya
---“Apakah artinya kamu melakukan suatu pembunuhan yang terhormat?”
Kemudian adegan berpindah pada perkatataan seorang Imam:
“Dibelanda contohnya, seseorang dibiarkan melakukan perzinahan dan menjadi Gay…Menurutku aku tidak dapat mendukung hal itu karena Islam telah menyatakan bahwa itu adalah kejahatan
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Adegan berpindah dengan judul “Salam dari belanda” berupa potongan kotbah di mesjid El tawheed di belanda:
“Mereka seharusnya secara politik mengutuk pihak-pihak dan konsep-konsep yang mendunia seperti Liberalisme, demokrasi, sosialisme dan semua yang berhubungan dengan yang berasal dari otak manusia”
Jika seorang yang telah beristri, Allah melarangnya berbuat Jinah, atau jika seorang bersuami tapi melakukan jinah maka ia (she) akan dirajam.
Adegan beralih dengan beberapa potongan gambar yang diberi judul: ”Netherland di masa datang”
potongan sebuah gambar:
- Dua lelaki muda Gay( 16 dan 18 tahun) yang di hukum gantung di Iran (Isna,Iranian Student news agency, tanggal 19 Juli 2005),
- Anak-anak yang membawa senjata yang berlumuran darah,
- Anak-anak yang berlumuran darah,
- Seorang anak perempuan yang tengah disunat(?),
- Kepala wanita yang terpenggal, wanita yang digantung,
- Adegan tayangan seorang wanita yang memakai burka (Zarmeena), yang berlutut ditengah lapangan dan kemudian ditembak kepalanya oleh Taliban (Public Execution of an Afghan Woman (Zarmeena) by Taliban, Kabul Ghazi Sports Stadium, Nov.16,1999, Movie clips from a video film by RAWA which was aired by Channel 4 (UK), CNN and many more)
Dilanjutkan potongan berita-berita dari beberapa media:
Islam berusaha mengambil alih, laakwartier with Madrid in terror web, Sudanese demand execution British ‘miss teddy bear’, threesome suspected of planning attack, hell will break loose, What you need is a heavy bomb attack, kami tidak sepakat dengan kebebasan berbicara, karena kami mengutuk kebebebasan, Islam adalah pilihan kami, Meningkatnya pembunuhan ‘jihad’ di Amsterdam, sekolah-sekolah ditutup saat hari keagamaan muslim, Pelajaran Jihad di SD, Perjalanan gratis ke Mekkah via sekolah muslim, Ankara menginginkan kelas orang turki di sini, Imam asing akan disegera diperkenankan, Muhammad B membunuh Van Gogh:”para penerusku sudah bersiap”,Van Gogh dibunuh selekas Fatwa dikeluarkan, Hampir separuh anak muda maroko anti barat, Mesjid-mesjid dibawah kendali grup muslim radikal, Komando bunuh diri di Nederland, Hamas kumpul-kumpul di Rotterdam, Warga moroko melemparkan gay ke sungai, Imam benci para gay, Imam menghalalkan kekerasan terhadap para gay, dari ketinggian gedung mendorong jatuh para gay, Mesjid:Ubah Nederland menjadi Negara Islam, kelamin para gadis muda hingga kini tetap di mutilasi, para Muslim menghalangi dokter merawat pasien, Dana halal:Investasi bagi Muslim, Al Qaedah menyatakan hukuman mati bagi wilder dan Qur’an lisence to kill.
Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan adegan membuka lembaran kitab Qur’an..gambar menjadi gelap…terdengar suara robekan kertas dan kemudian muncul sebuah tulisan:
“suara robekan kertas yang anda dengar merupakan suara dari robekan sebuah halaman dari buku telepon”
Kemudian ditayangkan tulisan-tulisan dari pembuat pilem:
“Untuk ini, bukanlah terserah pada-ku namun terserah kepada para muslim sendiri, untuk merobek ayat-ayat yang memuat kebencian di Qur’an”
“Muslim menginginkan kalian untuk memberikan jalan bagi Islam, namun Islam tidak memberikan jalan untukmu”
“Pemerintah bersikeras agar kamu menghormati Islam, namun Islam tidak ada hormatnya pada kamu”
“Islam ingin memerintah, menggantikan dan menghacurkan peradaban barat kita”
“Tahun 1945, nazi di kalah di Eropa, Tahun 1989 komunis kalah di Eropa”
“Sekarang, saatnya idelogi islam untuk dikalahkan”
“Hentikan Islamisasi”
“Pertahankan kebebasan kita”
Pilem ditutup dengan gambar karikatur yang serupa dengan saat dimulai, dinamit yang ada di atas sorban kepala bertambah pendek seiring waktu yang habis (di iringi suara detik waktu)..kemudian gambar terdengar guruh dan disertai petir seperti saat hujan badai di malam hari.
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Respon Media dan Masyarakat tentang pilem FITNA.
Koq di hubungkan dengan Hitler?
Officers of the division present themselves to the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.
[Emperor's Clothes Note: The Arab agitator, Haj (or Hajj) Amin al-Husseini, organized an anti-Jewish massacre in Palestine in 1920. Apparently in an effort to foment antisemitism among Arabs, and to disrupt Jewish-Arab cooperation, the British colonial government made him 'grand mufti' of Jerusalem, with considerable funding and powers. In 1936, al-Husseini organized the Arab Higher Committee which launched a revolt, in the spirit of the Spanish Fascists, targeting Jews and antifascist Arabs. During World War II, al-Husseini was an important Nazi figure, working out of offices in Berlin. At one meeting, Hitler promised al-Husseini that as soon as the Nazis controlled the southern Caucasus, he would be put in charge of the Middle East with authority to wipe out Middle Eastern Jewry. (3) Until his death in 1972, Al-Husseini and his Arab Higher Committee played a defining role in the Arab effort to 'liquidate' the state of Israel. (For example, Yasar Arafat presented himself as Haj Amin al-Husseini's protégé. (4))
[-- Jared Israel.]
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New York Post
Ex-Mufti, Criminal Ally
State Dept. Conceals Promised White Paper Book; Uses Whitewash Instead
On Mar. 19, 1942, the ex-Mufti of Jerusalem spoke to the Arab world by Rome radio and said: “If, God forbid, America and her allies are victorious in this war . . . then the world will become hell, God forbid. But Allah is too just and merciful to grant such murderous violators any victory.”
After a long struggle and supreme sacrifices, the “murderous violators” became victors. They entered Germany while the ex-Mufti was still there with the bags of gold he had received from Hitler. He escaped to Switzerland, was expelled from there back to Germany, was captured by the French army and placed under house arrest; then he escaped from France to Cairo on a false passport, and became the head of the Arab Higher Committee.
On Aug. 28, 1946, Dean Acheson, then Acting Secretary of State, announced that “the State Dept. is preparing a White Paper concerning the activities of the ex-Mufti of Jerusalem.” Acheson said the publication would be in the form of a book, which would cover all the documents concerning the ex-Mufti seized from German files.
This White Paper has not yet been published, although 17 months have passed.
