Sabtu, 23 Februari 2008

Betulkah Anak 8 Tahun ini Di Hancurkan Lengannya?


Pada suatu ketika, beberapa minggu yang lalu, dari beberapa Milis yang ku ikuti, Aku dapat kiriman sejumlah Photo. Dari pengantar yang mengawali rangkaian photo tersebut, Aku baca bahwa itu dilakukan di negara Islam, Iran dimana seorang bocah cilik 8 tahun kedapatan mencuri roti dan di hukum dengan menggilaskan salah satu lengan anak itu dibawah ban mobil. Berikut cuplikan pengantar dan photo-photo dari

An 8 Years old child was caught in a market in Iran for stealing bread

In the name of Islam He is being punished, his arm will be crushed by a car. He will loose forever the possibility to use his arm again.

Is this a religion of peace and love?

Aku jamin bahwa siapapun melihat photo tersebut diatas akan muak dan jengkel! Dan Aku-pun demikian! Sehingga Aku putuskan untuk mengupload photo-photo itu di blog.

Saat aku baca suatu artikel tentang Islam, aku reply artikel itu dengan petikan photo-photo diatas. Karena tidak ada komentar negative yang berarti tentang photo-photo itu maka selang beberapa hari kemudian, Ku upload-lah photo-photo itu kedalam Blog (kemarin).

Malamnya Aku berpikir, “Itu terjadi tahun berapa ya…?? Bagaimanakah kemudian nasib dari anak dan Orang tua anak itu?? Ah, paling tidak Aku harus cari tahu kelanjutan ceritanya..”

Hari ini, Aku surfing dengan Google dan menemukan tidak kurang 9000 artikel dan photo mengenai itu. Ternyata Photo-photo itu beredar sejak tahun 2004! Busyet! Makin dalam Aku surfing, makin ku temukan banyak hal yang sangat jauh berbeda dari pikiranku semula.

Cerita Apa Dibalik Photo-Photo Itu?

Dari hasil surfing, Aku mengetahui satu hal yang pasti yaitu kejadian di photo itu bukanlah pelaksanaan hukuman di negara Islam Iran, Beberapa link yang ditranslate dari bahasa arab dan rusia menyatakan bahwa mereka adalah ayah dan anak. Mereka mencari nafkah dengan melakukan sulap jalanan atau dalam bahasa “iran” disebut “Maareke giry”. Photo-photo tersebut merupakan hasil karya dari Siamak Yari untuk Berikut gallery photo yang diambil dari

Perhatikan gambar 1, yaitu orang yang sedang memegang mikrophone. Juga perhatikan photo nomor 7 dan atau nomor 8, Photo-photo terakhir tidak-lah pernah disertakan oleh oknum yang mengirim email yang berbau “provokasi” dan/atau “fitnah” ini.

Dibagian paling bawah artikel ini, terdapat petikan jawaban peykeiran yang mempublish photo tersebut. Walaupun IRNA telah memberikan klarifikasi bahwa photo-photo tersebut merupakan adegan sulap jalanan namun tindakan "menggunakan" anak di bawah umur jelas tidak pernah dapat dibenarkan, apalagi terdapat adegan-adegan berbahaya didalamnya.

Jadi jelas bahwa photo-photo tersebut di atas adalah BUKAN tindakan hukuman.



LGF reader Baikal emailed about these upsetting pictures posted by with the title: 8 Year Old Iranian Boy Caught Stealing Bread. Those readers who were skeptical of the title, it turns out, were correct; Baikal contacted the publisher, Peykeiran, and after a confusing exchange received the following reply:

It seems you have not read the text that came with the pictures.
In irna there some who earn their bread by Maareke giry.
In our case one of these maarke gir _ha had hired a kid to do those unhuman show.
You read the text that came with photos.

#39 zombie 11/02/05 6:59:35 am

I saw the "correction" posted yesterday and had this response:

In what way is it any better that this is "fake"?

"irna" is referring to IRNA, the official Iranian government news agency, so when the emailer says "In irna there some who earn their bread by Maareke giry. In our case one of these maarke gir _ha had hired a kid to do those unhuman show," a deciphering bacially implies that IRNA has employees that stage or acquire violent or "gory" images.

To what end? For what purpose?

Since IRNA stands for "Islamic Republic News Agency," one assumes the purpose to is to instill the fear of Allah into people, as an aspect of shari'a.

To me, this is almost more disturbing than if the photos were "real." We're supposed to be reassured that a government agency openly creates fake news for propagandistic purposes?

Furthermore, whether or not the kid was actually being punished for stealing bread, the images depict a dangerous stunt that no child should be involved in. It's still child abuse even if it is not as "real" as we thought.

GadgetMaster Posted on: 2005/11/2 16:13

Here are the original pictures, currently at the Peykeiran site, the original publisher.

Pictures 1-4

Pictures 5-8

Here is the text of an email exchange with the Peykeiran News Service last night, after my multiple apologies for not reading Farsi.

It seems you have not read the text that came with the pictures.
In irna there some who earn their bread by Maareke giry.
In our case one of these maarke gir _ha had hired a kid to do those unhuman show.
You read the text that came with photos.

This assertion came from the photographer himself via the Peykeiran info desk.


It appears the young boy was earning bread in exchange for getting run over by a vehicle. Certainly, this is still an extremely offensive set of photos. Thanks Baikal....Good work.

metalman Posted on: 2005/11/3 0:24 :

Ma`reke giri" is Iranian street theater (stunts).

Ma`reke giri ha" is a stunt performer

Ma`reke giri commonly uses children in these abusive ways, because the spectators give more money to see children performers, out of sympathy for the child. Certain families have been involved in it for many decades and teach their children the practice by using them in the performances.

The photographer captioned the photos

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