What keeps the State Dept. from publishing it? Who is interested in the delay? Are all the documents safe?
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In October, 1941 Gen. Wavell, commander of the British Middle Eastern forces, offered a $100,000 (25,000 pounds) reward for the capture of the ex-Mufti, dead or alive. This offer has not been withdrawn and therefore it still stands. Nevertheless, the British Government allies itself with the ex-Mufti and the Arab Higher Committee which he heads, and follows him on everything that concerns Palestine.
In August, 1945, Yugoslavia asked that the ex-Mufti be placed on the official list of war criminals. What is the reason for the failure to bring him to trial in Germany, where he was captured when Germany collapsed?
If the State Dept. is not subservient to this war criminal, why does it keep back documents it is bound to publish? Officials of the State Dept. who conceal documents that would be useful at present during the trials of war criminals are guilty of shielding the criminal and become fellow culprits.
What, can be the facts that the friends of the ex-Mufti in the State Dept. should find It necessary to add the information to the unpublished archives, instead of releasing it without delay, as I promised by Dean Acheson over 17 months ago? This protected person is a fugitive from justice, and has been since 1937, being under a still valid warrant of arrest of the Palestine government for the assassination of Jews, Arabs, and British, including Galilee Commissioner Andrews. Since then he has lost his Muftiship, to which he was never elected by the Arabs, but merely appointed, ignoramus that he is (he never finished a single course in the Cairo Theological University and was expelled) through the intrigue of Gen. Storrs, later of evil Cyprus fame.
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The ex·Mufti escaped from Jerusalem and Palestine in the garb of a woman. In Syria he was on Mussolini’s payroll. When, with the beginning of the war, his position in Syria, a French mandate, became ‘insecure,’ he escaped to Iraq. There he worked hard and succeeded in bringing Iraq into the war against the Allies, the declaration of war having been made on May 2, 1941. At that time the Nazis’ entered Greece and Egypt.
When the revolt was crushed (mainly by the Jewish volunteers from Palestine), the ex-Mufti escaped to Iran and hid himself in the Japanese Embassy there. From Teheran he escaped to Italy, where his arrival was announced by the Fascist radio as a “great and happy event;” in November, 1941, he arrived in Berlin and was received by Hitler. In 1942 the ex-Mufti organized the Arab Legion that fought the American invasion in Africa (on Apr. 10, 1946, Representative Celler referred to 3,000 members of the Arab Legion that were held prisoners of war at Camp Opelika in Alabama).
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On Dec. 29, 1942 the ex-Mufti sent a telegram of congratulations to Emperor Hirohito, assuring the latter that the Arabs were “praying for the final victory of Japanese arms.”
By the end of 1943 the ex-Mufti had organized Bosnian “Black Legions” to fight the Allies. He also bears a heavy responsibility for the annihilation of European Jewry, according to Nazi testimony given at Nuremberg. He visited the gas chambers; he wrote to the Cabinet Ministers of Hungary and Romania asking them to send the Jews from their countries to the concentration camps in Poland.
Thus according to the Charter of the International Tribunal at Nuremberg, the ex-Mufti is a criminal on all three counts, for crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.
If the ex-Mufti is not only not brought to Nuremberg, but is permitted to continue his murderous career, then we will do well to reflect once more upon his words quoted at the beginning of this article. Did not the world really become hell?
'Observer' [Immanuel Velikovsky], "Ex-Mufti, Criminal Ally. State Dept. Conceals Promised White Paper Book; Uses Whitewash Instead", New York Post, Monday, February 23, 1948.
Reproduced from The Immanuel Velikovsky Archive, where the above article is posted at
Between November 1947 and June 1949 Immanuel Velikovsky, under the pseudonym 'Observer,' published 57 articles in the New York Post dealing with the Middle East and Israel.
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Emir Faisal
Emir Faisal ibn Hussein, the Hashemite son of Hussein, Sherif of Mecca, and considered by many to be a direct descendent of the Islamic Prophet Mohammad, typified the pro Israel viewpoint amongst Arabs at that time. Faisal, who would become King of Syria and later King of Iraq, was the head of the accredited delegation of Arab representatives attending the Paris Peace Talks where the League of Nations was established.
Faisal met with Chaim Weizmann, the accredited head of the Zionist delegation to the Paris peace talks, in London where he signed a document known as the Faisal-Weizmann Agreement, January 3, 1919.
Emir Faisal and the Arab Delegation at the Paris Peace Conference 1919
The Faisal-Weizmann Agreement includes the following provisions:
Article I
The Arab State and Palestine in all their relations and undertakings shall be controlled by the most cordial goodwill and understanding and to this end Arab and Jewish duly accredited agents shall be established and maintained in their respective territories.
Article II
Immediately following the completion of the deliberations of the Peace Conference, the definite boundaries between the Arab State and Palestine shall be determined by a Commission to be agreed upon by the parties hereto.
Article III
In the establishment of the Constitution and Administration of Palestine all such measures shall be adopted as will afford the fullest guarantees for carrying into effect the British Government's Declaration of the 2nd of November 1917.
Article IV
All necessary measures shall be taken to encourage and stimulate immigration of Jews into Palestine on a large scale, and as quickly as possible to settle Jewish immigrants upon the land through closer settlement and intensive cultivation of the soil. In taking such measures the Arab peasant and tenant farmers shall be protected in their rights, and shall be assisted in forwarding their economic development.
Article V
No regulation nor law shall be made prohibiting or interfering in any way with the free exercise of religion; and further the free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship without discrimination or preference shall for ever be allowed. No religious test shall ever be required for the exercise of civil or political rights.
Article Vl
The Mohammedan Holy Places shall be under Mohammedan control.
Article Vll
The Zionist Organization proposes to send to Palestine a Commission of experts to make a survey of the economic possibilities of the country, and to report upon the best means for its development. The Zionist Organization will place the aforementioned Commission at the disposal of the Arab State for the purpose of a survey of the economic possibilities of the Arab State and to report upon the best means for its development. The Zionist Organization will use its best efforts to assist the Arab State in providing the means for developing the natural resources and economic possibilities thereof.
Article VIII
The parties hereto agree to act in complete accord and harmony in all matters embraced herein before the Peace Congress.
Article IX
Any matters of dispute which may arise between the contracting parties shall be referred to the British Government for arbitration.
Provided the Arabs obtain their independence as demanded in my Memorandum dated the 4th of January 1919, to the Foreign Office of the Government of Great Britain, I shall concur in the above articles. But if the slightest modification or departure were to be made [sc. in relation to the demands in the Memorandum] I shall not be bound by a single word of the present Agreement which shall be deemed void and of no account or validity, and I shall not be answerable in any way whatsoever.
(Signed) FAISAL IBN HUSAIN (in Arabic)
The Faisal-Weizmann Agreement, a founding document of the League of Nations, is a recognition by the Arab and Muslim nations of the State of Israel and is legally binding international law. All of its provisions have been fulfilled. The Arab and Muslim nations are sovereign. The rights of the Israeli Arab are assured. The Islamic holy sites in Israel are under Moslem control.
The final borders of the Jewish State were determined by a commission headed by Winston Churchill back in 1922, which divided the British Palestine Mandate into an Arab sector east of the Jordan River and a Jewish sector west of the Jordan River. This is exactly where Jewish Palestine, Israel, and Arab Palestine, Jordan, are situated today. The borders of Israel correspond exactly to the borders described in the Torah as the Holy Land. The Torah describes the Holy Land as from Dan to Beersheba, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean sea.
Regarding the Faisal-Weizmann Agreement, Emir Faisal wrote the following to Harvard Law School Dean and later US Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter: We feel that the Arabs and Jews are cousins in race, having suffered similar oppressions at the hands of powers stronger than themselves, and by a happy coincidence have been able to take the first step towards the attainment of their national ideals together. We Arabs, especially the educated among us, look with the deepest sympathy on the Zionist movement. Our deputation here in Paris is fully acquainted with the proposals submitted yesterday by the Zionist Organization to the Peace Conference and we regard them as moderate and proper. We will do our best, in so far as we are concerned, to help them through: we will wish the Jews a most hearty welcome home. We are working together for a reformed and revived Near East, and our two movements complete one another. The Jewish movement is national and not imperialist. Our movement is national and not imperialist, and there is room in Syria for us both. Indeed, I think that neither can be a real success without the other.
The beautiful sentiments expressed here by the political and spiritual leader of the Arab and Islamic world in 1919 are a true reflection of what President George W. Bush and other western leaders refer to when they speak of Islam as a religion of peace.
May the Arab and Muslim nations honor this noble agreement entered into with Israel in 1919 by the recognized leaders of the two peoples, a just and fair agreement that is entirely in accord with the national and religious interests of both Muslims and of Jews.
The Mufti
There was another wind blowing in the post World War I years and that was the sinister wind of totalitarianism. That ill wind cut a swath across Europe in the form of Mussolini's Fascism and in the ascendance of the two world order socialist movements, Hitler's Nazism and Lenin's Communism. Nazism profoundly influenced the Middle East in the years leading up to and including World War II, and Soviet Communism picked up the gauntlet in the post World War II years. Those European political and philosophical exports found fertile ground in traditional pan-Arabism, a bloody chauvinistic tradition of world conquest, one that runs contrary to more peaceful Islamic traditions. Modern pan-Arabism, formed on the crucible of the two secular European political faiths, is now made manifest in the beliefs and actions of the pan-Arabist radical Islamic Jihad we face today.
Faisal's enlightened vision of sovereign Arab nations co-existing with a sovereign Jewish State was eclipsed by the radical pan-Arab designs of Haj Amin al-Husseini, named as Mufti of Jerusalem by the British Governor of the Palestine Mandate, Sir Herbert Samuel, in 1921. This was after al-Husseini had been convicted in absentia for his involvement in a slaughter of Jews in Jerusalem in 1920, known in Israel today as Bloody Passover. The liberal Samuel, himself a British Jew, pardoned al-Husseini, returned him from exile, and chose him as Mufti and head of the political Supreme Muslim Council in Palestine in spite of the fact that he had been opposed by the Palestinian Arab population who placed him in fourth place in a field of four Arab candidates for the position of Mufti.
1920 - Jerusalem, Palestine. Amin Al Husseini inciting the riots that pitted Palestinian Arab against Palestinian Jew
In the nineteen twenties and the early nineteen thirties, the Mufti agitated against the Jews, incited a bloody riot in 1929 involving a mass slaughter of the indigenous Jewish community of Hebron, and instituted assassinations and suicide bombers who would target Arabs who refused to take his side in his fight against the Jews. Many Muslim and Christian Palestinian intellectual leaders and clerics were assassinated by the Muftis men for opposing his terrorist agenda.
The following is a partial list of Arabs assassinated by the Mufti's followers during the Arab revolt of 1936-1939: Sheikh Daoud Ansari ( Imam of Al Aqsa Mosque), Sheikh Ali Nur el Khattib (Al Aqsa Mosque), Sheikh Nusbi Abdal Rahim (Council of Muslim Religious Court), Sheikh Abdul el Badoui (Acre, Palestine), Sheikh El Namouri (Hebron), Nasr El Din Nassr (Mayor of Hebron). Between Feb. 1937 and Nov 1938, and Eleven (11) Mukhtars (community leaders) and their entire families.
The Mufti became a leader of the Arab and Islamic world as he attended conferences and sent envoys to Muslim nations as far away as Malaysia to raise money to, among other projects, gold plate the Dome of the Rock Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem claming that the Jews were plotting to blow it up.
It has been written that in 1936, the Mufti met with Adolf Eichmann, sent by his Nazi superiors on a mission to the Middle East, during a twenty-four hours in Haifa. I was interviewed at Yad Vashem last year on this book and the group of scholars I met with informed me that there was no proof that Eichmann had ever set foot in Palestine. What is not disputed, however, is that Eichmann did meet with the Mufti at that time, possibly in Cairo where Eichmann spent a week, and that the Mufti became a Nazi agent as a consequence of that meeting.
Swiss Nazi banker Fransois Genoud began to funnel money to the Mufti who used the funds to further the formation of pro-Nazi political organizations such as the Egyptian Green Shirts, headed by Abdul Gamal Nasser, who would become the Egyptian Dictator who instigated war against Israel in 1967, and to foment trouble against the British. The Mufti continued a close collaboration with Eichmann until the end of the war and with Genoud for decades after the war.
After instigating the Arab Revolt against British in Palestine in 1936, the Mufti fled Palestine. In 1941, the Mufti turned up in Baghdad where he played a major role in instigating a pro-Nazi coup against the pro-British government in Iraq. One of the generals involved in the pro-Nazi coup, General Kharilla Tulfah, was Saddam Hussein's uncle, father in law, and mentor. When the pro-Nazi coup failed, the Mufti recorded an anti-Semitic broadcast blaming the indigenous Iraqi Jews for the failure, which triggered the Fahud, a bloody pogrom against the Iraqi Jews, a community that pre-dated the Muslim invasion of Iraq by almost a thousand years.
The Mufti and Hitler
Fleeing Bagdad, and passing through Tehran, Istanbul, and Rome, the Mufti made his way to Berlin where he was met with all the pomp and circumstance of a visiting head of state. The Nazis gave the Mufti a mansion to live in, on fashionable Klostock Street in Berlin, one that had been confiscated from a Jew who was sent to a concentration camp, and the Nazis gave the already wealthy Mufti a hefty salary, which he received up until the last weeks of the war. The Mufti was given access to the SS controlled Sonderfund. These were monies and properties that had been confiscated from Jews as they were sent off to the ovens.
The Mufti used the sonderfund to support a Palestinian Arab expatriate community living in wartime Nazi Berlin, to train pro Nazi European Muslim militias in Bosnia and Russia, and to foment anti Jewish and pro Nazi activities in the Middle East where he maintained an extensive network of contacts. The Sonderfund financed the Mufti's Nazi-Muslim government in exile and was used to fund an Islamic Institute in Dresden under the Mufti. The purpose of the institute was to inspire an elite cadre of Nazi- Muslim leaders. More research is required to trace the career paths of these Nazi Muslim leaders after the war.
Monies derived from the sonderfund continued to flow into the Middle East, from Swiss bank accounts and with the involvement of Swiss-Nazi banker François Genoud and the Mufti, years and even decades after the end of World War II with the funds going to terrorists. Genoud committed suicide in 1996 at the age of 81 before a committee, investigating Nazi money laundering in Swiss banks and headed by former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volker, had the opportunity to interview him. More research is required to follow the Nazi money trail after the war.
The Mufti recorded several radio broadcasts, transmitted from a large tower in Bari, Italy into the Arab world, calling for Arabs to ""Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, History and Religion. This saves your honor. God is with you."
It should be noted that the main line of propaganda used by Hitler and the Mufti against the Jews was that there was a Jewish conspiracy to rule the world. This was the basic thesis used against the Jews by Hitler in Mein Kampf and previously, in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a Russian forgery that was widely disseminated in those years.
History indicates that those who pointed the finger of accusation at the Jews, Hitler's Nazis, Stalin's Communists, the Muftis pan-Arabists, and today's Jihadists were, and are, in fact, movements that were, or in the case of the Jihadists presently are, conspiring to rule the world.
Zionism, on the other hand, was, and remains, a movement that seeks to fulfill the modest national aspirations of the Jewish people in the tiny and inscrutable sliver of land known as Israel, nothing more and nothing less. It was the Nazis and the Communists who sought a new world order with themselves in charge, and who murdered hundreds of millions of human beings perceived as standing in the way of their demented goal. It was the Mufti who sought to annihilate the tiny State of Israel as a stepping-stone toward a Arab Caliphate on vast and oil rich Arab lands. The Jihadists of today are the inheritors of the world conquering conspiracy.
The Mufti meets with Hitler
In November of 1941, the Mufti met face to face with Hitler, who promised that as soon as he finished off Europe, Nazi brigades would cross the Caucasus and conquer the Arab world. The Mufti would then be installed as the Nazi backed puppet head of a united Nazi-Arab Caliphate. Before the Hitler-Mufti meeting, the Nazis were still open to the idea of deporting Jews, possibly to Palestine. In 1939, the Allies closed the door to Jewish refugees at the Evian Conference thus condemning the Jews of Europe to the Nazi prison. It is reasonable to assume that the Mufti urged Hitler to not let Jews go to Palestine, which, at any rate, had been closed to Jews by the British, and instead urged, on the Holocaust. A few months after the Mufti-Hitler meeting, the Nazis held a conference at an estate in Wansee, a suburb of Berlin, where it was decided to systematically annihilate the entire Jewish population of Nazi occupied Europe.
The Mufti was directly involved in the Holocaust in various ways. Under the guidance of Himmler, of whom he maintained close contact, the Mufti was put in charge of recruiting and training a Bosnian Nazi-Muslim SS military unit known as the Hanzar Division, which grew to 27,999 men. Along with other Nazi-Muslim military formations in the Balkans and in Russia, the Hanzars would carry out the genocide of 250,000 Serbs, Gypsies and Jews. Himmler called for special treatment for Muslim troops and in a letter to Nazi Propaganda minister Josef Goebbels wrote: "I have nothing against Islam because it educates the men in this division for me and promises them heaven if they fight and are killed in action. A very practical and attractive religion for soldiers." Nazi-Muslim brigades in Russia were involved in the infamous einzatsgruppen, which were mobile killing units operating behind Nazi lines and charged with liquidating Jews and others viewed as enemies of the Nazi state.
The Mufti toured the death camps to witness firsthand the mass murder and urge it on. The Mufti sent letters to pro-Nazi governments in Hungary and Rumania to stop them from trading Jews for POW's, urging them instead to send their Jews to Aushwitz. The Mufti intervened in a May 14, 1942 letter to his friend, Adolf Eichmann, to stop an offer by the Red Cross to exchange 4000 orphaned Polish Jewish children for Nazi prisoners of war. He wrote something to the effect that little Jews grow up to be big Jews. The children were sent to the gas chambers.
Amin Al Husseini shown here on a Nazi poster recruiting fellow Muslims to join Hitler in the fight against the West and the Jews.
Muhammad B dan Van Gogh
In the recording of the sermon, Imam Fawaz calls Theo van Gogh a ‘criminal bastard’ and beseeches Allah to visit an incurable disease upon the filmmaker. He also condemns former Dutch MP Ayaan Hirsi Ali who was involved in writing the script for Submission. The imam asks Allah to make Ms Hirsi Ali go blind and give her cancer of the tongue and brain.
Mohammed Bouyeri (Arabic: محمد بويري) (born March 8, 1978 in Amsterdam), is a Dutch - Moroccan Islamist, currently serving a life sentence without parole for the murder of Dutch film director Theo van Gogh. He holds both Dutch and Moroccan citizenship. He was a member of the Hofstad Network.
In 1995, Mohammed Bouyeri finished his secondary education and subsequently went on to the "Nyenrode College INHOLLAND" in Diemen. He changed his major several times and left after five years without obtaining a degree.
A second generation migrant from Morocco, Bouyeri used the pen name "Abu Zubair" for writing and translating. On the Internet he often posted letters and sent e-mail under this name.
At an early age he was known to the police as a member of a group of Moroccan "problem-youth". For a while he worked as a volunteer at Eigenwijks, a neighbourhood organization in the Slotervaart suburb of Amsterdam. He started to radicalize shortly after his mother died and his father re-married in the fall of 2003. The September 11 attacks and the war in Iraq contributed to his radicalization. He started to live according to strict Islamic rules. As a result he could perform fewer and fewer tasks at Eigenwijks. For example, he refused to serve alcohol and did not want to be present at activities attended by both women and men. Finally, he put an end to his activities at Eigenwijks altogether. He grew a beard and began to wear a djellaba. He frequently visited the El Tawheed mosque where he met other radical Muslims, among whom were suspected terrorist Samir Azzouz. With them he is said to have formed the Hofstad Network, a Dutch terrorist cell. He claims to have murdered van Gogh to fulfill his duty as a Muslim. Serving as witness in another court case involving the Hofstad group in May 2007, Bouyeri for the time expressed in more depth his thoughts regarding Islam. Here he said that armed Jihad was the only option of Muslims in the Netherlands and that democracy was always a violation of Islam because laws cannot be produced by humans but only by Allah.[1][2][3]
Van Gogh Life
Theo van Gogh was born in The Hague. His great-grandfather was art dealer Theo van Gogh, brother of Vincent van Gogh. His father, Johan van Gogh, was a member of the Dutch secret service ('AIVD', then called 'BVD'). Theo's uncle, also named Theo, was executed as a resistance fighter during the German occupation.
After dropping out of law school, Theo van Gogh became a stage manager. His self-proclaimed passion was filmmaking, and he debuted as a director with the movie Luger (1981). He received a Gouden Kalf ("Golden Calf", the Dutch equivalent of the Oscar) for Blind Date (1996) and In het belang van de staat ("In the Interest of the State", 1997). For the latter, he also received a "Certificate of Merit" from the San Francisco International Film Festival. As an actor he appeared in the production De noorderlingen ("The Northerners", 1992). After that, he worked for television and wrote provocative columns for Metro and other newspapers.
Van Gogh was a writer of polemic prose. His often aggressive tone and personal animosities got him involved in a number of public lawsuits against other writers and public figures, and got him fired as a columnist at a succession of magazines and periodicals. This forced him to seek refuge in his own website, called De Gezonde Roker ("The Healthy Smoker").[1] The site's name, which is also the title of one of his books, was an allusion to his notorious chain smoking and to the 'politically correct' negative stance towards smoking in society. In general, Van Gogh had a strongly nihilistic outlook on life, as displayed by episodes of heavy drinking, his open use of the drug cocaine and a cynical view of love relationships. (Later in life, he would adopt a healthier lifestyle, claiming it was for the sake of his son.)
Although he seemed to enjoy his life, he said he would not mind dying if it were not for his young son. His last book (2003) was Allah weet het beter ("Allah Knows Best") in which he presented his views on Islam in his typically cynical, mocking tone. He was a well-known critic of Islam, particularly after the September 11, 2001 attacks. He supported the nomination of the liberal (former PvdA Labour Party), Somalian-born female politician Ayaan Hirsi Ali for Dutch parliament.
Political views
Van Gogh was a member of the Dutch republican society Republikeins Genootschap which advocates the abolition of the Dutch monarchy, and a friend and supporter of the controversial Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn who was assassinated in 2002. He was also a staunch supporter of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, although he revised his stance to a more neutral one in 2004.
Controversial statements
Although Van Gogh was known as a friendly, tolerant character in person, in the 1980s he became a newspaper columnist, and through the years he used his columns to vent his anger at politicians, actors, film directors, writers and other people he considered to be part of "the establishment".
He incurred the anger of leading members of the Jewish community by making comments about what he saw as the Jewish preoccupation with Auschwitz. This quote from a 1991 magazine interview is a typical example of such commentary. Van Gogh explained a "smell of caramel" by stating that "today they're only burning diabetic Jews". When he was criticized by the Jewish historian Evelien Gans, he wrote in Folia Civitatis magazine: "I suspect that Ms. Gans gets wet dreams about being fucked by Dr Mengele." He also expressed the wish that she would sue him so that she would have to explain in court why his remarks were false.
Van Gogh rejected every form of religion. In the late 1990s he started to focus on Islam. He caused widespread resentment in the Muslim community by consistently referring to them as geitenneukers (goat-fuckers). Although it is not clear whether Van Gogh actually coined the term geitenneukers, he certainly popularised it. He felt strongly that political Islam is an increasing threat to liberal western societies, and said that, if he'd been younger, he would have emigrated to the U.S.A., which he considered to be a beacon of light in a darkening world.
One of the few politicians who seemed to be exempt from Van Gogh's criticisms was the conservative leader Pim Fortuyn, who was assassinated in 2002. Van Gogh usually referred to him as the divine baldhead. After the death of Fortuyn, Van Gogh continued attacking the remaining members of the Lijst Pim Fortuyn as he did other politicians. His political idol from then on was Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
Working from a script written by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, van Gogh created the 10-minute movie Submission. The movie deals with the topic of violence against women in Islamic societies; telling the stories of four abused Muslim women. The title itself, "Submission", is a translation of the word "Islam" into English. In the film, women's naked bodies are veiled with semi-transparent shrouds as they kneel in prayer, telling their stories as if they are speaking to Allah. Qur'anic verses unfavourable to women are projected onto their bodies in Arabic. In August 2004, after the movie's broadcast on Dutch public TV, newspaper De Volkskrant reported on claims of plagiarism against Hirsi Ali and Van Gogh, made by internet journalist Francisco van Jole. Van Jole said the duo had "aped" the ideas of Iranian-American video artist Shirin Neshat. Neshat's work, which made abundant use of Arabic text projected onto bodies, had been shown in the Netherlands in 1997 and 2000. After the broadcast of Submission, Van Gogh and Hirsi Ali also received death threats. Van Gogh did not take these very seriously and refused any protection, reportedly telling Ayaan Hirsi Ali: "Nobody kills the village idiot", a term he frequently used to refer to himself.[1]
Mohammed Bouyeri murdered Van Gogh in the early morning of Tuesday November 2, 2004, in Amsterdam, in front of the Amsterdam East borough office (stadsdeelkantoor) on the corner of the Linnaeusstraat and Tweede Oosterparkstraat, while he was bicycling to work. He shot him eight times with an HS 2000 handgun, and Van Gogh died on the spot. Bouyeri then cut Van Gogh's throat, nearly decapitating him, and stabbed him in the chest. Two knives were left implanted in his torso, one attaching a five-page note to his body. The note (Text) threatened Western governments, Jews and Ayaan Hirsi Ali (who went into hiding). The note also contained references to the ideologies of the Egyptian organization Takfir wal-Hijra.
The killer, Mohammed Bouyeri, a 26-year-old Dutch citizen, was apprehended by the police after being shot in the leg. Although born in Amsterdam, well-educated and apparently well-integrated,[citation needed] Bouyeri has alleged terrorist ties with the Dutch Hofstad Network. He was also charged with the attempted murder of a police officer and bystander, illegal possession of a firearm, and conspiring to murder others, including Hirsi Ali. He was convicted on July 26, 2005 and sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole.
Imam Fawaz of the as-Sunnah Mosque in The Hague gave a sermon several weeks before the murder in which he called Theo van Gogh, "a 'criminal bastard' and beseech[ed] Allah to visit an incurable disease upon the filmmaker."[2]
A few days after the murder, one of Van Gogh's intimate friends delivered an open letter to "Mohammed B. and his friends" on Dutch television.[citation needed]
Van Gogh was cremated on November 9, 2004 in Amsterdam. During the memorial service, Lou Reed's "Perfect Day" was played; a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of liquor were placed on the coffin.
The day after the murder, Dutch police arrested eight Muslim radicals belonging to a group later referred to as the Hofstad Network. Six detainees were Dutch-Moroccans, one was Dutch-Algerian and one had dual Spanish-Moroccan nationality.
Following the murder, the Dutch Complaints Bureau for Discrimination on the Internet (MDI) received many complaints about websites praising the murder and making death threats against other people.[2]
At the same time, starting with four attempted arson attacks on mosques in the weekend of 5-7 November, a significant number of apparently retaliatory violent incidents and arson attacks took place.[3] The Dutch Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia recorded a total of 106 violent incidents against Muslim targets in November. The National Dutch Police Services Agency (KLPD) recorded 31 occasions of violence against mosques and Islamic schools between 23 November and 13 March 2005.[4] The case that drew most attention was an arson attack that led to the destruction of a Muslim primary school in Uden in December 2004.[5]
By November 8, Christian churches were in turn targeted in vandalism and arson attacks. A report for the Anne Frank Foundation and the University of Leiden, which counted a total of 174 violent incidents in 2-30 November, specifies that mosques were the target of violence 47 times, and churches 13 times.[6]
The murder widened and polarized the debate in the Netherlands about the position of the more than one million Muslims, and how they would be affected. Some Dutch citizens fear that the Netherlands will lose its traditional tolerance and Western liberalism, becoming increasingly influenced by Islamic viewpoints. These fears are fueled by population growth studies and projections that show the Muslim community growing much faster than that of the "autochtonen" (autochthonous Dutch). On the other hand, many Islamic Dutch residents feel discriminated against and singled out. The increasing polarization has led to calls from many religious leaders and politicians for calm and improved communication between the communities.
In an apparent reaction against controversial statements about the Islamic, Christian, and Jewish religions, such as those Theo van Gogh was renowned for, the Dutch Minister of Justice, Christian Democrat Piet Hein Donner, suggested the existing Dutch blasphemy laws should either be applied more stringently or made stricter. This had led to a counter call by the liberal D66 party to scrap the blasphemy laws altogether. This was rejected in parliament by the Dutch Christian parties and the Dutch Labour Party.
Independent Dutch member of parliament Geert Wilders (who was previously forced to leave the right-wing VVD party because of his views) advocated a five-year halt to non-Western immigration in the wake of the murder of Theo van Gogh, stating: "The Netherlands has been too tolerant to intolerant people for too long. We should not import a retarded political Islamic society to our country".[7] In opposition to such sentiments, campaigns for a kleurrijk Nederland [colorful Netherlands], such as Stop de Hetze (Stop the Witch Hunt) were started.
Geert Wilders and Ayaan Hirsi Ali went into hiding for several weeks. Wilders has been under the protection of bodyguards ever since and Hirsi Ali eventually relocated to the United States.
Theo van Gogh's son claims he has been attacked on several occasions by young people of Moroccan and Turkish descent, and that the police did not provide him with any help or protection.[3] The police deny receiving any report of attacks.[4][5]
On March 18, 2007, a sculpture in memory of Theo van Gogh was unveiled in Amsterdam, De Schreeuw (The Scream). It is located in the Oosterpark, just a short distance from where van Gogh was murdered.
A private trust, the Foundation for Freedom of Expression was established to help fund protection of victims of Islamic terrorism.
Van Gogh's murder and Index on Censorship
There was controversy in the English-speaking world after an article was published in the magazine Index on Censorship that to many readers seemed to condone or attempt to justify Van Gogh's murder. The article, by the magazine's Associate Editor Rohan Jayasekera, claimed that Van Gogh was a "free-speech fundamentalist" who had been on a "martyrdom operation[,] roar[ing] his Muslim critics into silence with obscenities" in an "abuse of his right to free speech". Describing van Gogh's film Submission as "furiously provocative", Jayasekera concluded by describing his death as:
A sensational climax to a lifetime's public performance, stabbed and shot by a bearded fundamentalist, a message from the killer pinned by a dagger to his chest, Theo van Gogh became a martyr to free expression. His passing was marked by a magnificent barrage of noise as Amsterdam hit the streets to celebrate him in the way the man himself would have truly appreciated.
And what timing! Just as his long-awaited biographical film of Pim Fortuyn's life is ready to screen. Bravo, Theo! Bravo![8]
There were many protests from both left- and right-wing commentators at the article, and Nick Cohen of The Observer (London)' wrote in December 2004, that:
When I asked Jayasekera if he had any regrets, he said he had none. He told me that, like many other readers, I shouldn't have made the mistake of believing that Index on Censorship was against censorship, even murderous censorship, on principle -- in the same way as Amnesty International is opposed to torture, including murderous torture, on principle. It may have been so in its radical youth, but was now as concerned with fighting 'hate speech' as protecting free speech.[9]
Nick Cohen's opinion was repudiated by the editor of Index on Censorship in a letter to The Observer.[10] Jayasekera himself has indeed expressed regrets and has put his own case for speaking his mind on Van Gogh's life legacy on the Index website.
Demograpi Uni eropa dan Nederland
Jumlah penduduk Muslim tahun 2004 (944.000) adalah 6% dari Populasi. Pada tahun 2005 Jumlah pemeluk Kristen adalah 43.4%, Islam adalah 5.8% dan yang tidak beragama apapun 42.7%
Menurut perkiraan pada tahun 2008 populasi manusia di eropa adalah 497,198,740 orang. Sehingga persentase penduduk muslim tahun 2007 terhadap populasi tahun 2008 adalah 11%
Professor Philip Jenkins of Penn State University estimates that by 2100, Muslims will compose about 25% of Europe's population. But Jenkins admits this figure does not take account of the large birthrates amongst Europe's immigrant Christians.[13]
Europe's Muslim population (without Russia) has nearly tripled over the last 30 years, to about 23 million, and experts predict it will double again by 2020. In 2005, the EU-25 had an overall net gain from international migration of +1.8 million people. This accounts for almost 85% of Europe's total population growth in 2005.[14] Muslim birth rate in Europe is three times higher than the non-Muslim one.[9][15] By 2050, 1 in 5 Europeans will likely be Muslim.[16]
Other analysts are skeptical about the given facts and accuracy of the Muslim population and its growth. The facts behind this theory are that the increase has considerably slowed down due to a sharp decrease in Muslim fertility rates and the limiting of immigrants coming in to Europe which will lead to Muslim population increasing slowly in the coming years to eventually stagnation and decline. Others point to overestimated number and exaggeration of the Muslim growth rate. It is also a fact that projections can not be taken as 100% accurate, they are rather an estimation should current trends continue and are always subject to changing.[17]
Saat menjadi narasumber pada acara Kongkow Bareng Gus Dur bertema Kekerasan di Tibet, di Green Radio, Jl. Utan Kayu No. 68 H Jakarta, Sabtu (29/03/2008) pagi.
Apakah pembuatan film ini karena kebencian pada Islam? tanya seorang pendengar.
Nggak ada itu. Itu kan karangan Anda saja. Pemerintah Belanda yang menjunjung tinggi kebebasan pers saja sudah mengecam film itu, kan sudah betul itu, jawab Gus Dur.
Lantas bagaimana sebaiknya umat Islam di negeri ini merespon film Fitna?
Menurut Gus Dur, merespon tidak boleh dilakukan dengan kekerasan. Kalau pakai kekerasan, mereka berhadapan dengan UUD 1945, walaupun mereka itu ulama, tegas Gus Dur.
Tentang Film “Fitna”
Oleh Ulil Abshar-Abdalla
Islamisme mungkin bertentangan secara diametral dengan budaya pencerahan. Tetapi, Islam, saya rasa tidak, meskipun tidak seluruhnya ada kesejajaran antara keduanya. Saya percaya bahwa Islam bisa menampung nilai-nilai pencerahan Eropa. Jangan dilupakan pula, bahwa sejarah pencerahan Eropa tak terpisahkan dari Islam pula. Beberapa gagasan para pemikir Muslim menjadi ilham bagi para humanis Eropa pada abad 16 dan 17.
Wilders sebetulnya berdiri pada sisi yang sama dengan kaum fundamentalis di mana-mana: yakni memahami teks agama lepas dari konteksnya, dan mengabaikan kerumitan sejarah penafsiran teks agama. Beda Wilders dengan kaum fundamentalis hanya satu: sementara Wilders mengutuk teks agama itu, kaum fundamentalis memeluknya erat-erat selama 24 jam.
JAKARTA, SENIN-Mabes Polri menilai masalah film Fitna hasil besutan politisi Belanda ini masih menjadi ranah Departemen Agama. Namun demikian Polri tetap akan melakukan langkah-langkah antisipasi timbulnya gejolak warga akibat terbakar emosinya.
"Kita tidak menanggapi masalah itu film Fitna. Itu bukan ranah kita. Saya pikir itu ranahnya Departemen Agama. Kami lebih pada antisipasi pada pengamanan gejolak massa yang melakukan protes terhadap film tersebut," tegas Kadiv Humas Mabes Polri Irjen Abubakar Nataprawira, Senin (31/3).
PBNU Akan Buat Film untuk Lawan "Fitna"
Selasa, 1 Apr 08 11:21 WIB
"Ini untuk menjelaskan bahwa apa yang ada di `Fitna` itu tidak benar. Bahwa orang Islam itu ada yang keras, oke, tapi bukan Islam-nya, " ujar Ketua Umum PBNU KH Hasyim Muzadi di Sekretariat PBNU, Jakarta.
Dalam film tandingan itu, kata Hasyim, akan diungkapkan fakta-fakta yang menunjukkan bahwa yang dikemukakan Wilders dalam "Fitna" sangat bertolak belakang dari kenyataan.
"Kita akan tunjukkan siapa sebenarnya yang jahat. Setelah berakhirnya perang dingin, yang paling banyak membunuh orang itu umat Islam atau mereka yang Islamophobia, " tegas Presiden World Conference on Religions for Peace itu.
Film “Fitna” Menghina Islam, PBB Keluarkan Resolusi
Dewan Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) Persatuan Bangsa-bangsa (PBB) meloloskan resolusi yang menyesalkan penggunaan media untuk mendiskreditkan Islam dan agama lain. Resolusi itu dikeluarkan Kamis 27 Maret 2008.Seperti dilansir AFP, Jumat (28/3) sebagian negara dewan menilai media di dunia selama ini dinilai memberitakan Islam yang identik dengan kekerasan, takut akan orang asing (xenofobia), tidak toleran dan diskriminasi. Resolusi ini disetujui 21 negara dari 47 negara anggota Dewan HAM. 14 Negara abstain mengenai resolusi ini, dan 10 negara menolak.Beberapa media barat menjadi sorotan karena perlakuan mereka terhadap Islam. Beberapa koran Denmark dikriktik karena memuat kartun wajah Nabi Muhammad. Minggu 23 Maret 2008, provider internet di Amerika Serikat menahan situs yang menampilkan film anti Islam yang dibuat warga negara Belanda Geert Wilders.Resolusi PBB ini menunjukkan keseriusan agar dunia lebih berhati-hati mengidentikkan agama dengan tokoh sucinya di media. Media dunia diharap tak gegabah dengan menghubungkan agama dan tokoh suci dengan partai politik, komunitas tertentu, apalagi dalam upaya provokasi dan eksploitasi politik.
Umat Islam juga diminta jangan sampai terprovokasi film tersebut.“Jangan sampai film itu berkembang di sini. Saya minta pada umat Islam supaya tidak lihat situs itu. Anak-anak kita juga harus kita jaga. Umat Islam jangan emosi, walaupun tidak bisa dihindari emosi itu,” kata Umar.MUI sendiri berharap agar ketidaksetujuan terhadap film itu jangan sampai diungkapkan dengan cara yang destruktif.
Pemerintah diharapkan bisa turun tangan, apalagi dengan adanya resolusi Persatuan Bangsa-bangsa (PBB) yang menyesalkan penggunaan media untuk mendiskreditkan Islam.“Saya setuju media tidak bisa digunakan untuk mendiskreditkan agama, bukan hanya Islam. Pemerintah saya harap bisa campur tangan. Kalau UU Penyiaran yang baru keluar, itu ada aturannya,” ujar Umar.
30 Maret 2008, Dunia Merajam Sutradara ‘Fitna’
Sekjen PBB Ban Ki-moon misalnya mengutuk keras posting film “Fitna” di internet. Film itu dituding sangat anti-Islam.“Saya mengutuk secara keras pengudaraan film anti-Islam yang sangat menyerang dari Geert Wilders ini,” ungkap Ban Ki-moon dalam pernyataan yang dibacakan juru bicaranya, Michele Montas, seperti dilansir AFP, Sabtu (29/3) kemarin.
“Tak ada justifikasi apa pun berpidato kebencian atau menghasut untuk kekerasan. Hak bebas berpendapat bukan seperti itu,” katanya. Sekjen PBB asal Korea Selatan itu menambahkan, kemerdekaan harus selalu diiringi tanggung jawab sosial. Karena itu Ban meminta Pemerintah Belanda melakukan upaya untuk menghentikan penyiaran film tersebut.
Sebenarnya film “Fitna” tidak memuat sesuatu yang baru. Wilders sendiri sebelumnya gencar mengatakan filmnya akan menunjukkan bukti-bukti bahwa Islam itu fasis. Namun dia gagal. “Dia telah gagal,” kata Ketua Fraksi Kiri-Hijau Femke Halsema dari oposisi.Halsema dan para ketua fraksi lain di parlemen memberikan opini mereka tentang “Fitna” segera setelah film itu disiarkan.
Partai Sosialis (SP) dalam pernyataannya menyatakan tidak melihat hal baru dalam film yang bikin heboh itu. “Itu kan cuma kliping koran dan gambar lama televisi. Dan dia seperti biasa menggeneralisir,” kata pejabat SP. Pemimpin partai oposisi lain, Mark Rutte, dari Partai Rakyat untuk Kebebasan dan Demokrasi (VVD) menyebut film Wilders itu sia-sia. “Alih-alih melakukan hal konstruktif dia malah menampilkan film tindakan kriminal dan teroris,” ujar Rutte.
Partai-partai koalisi yang memerintah, yakni Partai Kristen Demokrat (CDA), Partai Buruh (PvdA), dan Partai Uni Kristen (CU) juga memberikan penilaian senada bahwa gambar yang ditampilkan adalah comotan rekaman gambar-gambar lama, lalu dikompilasi menurut visi Wilders.
Ketua Fraksi CDA Pieter van Geel tegas menyebut film itu melukai keyakinan orang secara sia-sia. Karena itu tidak layak disiarkan. “Itu semua gambar-gambar lama. Namun bagaimana Wilders merangkainya itu sungguh sangat menakutkan,” komentar pelaksana tugas Ketua Fraksi Partai Buruh, Mareitte Hamer. “Film itu membangkitkan kesan bahwa setiap muslim itu teroris dan menggunakan kekerasan. Padahal tidak demikian. Mayoritas muslim di Belanda justru mengambil jarak terhadap penyalahgunaan agama,” tandas Ketua Fraksi CU Arie Slob.
Senin, 31/03/2008 20:38 WIB, Film "Fitna"SBY Imbau Rakyat Tidak Anarkis
Saya menghimbau rakyat Indonesia tidak melakukan aksi-aksi yang tidak semestinya, seperti pengerusakan dan sweeping. Ajaran Islam melarangnya. Tindakan itu juga bertentangan dengan hukum kita," tegas SBY di Kantor Presiden, Jakarta, Senin (31/3/2008).
"Terimakasih saya pada semua tokoh agama di Tanah Air yang juga telah menyatakan menolak kehadiran film itu di Indonesia," sambung dia. ( lh / mly )
Film "Fitna" Merusak Kerukunan Umat, Kata Presiden
"Saya sudah melarang film 'Fitna' masuk dan beredar di Indonesia. Saya juga sudah meminta kepada Perdana Menteri Belanda untuk menarik peredaran 'Fitna'. Kalau film itu dibiarkan beredar, akan merusak kerukunan umat manusia di dunia," kata Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono di depan ribuan jemaah pada peringatan Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW di Masjid An Nur, Kelurahan Empang, Kecamatan Bogor Selatan, Kota Bogor, Jabar, Selasa (1/4) malam.
Hidayat: Fitna Amat Rendahan
Jakarta - Amat sangat rendahan. Begitulah kesan yang ditangkap Ketua MPR Hidayat Nurwahid tentang film Fitna. Dia pun merasa tidak perlu melihat film buatan warga Belanda Geert Wilders itu."Karena nama filmnya Fitna, jadi saya tidak perlu melihat, dan saya setuju pemerintah Indonesia telah melarang film itu," kata Ketua MPR Hidayat Nurwahid di sela-sela kejuaraan bulutangkis Hidayat Nurwahid Open 2008 di Jakarta, Selasa (1/4).
Fitna, Roy Suryo, dan UU ITE
Film Fitna, peredarannya di Internet juga membawa konsekuensi hukum terutama berkaitan dengan UU ITE yang baru saja disahkan. Beberapa Bloger dalam beberapa postingannya telah memberikan petunjuk atau bahkan taut ke film yang menghebohkan itu yang saat ini dipajang di YouTube. Saya sih tidak ingin membuat atau menyebarkan ketakutan di kalangan Bloger, tapi saya hanya ingin memberikan peringatan. Berhati-hatilah memberikan petunjuk ataupun taut yang mengarahkan orang untuk mengakses video tersebut di YouTube, karena sangat mungkin anda akan terkena tindak pidana penyebaran kebencian berbasiskan SARA yang diatur dalam Pasal 28 ayat (2) UU ITE tersebut. Meski saya juga paham, bahwa anda memberikan petunjuk ataupun taut demi kelengkapan postingan anda. Berhati-hatilah kawan
Laskar Pembela Islam Lempari Kedubes Belanda Telur Busuk
Senin, 31 Maret 2008 13:50 WIB
JAKARTA, SENIN - Puluhan massa yang tergabung dalam Laskar Pembela Islam (LPI) melempari Kedutaan Besar Belanda dengan puluhan telur busuk saat melakukan unjuk rasa memprotes film "Fitna" garapan anggota parlemen Belanda, Geert Wilders, Senin (31/3). LPI kecewa dengan dibuat dan diedarkannya film tersebut melalui berbagai situs internet. "Kami benar-benar kecewa dengan ulah Geert Wilders, ia telah melukai hati umat muslim di dunia," ujar Machsuni, Panglima Laskar Pembela Islam.
14 Maret 2008, Tolak Film ”Fitna”
JAKARTA- Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) bersama pemuka agama di Indonesia menolak rencana Geert Wilders (45), anggota Parlemen Belanda dari Partai Kebebasan, yang akan memutar film "Fitna" pada Maret 2008. ”Kami komunitas umat beragama Indonesia menolak pemutaran film yang kabarnya berisikan hujatan terhadap agama Islam dan Alquran, kitab suci umat Islam,” ujar Ketua Umum PBNU KH Hasyim Muzadi di gedung PBNU Jalan Kramat Raya Jakarta Pusat, Kamis (13/03).Pernyataan sikap dan surat terbuka yang ditujukan kepada Perdana Menteri Belanda Jan Peter Balkenende itu, ditandatangani KH Hasyim Muzadi (PBNU), Din Syamsuddin Ketua Umum PP Muhammadiyah, dan Mgr MD Situmorang (Konfrensi Wali Gereja Indonesia), Persatuan Gereja-Gereja di Indonesia Pdt AA Yewangoe.
01 April 2008, Pemerintah Larang Peredaran Fitna
Wakil Jaksa Agung Muchtar Arifin mengatakan, pemerintah menggelar rapat kabinet terkait film kontroversial itu. Selain beberapa menteri terkait, rapat dihadiri pihak kepolisian, dan kejaksaan. Pemerintah, menurutnya, akan mengantisipasi peredaran film tersebut secara serius karena menyangkut agama.
Tak Bisa Dipidana
Juga berupaya mencegah peredaran film itu yang ditayangkan lewat internet agar tidak bisa diakses di Indonesia. Itu karena karya seni tersebut dianggap mengganggu ketertiban dan ketentraman umum.Dia mengingatkan, peredaran film tersebut tidak dapat dikenakan instrumen hukum pidana. Pasalnya, waktu dan tempat pembuatan film di luar wilayah hukum Indonesia. ’’Kalau dilihat secara instrumen hukum pidana kan tidak mungkin kita lakukan. Karena waktu dan locus delicti (tempat) serta subjek hukumnya, semuanya di luar yurisdiksi (daerah hukum) Indonesia,’’ ujarnya.
02 April 2008, Wilders dan Ancaman Perdamaian Dunia
Jelaslah, bahwa dalam menghadapi Wilders, jihad umat Islam bukanlah jihad untuk membunuh Wilders. Tapi bagaimana umat Islam bisa keluar dari sistem modal, tidak terhegemoni kekuatan modal dan mampu mandiri, terlepas dari pengaruh ekonomi kapitalisme modal. Percuma seruan jihad membunuh Wilders, jika masih berkiblat dan menyembah produk-produk industri kapitalis yang menindas dan tidak adil secara sistem sosial.Mau dilecehkan, mau dihujat, bahkan ditolak oleh orang seluruh dunia pun, Islam tetap agama yang paling unggul dan tak ada yang mampu mengungguli: “Al Islaamu yaíluu walaa yuílaa ëalaihi“. Kalau tidak ada orang yang patuh kepada Tuhan, semua orang di bumi membangkang kehendak-Nya, Tuhan pun tetap Maha Kuasa. Kekuasaannya tidak akan terkurangi atau bertambah gara-gara ketaatan manusia. Benar kata Gus Dur, Tuhan tidak perlu dibela. Yang perlu dibela adalah orang-orang miskin yang tertindas, orang-orang pinggiran yang termarginalkan, anak yatim dan janda-janda yang tidak ada yang menanggung hidupnya kecuali Tuhan semata. (32)
–– Gugun El-Guyanie, sekjen Lembaga Kajian Keagamaan dan Kebangsaan (LK3) PW GP Ansor DIY.